forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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My mother just destroyed my altar
every offerin I had set out, gone
She re-orginized my entire room, she took my collection of bottle tabs, EVRYTHING IS GONE

Deleted user

It's officially been two months since my dad died.

Well it'll be exact in just under two hours.

But you know.

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I keep thinking about how he won't be at my wedding
I don't know why, I'm not seeing anyone and I've never been the type to daydream about how they'll get married or whatever
But I really wish he'd be there if I do

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I keep thinking about how he won't be at my wedding
I don't know why, I'm not seeing anyone and I've never been the type to daydream about how they'll get married or whatever
But I really wish he'd be there if I do

He'll be there in spirit.


He is probably doing it wrong, As someone who has milked a goat every day of her life for a few years, he is probably doing it wrong.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

He's 100% doing it wrong.

Luckily, he stopped, and we proceeded to have a macarena battle, which ended in a draw after he realized that the song he was playing wasn't the clean version

@Pickles group

Forgot your crush has a crush and won't ever be over her check ✌️✌️✌️
She was like "I want a girl to fall in love with in October" and I was just like please pick me, I don't have anything going on


ahhh nothing freaking pisses me off more than finding out two canonized male saints/martyrs were removed from official lists and covered up back in 1969 because they were solid evidence that same-sex couples aren’t doomed to hell and are, in fact, welcomed in God’s eyes

@Moxie group

ahhh nothing freaking pisses me off more than finding out two canonized male saints/martyrs were removed from official lists and covered up back in 1969 because they were solid evidence that same-sex couples aren’t doomed to hell and are, in fact, welcomed in God’s eyes



ahhh nothing freaking pisses me off more than finding out two canonized male saints/martyrs were removed from official lists and covered up back in 1969 because they were solid evidence that same-sex couples aren’t doomed to hell and are, in fact, welcomed in God’s eyes



saints Sergius and Bacchus

Sergius was a commander in the Roman army in the third century and Bacchus was his second in command.

They were referred to in the earliest records of their story as ‘erastai’, the Greek word for ‘lovers’. And it’s believed they committed themselves to each other in a Christian ceremony called ‘adelphopoiesis’ or ‘brother-making’ which was a kind of same-sex marriage.

But their faith got them in trouble while they were stationed in Syria in 303AD. As Christians, they refused to sacrifice to Jupiter, the Roman’s chief god.

Officials arrested them, dressed them in women’s clothing and paraded them through the street to humiliate them into submission. But they resisted, chanting they were dressed as brides of Christ.

So the Romans turned to torture. They separated them and beat them so severely that Bacchus died.

That wasn’t the end of the story. That night Sergius had a vision.

Bacchus appeared to him in his soldier’s armor and with the face of an angel. He urged Sergius not to give in, saying they would live together as lovers forever in heaven. It’s a unique martyrdom story, because martyrs are always promised they will be with God in heaven, not with their lover.

Over the coming days, Sergius was tortured and finally beheaded.

Christians honored them as saints right up until 1969, the same year as the Stonewall Riots. The Catholic Church stripped them from the official list of saints, perhaps to starve the emerging gay rights movement of their power.

(paragraph stolen from here as it explains best out of the three google search results I looked through)

@Pickles group

Reasons I'm sad:
Marching band just ended today
I feel like all my friends hate me
Everyone was crying and trying to convince me it's because I'm leaving but really it's just because we had a horrible season, our show sucked, and no one's gonna see each other anymore
See the reasons everyone was crying
Person I like is still hopelessly in love with someone else
I have to do adult things
College. Just everything about it.
I literally cannot handle any emotion at all
I hate driving in the dark
I had a terrible performance today
My friends all care about each other more than me and have talked about how they could just leave me for their other friends
"You don't want us to stop being mean to you, do you" (yes, actually, I do, it makes me feel like shit)
If we didn't have assigned seats at lunch, my friend would fully leave me alone to sit with her other friend