forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

How do I say "you're not the appetizer before the more interesting people come, you are the interesting people, I love you please hug me" without sounding creepy?

I ended up just saying "You're not an appetizer, you're a person. Also if you were an appetizer you'd be potato skins which are objectively better than 90% of entrees" and she said thank you so I guess it worked

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group


I wanna make an impression. I want people to like me and like what I do but I'm not likable and no one likes me but the people I force to be my friends and the people who I trick into being my friend.

I get wanting to leave an impression on people and or the world. Word of advice…. Don't worry about people liking you. Just be yourself! They either like you or they don't. I know that this is easier said than done, but I guarantee that it'll save you a lot of grief in the end.

I think I'm nice, I'm funny, I'm smart, but maybe I'm wrong? Maybe I'm not any of those things? I'm just tricking myself mostly and hoping for the best.

You are nice! You are funny! You are smart! You are all of these things and more! You are not wrong!

I just want friends. I want people to see me or my user and shout HOLLY!

I'm positive that people get excited when they see you and or your user and that you have friends.

But I'll show you. I'll show all of you. One day, one day I will mean something. One day I will make an impression and help others. One day I'll make you pay for disregarding me and calling me useless.

YESSSSSSS!!!!! That's right, believe in yourself and you'll go far! 😁

Deleted user

Ah yes, the eternal struggle of "Is this an intrusive thought or just my regular ones?"

@saor_illust school

hi i'm going to complain about having kids

yesterday, my dad and i were talking abt sex education and i was saying how it'd scarred me for life
and then all of a sudden he was talking abt how apparently the goal of it was to deter women from wanting to have sex and have children and as if that wasn't enough
"aLl wOMeN wAnT tO havE KiDs"

seriously, dad?
i literally said like three seconds ago that i do not wish to have kids, and sex education had nothing to do with it
i don't think i can handle the responsibility of a kid
i can barely keep myself alive, how am i supposed to wake up twenty times in the middle of the night to attend to a crying and in need child?
oh, and yes, that was him putting words in my mouth, no matter how many times he tries to deny it.


Deleted user

I literally lack the ability to answer direct questions and make decisions and it's kind of scaring me. help.


I have to plan out 3 different Halloween costumes this year. (Not that I'm complaining). I need to finish one by the 17th, one by the 28th, and one for actual Halloween. And I could re-wear one of the other costumes, but I already bought the jewelry and carry-on's for my Halloween costume where I am a hunter from Supernatural, and for the other two, I am in one trunk-or-treat where our theme is pirates and me and my friend are going to a park where they have a dress up night every Saturday with a theme and the night we are going in "Adventure" so we are going as weird versions of Hobbits (Weird because we are both really tall). Needless to say, instead of working on other things, I am trying to see what I could wear in two costumes. It is a mess.

Deleted user

I told myself I wasn't going to come back to this fucking website but here we are

it's Leo (M)

I'm sorry

But I've cried for at least an hour everyday for the past week and I just really need some love right now

Deleted user

fuck parents and homework
at least it's spooky szn now, right?


So I was living my life you know, doing homework, having a mental breakdown.
And I was like, you know what I'm gonna watch that one new show on Netflix it gives off Disney channel vibes.
One song just tapped into a bunch of worries and fears I didn't know I had so I'm kinda freaking out a bit. And I'm crying, and people are like "Bro, why are you crying."
So spoilers for Julie and the Phantoms

@saor_illust school

I told myself I wasn't going to come back to this fucking website but here we are

it's Leo (M)

I'm sorry

But I've cried for at least an hour everyday for the past week and I just really need some love right now

ohno, i'm sorry to hear that ;-;
but yes, we love you v much and miss you
and that's a very valid reason to come back, leo <3

big hugs @ fren
sending good vibes your way !!

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Today my brother and I were talking about One Piece on the way to school, and my mom was getting annoyed so she was like 'I'll let you pick the music if you stop talking about One Piece' so we shut up and I picked this playlist

And she just sighed

@Pickles group

I can feel my current obsessions waning and I'm not excited for me to be bored with them. It's probably going to coincide with the last stuff for marching band and then I'll have nothing

Deleted user

Me being a pathological liar becuase of my parents always telling me to tell the truth but then punishing me when I do: -_-
My parents: supprised pikachu meme