forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

people_alt 147 followers

@saor_illust school

i do not wish to exist anymore
i am not at enough mental capacity to help anyone
i just
want to stop existing
not have to think
basically all the positives of dying without actually dying

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I just created Among Us: Extreme Edition.
Player Speed: 3
Confirm Ejects: Off
Crewmate Vision: 5
Impostor Vision: 0.25
Total Tasks: 10(the maximum)
Visual Tasks: Off
For extra fun, have like, 8 crewmates and 3 impostors

Everybody's a coward, nobody played, they all left lmao

@Moxie group

I just created Among Us: Extreme Edition.
Player Speed: 3
Confirm Ejects: Off
Crewmate Vision: 5
Impostor Vision: 0.25
Total Tasks: 10(the maximum)
Visual Tasks: Off
For extra fun, have like, 8 crewmates and 3 impostors

Everybody's a coward, nobody played, they all left lmao

I can get behind that except for Confirm Ejects being off
Least favorite feature

Deleted user

so this morning i argued with someone over defunding the police(yes, i am in favour of it. they were not) it was loud. and "someone" is the whole class i was in(plus the teacher lol). today i wore a skirt, and a denim jacket. everyone is talking about me, as the tr*nny who wears a skirt. i'm literally shaking but don't know if i'm upset or not. it's mostly anxiety of being known, not the fact that they think they're hurting me by using slurs, i literally use them to describe myself. so i'm having a great time and chose a horrible day to fight people simply because of my clothing choice. how are y'all?


in less than a week i'm going to have to wake up at 3 hecking am to go on a fifteen hour car ride and i'm. not super hyped
it's for vacation so it'll all be good in the end and i'll cherish these days for te rest of my life, but also ew

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Yet again, I find myself crying over a character who's always been portrayed as a villain, and has only appeared like, 3 times throughout the whole series
But the poor guy
He can't cry anymore, only laugh
He hates his laugh, poor baby
And his captain just wants to look out for him


Why is it, that I just cried for an hour, but I'm still upset…
that's not how this works
I'm supposed to cry and then feel better because that's just how it works.
Not cry until I don't have tears left and still feel bad.
Coping mechanisms go home you're broken

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸


You probably don't know me, been here for a year but whatever it happens.

I'm just gonna post this before I go to bed, so maybe I'll cry on it a bit then come see I've been ignored again when I wake up.

I wanna make an impression. I want people to like me and like what I do but I'm not likable and no one likes me but the people I force to be my friends and the people who I trick into being my friend.

I think I'm nice, I'm funny, I'm smart, but maybe I'm wrong? Maybe I'm not any of those things? I'm just tricking myself mostly and hoping for the best. And when I die at 22 from some sort of disease or cancer, I'll have no one to blame but myself. I've wasted so much time being sad.

I think I finally get what my mum was trying to say today. That I'm always sad and that I'm wasting precious time. I am. I am wasting time and the only person I have to blame is myself.

I just want friends. I want people to see me or my user and shout HOLLY!! instead of pretending I don't exist. Whatever, it happens.

But I'll show you. I'll show all of you. One day, one day I will mean something. One day I will make an impression and help others. One day I'll make you pay for disregarding me and calling me useless.

And to those who don't ignore me, from Oakley to Adriana on Twitter, I'll make you proud, I promise.

Deleted user

I don’t know what to say to that? But I hope stuff goes okay for you? If you wanna PM me and vent I’m here.


Bad news guys literally everyone in my house is getting sick a week before we’re supposed to have vacation and a day after hanging out with my grandparents so uh
we might have to get tested, find out if this is just a small bug or a minor case of COVID, and uh panic

Deleted user

Why is it that people always look at me weirdly and ridicule me for forgetting the date/day of the week? Like??? Is it really that weird?

@nebula__ group

Why is it that people always look at me weirdly and ridicule me for forgetting the date/day of the week? Like??? Is it really that weird?

not anymore it's not. shame on them

@Pickles group

Why is it that people always look at me weirdly and ridicule me for forgetting the date/day of the week? Like??? Is it really that weird?

No?? And it never was?? Um have they never had to ask someone else the date? Or gone "damn it I thought it was Friday but it's still Thursday" or at least "it feels like a Monday" because I can't think of anyone who hasn't done at least two of those things in front of me

@Katastrophic group

our soda fire kiln was going off fine, but then we heard a crash. the entire back shelf wall collapsed, so over half of the work inside is destroyed. all of my current work was in that kiln, and my senior review is coming up in a week and i might have no work to show. if i can't show work than my graduation gets pushed back a semester and i can't afford to have another semester cause my in-state scholarship runs out. also i have a history midterm that requires date memorization and a full length speech due Monday and Tuesday so guess ill die

god i can already feel my SAD kicking in and this week is not helping

@Pickles group

How do I say "you're not the appetizer before the more interesting people come, you are the interesting people, I love you please hug me" without sounding creepy?

Deleted user

Honestly, my memory is hecked. I constantly forget which is left and which is right so I have to use the hand signals to check, but then I forget which way an L points and I have to think about it for five seconds. Half of the time I have I have an impeccable memory and I can remember very specific things down to the second and the other half of the time I draw "S"'s backwards. It's very confusing.