forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Me being a pathological liar becuase of my parents always telling me to tell the truth but then punishing me when I do: -_-
My parents: supprised pikachu meme

Are you me

Are you me?


Me being a pathological liar becuase of my parents always telling me to tell the truth but then punishing me when I do: -_-
My parents: supprised pikachu meme

Are you me

Are you me?

Who is this me
Because everyone might be me


Me being a pathological liar becuase of my parents always telling me to tell the truth but then punishing me when I do: -_-
My parents: supprised pikachu meme

Are you me

Are you me?

Who is this me
Because everyone might be me

Something I can relate to 100%. It's damned if you do and damned if you don't but at least lying has a better chance of me not getting into trouble.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Me being a pathological liar becuase of my parents always telling me to tell the truth but then punishing me when I do: -_-
My parents: supprised pikachu meme

Are you me

Are you me?

Who is this me
Because everyone might be me

Something I can relate to 100%. It's damned if you do and damned if you don't but at least lying has a better chance of me not getting into trouble.



alright, here’s the big question
do I tell my therapist everything I’ve hid, confuse the fuck out of her trying to figure out a way to explain the whatever-the-heck that’s been plaguing me all year, making me sound like a vague delusional vent generator
but then go home and beat myself up for allowing one of them to know about me, risking my very own safety in multiple ways

Or do I go the much, much safer route, only tell her the depression-related things that haven’t actually been affecting me much, and then still beat myself up for not saying anything?

@Moxie group

alright, here’s the big question
do I tell my therapist everything I’ve hid, confuse the fuck out of her trying to figure out a way to explain the whatever-the-heck that’s been plaguing me all year, making me sound like a vague delusional vent generator
but then go home and beat myself up for allowing one of them to know about me, risking my very own safety in multiple ways

Or do I go the much, much safer route, only tell her the depression-related things that haven’t actually been affecting me much, and then still beat myself up for not saying anything?

Tell her the things that bother you even if they don't make sense
Its her job, she'll figure it out

Deleted user

Me, shuffling a deck of cards and pulling a few: Oh look, we've got depersonalization, an episode of time where if you get near something sharp someone will get hurt, a maniac episode, and a depressive nap on the table today.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Hnnn… Trigger warning for… Idk, abuse? Getting hurt?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It'll be fine, I think…
but if anyone knows what's up with my jaw it'd be nice to know how to fix it. I can't close it all the way (can't touch my lower teeth to the other side) without pain on the right side of my head/jaw, and can't open it as wide as normal

@Pickles group

Eh… I'm the one who got him that mad anyway, I know he was trying to not do something like this
I'll be looking into ways to get my jaw back to normal, thanks <3

Bb do NOT blame yourself for a grown ass man hitting a child. His own child. That. Is. Not. Your. Fault. As a parent, it's his responsibility to love you and raise you to be a good person, not to hold himself back from dislocating your jaw. You shouldn't have to hold yourself back from hitting your kid. That should never be something that crosses a parent's mind. Honestly even sPaNkInG as a form of punishment and it really doesn't sound like that's what happened.
I'm your dad now, sorry not sorry

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I… yeah, that does make sense. Still, I know he's been frustrated with work and me having so much schoolwork, and he's trying his best to not do this things and it's hard cause of his past.
Still, thank you, it's really appreciated <3Is it bad I was kinda expecting it? Like, he's acting super upset at what he did and stuff, but it's not that big of a deal to me? Like, I know he could have done a lot worse, at least mentally wise, and I honestly prefer the physical pain to other things he has done before…

Also everything I've seen says don't try putting your jaw back in place yourself, but I know I con't go to anyone who's a professional. Anyone have any advice on what to do..?


I… yeah, that does make sense. Still, I know he's been frustrated with work and me having so much schoolwork, and he's trying his best to not do this things and it's hard cause of his past.
Still, thank you, it's really appreciated <3Is it bad I was kinda expecting it? Like, he's acting super upset at what he did and stuff, but it's not that big of a deal to me? Like, I know he could have done a lot worse, at least mentally wise, and I honestly prefer the physical pain to other things he has done before…

Also everything I've seen says don't try putting your jaw back in place yourself, but I know I con't go to anyone who's a professional. Anyone have any advice on what to do..?

Some of these things may excuse his behavior, but it still doesn't make it right for him to hit you like that.

Deleted user

mmmmm, abusive mom found my tik tok and now she's going through it and such. I'm panicking becuase I made a joke about finally snapping and can someone maybe figure out how to log into my tik tok account and delete it? Please?

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Deleted user

Hah, if they ever saw that they would yell at me again for "OH HOW DARE YOU TRY TO REPLACE ME! DON'T GIVE OUT PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET YOUR INFORMATION"

Deleted user

Hey bud, it's okay. We're here. I'm here. you can DM me any time you need to. I'm so sorry you're going through that. I just bought bubble mailers over the weekend, if you need anything in particular let me know and I'll send it to you with no questions asked. I love you.