forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I have this weird thing where I'll think about something that I really like or do something that I really like(ex: watching a t.v. show) and I'll get this incredibly intense wave of happiness and energy, and then the energy begins to build up in the back of my throat and every other limb in my body so I have to urge to squeal and run 10 miles.

@saor_illust school

sorry salami but
what the actual fuck is that
are you telling me
that that
is what ill hafta learn this year??????

i do not wish to please thank
i would like to delet algebra 2 from existence tyvm


They're called Matrices
I could try to explain using words but I think a visual would work better so give me a moment to write this out.


I keep thinking my school is difficult, but then you guys send pictures of some alien mathematic script from your textbooks asking people to help solve it, and suddenly my two-digit multiplication doesn’t seem so hard

well, it’s still equally as hard, I just feel more stupid


thanks relsey but ive somehow figured it out
the question marks are trying to throw u off so u have to ignore them and u just gotta multiply row 2 column 2 together and they're supposed to equal 25 so u just solve the equation


thanks relsey but ive somehow figured it out
the question marks are trying to throw u off so u have to ignore them and u just gotta multiply row 2 column 2 together and they're supposed to equal 25 so u just solve the equation

Yep, if you want to double check you would solve for row 1 column 1 to get that first ? and then use that answer to solve for row 2 column 1 and make sure you get the right answer for x both times.


When we did Matrices my math teacher refused to let us use any short cuts so we would have had to work through every single combination. It was the worst.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I found a prophecyshort story that Tired Ash wrote like, a year ago, and I'll be transcribing it here word for word:
(For a small amount of context, I vaguely remember sitting bolt upright in bed and thinking 'What if forklifts could go as fast as sports cars')

It's 3 AM. You're driving on a lonely road. You feel a small bump under your car. You wave it off casually, thinking nothing of it. However your thoughts begin to change as the back of your car starts to rise off the ground. As your windshield nears the pavement, you realize your fate: You've been ambushed by a forklift. As your car assumes a vertical position, you hang in your seat, paralyzed by fear. The forklift tentatively boops the exposed underside of your car. Despite your futile attempts to stop it, your car barrel rolls, jolting you around painfully and coming to a stop upside down in the middle of the intersection you were stopped at. You sneer with rage as the forklift approaches your window, and to your surprise, the tinted window rolls down just enough for a small item to be gently yeeted out. A lighted match. You can't see where it lands, but you know that if the gas tank lights on fire, it would mean instant death. The last thing you see before your car erupts in a brilliant fireball is the forklift, speeding away down the road at speeds no forklift should ever reach.


(yes, that was written down too)

Also, on the same page, I wrote:

Violins are not the answer.
Use cellos, they're bigger so you can inflict more damage. -Ash

So I don't know what kind of night that was

I wish I still had that drawing of leggy rabbits but alas, I lost it somewhere