forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Why do I even art?? Honestly I'm bad and I don't really enjoy it that much? I wanna be good but also drawing anything more than a bald head is way too hard and I'm sad because I had a good idea but I can't make it work because I suckkk

Honestly, just try to draw something even if you’re terrible at it. Find the shapes of things. I’m bad at art but it’s a good way you get my feelings out so I don’t let my lack of skill stop me.

@Pickles group

Why do I even art?? Honestly I'm bad and I don't really enjoy it that much? I wanna be good but also drawing anything more than a bald head is way too hard and I'm sad because I had a good idea but I can't make it work because I suckkk

update: it's going okay now. Still scared I'm gonna ruin it any second. Worrying about getting to the hands as usual

@saor_illust school

aaaaaa anxious anxious anxiousssss
idk im not giving the full context but uh
istg if he genuinely thinks hes dying-

i'm already scared enoughh
i dont want him to die
idek what his body is doingggg
;-; my life is so much better with him in it, i hate that i'm so scared already

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I was in gym class today, suffering and it rained
I felt like I was a mere farmer, living on the outskirts of Alubaurna as I watched the dust and smoke rise from the town square, and rejoicing as it rained once more, thanks to the Straw Hats' victory

@saor_illust school

i don't cut, dw

leo already helped steer me clear out of that path back when they were on nb
i just have this one spot where i like,,, idk bite my skin?
idk the pain helps to give me smth to focus on

with all that being said,
everything's alright now
i'm gonna try to stay clean again, hopefully i don't get stressed again >_>

Deleted user

Does anyone else sometimes get intense waves of happiness from doing literally nothing?? Like, I'll be walking down the stairs in a good mood and them suddenly I'm hit with this wave of happiness that lasts 2 seconds and gives me a sudden urge to squeal. Idk if it's just me but it happens a lot…

Deleted user

Does anyone else sometimes get intense waves of happiness from doing literally nothing?? Like, I'll be walking down the stairs in a good mood and them suddenly I'm hit with this wave of happiness that lasts 2 seconds and gives me a sudden urge to squeal. Idk if it's just me but it happens a lot…

sometimes i could be doing something really random like organizing sum shit and it gives me the Good Chemicals
but idk if that's the same

Deleted user

on another note, we've gotten to the point where artists have to make playlists of approved songs for twitch streaming

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Someone could literally walk up to me, tell me that they enjoy being around me and that they genuinely care about me and give me a giant hug and I still wouldn't believe them…
I- why am I like this


If My Father
Tells me to do my homework
One more time
I'm going to lose it.

My Most esteemed Sir,
If one does not acknowledge when ones child does accomplish tasks such as their ridiculous sum of homework, One does not have the right to nag or belittle when they do not complete such a task. If you do so, one can only come to the conclusion that you sir, first dismiss hard work then chastise it's absence. This is extremely hypocritical of you, I ask, no, Demand, that you discontinue such behavior, else face the wrath a young teenage woman can bestow upon an individual.

Deleted user

Can I have a mental breakdown now?
I need something to distract me from biting my nails. ( I do that when i have an anxiety attack.)