forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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After conducting research, I can confirm that I am a ✨human disaster✨

same though lmao

@nebula__ group

god i can't believe i let a therapist bring up my past sexual encounters today

i don't normally tell people abt my -ahem- past,,, bUt my school therapist and i started talking about how i was a victim of sexual harassment for quite some time when i was younger (thank you uncle :v) and i realized just then that i've been through hell and back as a kid without even realizing it. it was mainly my uncle being a huge pervert not just to me but my mom (yes, he was being a perv towards his sibling) and I'm starting to think that that's one of the many reasons why I'm suffering from an array of mental illness (general anxiety, major depressive disorder, and intermittent explosive disorder, just to name a few) and why i feel so awkward around men and boys cwhdsbs my therapist also said that this stuff that occurred in the past could be why I'm steering towards relationships with girls instead of boys, and i just sat there like,,, "god ur right idk how but ur halfway correct"

but on a slightly more positive note: i think that this crap i was put through as a kid really made me who i am today, which can be a good or bad thing depending on how u look at it ig. plus it felt good to finally tell someone that my uncle might as well have been a pedophile

Deleted user

TW // Nausea/vomit, mentions of self harm, being actually triggered


TW // Nausea/vomit, mentions of self harm, being actually triggered

Oh honey, I am so sorry. If you ever need to talk, I'm always here.

@furetakunai ac_unit

I really don't know you, nor have I seen you much, but I don't think you are from what I've seen. And besides, I say a bad person really wouldn't care if others think they're a bad person or not.

Deleted user

i am ✨not having it✨ today
i hate slope intercept with every fiber of my being
not to mention i'm slowly falling into the land of craving death
this shit sucks

(and now back to your regularly scheduled "fake happy" lemon)

Deleted user

I just, idk been doubting myself, and second guessing my actions.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

i am ✨not having it✨ today
i hate slope intercept with every fiber of my being
not to mention i'm slowly falling into the land of craving death
this shit sucks

(and now back to your regularly scheduled "fake happy" lemon)

hhhh I hate slope intercept

I'm thoroughly convinced that Satan created it

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

So, guess who just had to take the PSAT for four hours?
And stayed up until twelve working on art commission prices and a website?
And forgot they had a test?
And didn't go over any of their notes like they planned to?

hint it's fucking me

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Throwback to that time when my mom took me to Boston for my tenth birthday to see a certain YouTuber live and I went on a plane for the first time(it was a 58-minute flight, the drive to the airport was longer than the flight) and I had a panic attack right before boarding and a bunch of people helped me, then the pilot gave me a badge and let me go in the cockpit when we landed
I looked out the window like, the whole time, and was sad when we landed

Boston was fun, lots of cobblestone streets

We also couldn't find anywhere to get dinner that night and I ended up having overpriced ginger ale and twizzlers at the live show
There was also beer there for the adults, which was funny considering that said YouTuber's target audience is under age 12

Anyway, that's a random story that a YouTube video(different YouTuber) just brought to the front of my mind

Deleted user

i am ✨not having it✨ today
i hate slope intercept with every fiber of my being
not to mention i'm slowly falling into the land of craving death
this shit sucks

(and now back to your regularly scheduled "fake happy" lemon)

hhhh I hate slope intercept

I'm thoroughly convinced that Satan created it

ugh same
satan created math in general, it sucks

Deleted user

Dude there's officially six positive COVID cases at my school
I don't know why that's freaking me out so much but I'm shaking

I think it may be because if I get COVID I won't be able to have my surgery on November 9th and even though we could just reschedule, when I have something planned I really need it to happen as planned. I don't know it that's an anxiety thing or whatever.