forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Starfast group

Good morning to everyone except the woman who reported her Instacart delivery as missing even though I did deliver it.

…And good afternoon to everyone except the Instacart "support team" who have done fuck all to resolve this.

@Mojack group

happy vent; I finally got to go to a doctors appointment today and I’m proud to announce I finally have meds that should help with my mental (and physical) health which has been in a bit of a pit lately

I know it could take up to 4-6 weeks for it to start working
I’m just happy because this whole thing has been going on for almost a year now and I only told my mum about it earlier this year and with COVID it’s been harder to get in an appointment
So hurray!

Deleted user

I really need to stop getting so emotionally attached to TV shows.

@Pickles group

Well the answer was yes but then my parents yelled at me for twenty minutes and now the answer is a resounding no, my life is falling apart but thank you for asking
Speaking of which, life hack: do you need to go downstairs but you're angry crying because you just had a fight with your parents and they're downstairs just fine because they don't understand how hard it is for you to remember anything at all and they pretend you're imagining the things you do remember? Take a breath and remember that they'll be completely fucked before they die and so will you but at least you know it's coming! You'll stop crying and can successfully go downstairs for a minute without looking like the snivelling dumbass you are <3


i've been trying to do hw since 7 and every time i look at the time it'll be an hour later and I haven't gotten any work done

Deleted user

Ok so my school has started back up in person(masked, distant, really good at social distancing because it's so small), so that takes up most of my days. But one habit I've made during quarantine is spending to much time on screens, and my parents are trying to get me to break that habit by finding more interests to fill up my afternoons. They've suggested many things, most of which I've shot down. I still haven't found anything, although I do have an idea about what I might want to do. One thing that I've always been interested in is art even though I'm not the best at it. I've always marveled at people who make amazing art, and it's something I'd ike to try. I guess that I like the idea of feeling special and important, and hopefully, if I get good enough, I could inspire others too. The only thing I'm worried about is that my parents might find it silly or dumb that I'd like to try art. Even though it's a pretty petty thing to be worried about, how do you think I should go about telling my parents??


If you're interested, then definitely go for it! You might not be the best right now but with enough practice, you'll see yourself improve. Idk really have anything on how you should tell your parents but from what you've said, they seem pretty supportive in helping u find a new hobby so just go for it, tell them that's what you wanna do. And even if they do think it's silly, it doesn't matter what they think. If you wanna start drawing, then just do it.


Guys I want a sword
A nice, well balanced bastard sword
Or you know what, A nice practice sword really, don't want to accidentally chop a head off, so a practice sword would do.
But noooo, swords are too dangerous.
But I mean, I do archery, that is plenty dangerous, and I'm perfectly responsible with that. covers the holes shot through the chicken coop wall very responsible.

@Moxie group

Guys I want a sword
A nice, well balanced bastard sword
Or you know what, A nice practice sword really, don't want to accidentally chop a head off, so a practice sword would do.
But noooo, swords are too dangerous.
But I mean, I do archery, that is plenty dangerous, and I'm perfectly responsible with that. covers the holes shot through the chicken coop wall very responsible.

I want a sword but they're kinda expensive :(


Guys I want a sword
A nice, well balanced bastard sword
Or you know what, A nice practice sword really, don't want to accidentally chop a head off, so a practice sword would do.
But noooo, swords are too dangerous.
But I mean, I do archery, that is plenty dangerous, and I'm perfectly responsible with that. covers the holes shot through the chicken coop wall very responsible.

I want a sword but they're kinda expensive :(

Indeed, 'Tis another reason why I can not have a sword.

@Pickles group

The ibuprofen I took this morning is not helping. But google says migraines usually last for four hours so. It's already been four hours but I'm hoping that means it'll go away soon

Deleted user

hi so my diet has consisted of only spinach and monster for the past week and my intestines aren't vibing with it

@ClownB*tch eco

pickle, try some caffeine, a lot of people say you shouldn't but it is a main part of migraine medicine (i cant remember what it's called sorry) and i know it helps my migraines

Deleted user

I sometimes have problems telling the difference between thoughts and reality. For example, I'll be laying in my bed and trying to convince myself to go get another cookie, but instead of actually doing it, I just think about it in extreme detail. When the end of they day comes I have trouble deciding if I actually got a cookie of if I just thought about it. Is this normal?? Or am I just weird?

@ClownB*tch eco

this is not mine, i saw it on tiktok but
to the tune of 'sugar we're going down':

"I'm going down down and I'm spiraling out
into a deeper depression
I really could use serotonin
but I haven't had much since 2011"

Deleted user

When you notice Green day's song, Holiday is making more sense now.
Well then.

Deleted user

I've never posted in this chat, but I really need to vent.
(I don't know how to put a spoiler but this talks about abuse)

My mom just hit me for the first time. Well, not the first. But I already realized she was emotionally abusive so I guess this is a good thing? Now I can tell my therapist and she'll start believing that it's real abuse and she can start getting me out of the house. I just, I got sent into a lot of flashbacks that I barely remember happening and even though she hit me like thirty minutes ago, I can still feel it and my heart won't calm the fuck down.

@saor_illust school

oh my god i'm so sorry fren
big big hugs @ fren
i don't really know how to help but we are here for you and if you need anything my pms are always open, okay?
(also spoiler tags (which must be on their own line btw): <spoiler>insert text here</spoiler>)