forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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last night there was a poetry reading/open mic in my town, organized by the writing group i go to. we went up to the mic, had to introduce myself and say something that we liked about the organization and introduce our poem. i introduced myself as milo, because that's what the majourity of the people in the crowd knew me as. apparently my mum was in the crowd and now she refuses to speak to me :)


Well first of all I just want to say that Milo is an awesome name(seriously it's so cool dklsavnlv) but more importantly your mom can get the hell over herself. If I could hop over there and fistfight her I would do it in a heartbeat >:(


hHh time for sad lemon hours-

my girlfriend broke up with me yesterday. she said that because of us being already separated by covid, that now it's time to actually separate.
i know i should feel sad, but my face has just been blank ever since she dumped me. it's like i just lost the one thing that made me feel something. i don't know what to do…
she said to me later "it's not you, it's me." she had to pull that cliche?? while i'm crying my eyes out????
but legit, i honestly don't know what to feel… or how I'm supposed to feel anything.

My guy, I went through kinda something similar. I lost the one person that made me feel something too. Literally just give yourself time. You're not going to be back to normal for a while. You might not even know what normal is, because depending on how close you were for how long you might've forgotten what it's like not to be one half of a whole. But you will be whole again, I promise.
I had to give myself three months, and after those three months I told myself I would be better. During those three months I cried my eyes out every other day and just layed still in bed the days in-between (not the healthiest coping mechanism, but not the worst). That might be how it'll be for you. The key thing is to give yourself time. The time won't heal you, you will, but set the time that will happen in to what's realistic for you. Maybe you need one month to work through the complexity of these new emotions and by the end of that month you'll be ready to bounce back. Maybe it's a week. Maybe two. Whatever works for you, give yourself that time to mourn and mend and heal. Give yourself time to be the wonderful singular individual you are even if it's not the most comfy thing at first.

If you and your ex still want to be friends, which you don't have to figure out yet, take breaks from texting/talking to each other and don't hold back how your feelings about them have changed (but remain as polite as you can, ofc).

Deleted user

a) thank you so much, i'm convinced that i'm the only enby with a boring name lmaooo
b) honestly, i'd do something about it but i'm terrified of confrontation(fear of conflict and authority issues don't go well together-)


Milo, poetry?? That rocks. I'm proud of you for going up there and talking to people through a microphone, because that alone is an accomplishment. And I'm double proud that you wrote a poem because poets are cool. Your mom would be proud to if she could get over herself, but ya know what that's her problem.

a) thank you so much, i'm convinced that i'm the only enby with a boring name lmaooo

As much as I love "sock" enbies, my name is more in the traditional section as well :)


Both of your names are awesome fdklsavn–

But yeah I hope you don't have to put up with that much longer and I understand that feeling(I talk a lot of shit online but if I confronted your mom irl I'd probably cry)

@nebula__ group

I've only told my math teacher and the guidance counselors at my school the name i prefer to go by-

(idk how to tell all of my other teachers my preferred name is Damian nbjwcnxsjxwbxwj)


My school is doing a zoom winter play, but I’m too scared to ask my mom if I can audition because last time I was in a play she screamed at me because I was taking too long doing my homework after rehursal (which ended at 5:30)

@nebula__ group

My school is doing a zoom winter play, but I’m too scared to ask my mom if I can audition because last time I was in a play she screamed at me because I was taking too long doing my homework after rehursal (which ended at 5:30)

big yikes

Deleted user

a) thank you so much, i'm convinced that i'm the only enby with a boring name lmaooo

I'm in LOVE with the name Milo. It's one of my favorites and definitely a contender if I have any children. Your name isn't boring, I promise.

Deleted user

No one:
Me: Literally just downloads tiktok to vibe even when my parents told me not to
Them: HOW DARE YOU takes my phone away and threatens to give me a flip phone.

Like, seriously dude, how many times have I proved that I need spotify's music and instagram is the only way I talk to people.
Like, last time they took away my music (which is like my only coping mechanism) I literally couldn't stop crying and havin a panic attack

@Pickles group

We're talking about memory and studying in psych and it's all.. Extremely neurotypical and my brain doesn't work like that and it makes me uncomfortable and a little sad

Deleted user

No one:
Me: Literally just downloads tiktok to vibe even when my parents told me not to
Them: HOW DARE YOU takes my phone away and threatens to give me a flip phone.

Like, seriously dude, how many times have I proved that I need spotify's music and instagram is the only way I talk to people.
Like, last time they took away my music (which is like my only coping mechanism) I literally couldn't stop crying and havin a panic attack

I already have a flip phone. get the alcatel go flip 3 if you do actually get one

@Moxie group

We're talking about memory and studying in psych and it's all.. Extremely neurotypical and my brain doesn't work like that and it makes me uncomfortable and a little sad

Omg I'm talking about memory in psych too

Honestly its kinda interesting to me how in my psych class the teacher always talks about things from a super nt pov. Like she talks about in a way thats assuming "no one in this class could possibly be neurodivergent!"
And by interesting I mean sad

Deleted user

Ok but like h e l p.
I'm running around in my head hysterically but I'm to scared to say anything because I'm worried about coming off as petty or annoying because I'm incredibly scared judgement and it's really not fun


Y'all don't know me, but here i go!
I'm gay, and my dad is a pastor, and they both think I choose to be so. And I'm like, "Yeah, I choose to be bullied, cuz I love that." They think that literally everything I do is wrong, they won't even let me watch Avengers because of "language" (That hasn't stopped me, I have literally watched whatever I want on my own time.) They are extremely overbearing, and I can't breathe. I mean come on, I'm 16. You're treating me like I'm in sixth grade or something. I literally CANNOT anymore.
They have flat out forbidden for me to have a boyfriend, or to do anything gay, because again, I'm going to burn in hell for my transgressions. I am SO SicK AnD TiREd if the way they treat me, They are so derogatory and condescending and I just hhh
And virtual school, don't even get me started on that hell hole.
And my crush is a straight male, so that's fun. I'm a CloWn
I just feel so hated, and I just hhh
It's just so frustrting. I do normal things that literally every teenagre does and they treat it like I just ful on murdered someone.
I'm close to a mental breakdown my sweets <3


t/w s/xual content

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

yesterday I thought my anatomy teacher hated me
turns out he was just frustrated with my performance in his class due to his observation of my ability to actually succeed
We just had a really nice, understanding talk about me being neurodivergent (he agreed I'm probably high functioning autistic, still waiting for some actual testing because of p a r e n t s) and he offered to help me or come up with ways to help me focus in class and I'm so happy I forced myself to talk to him about this because he's actually a really nice dude and I know I would have continued to think of him as a prick if we hadn't done this