forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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So, I'm in my photo class and I like editing at home more, so I've been screwing around in class the 5 weeks we've been in class, and today I actually did some work, but my teacher must have thought that I wasn't, and was tired of it, but when he whipped my laptop around and saw an actual edited photo in front of him, he apologized quickly and walked back and now won't make eye-contact with me.

@saor_illust school

i has happy-ish vent

oi lets get some flashbacks to this here, hm?
remember when ella said this?
feel this right now

was a good day to cry

i just
love you all so freaking much
i dont think ill ever be able to tell everyone how much i appreciate them but just
thank you???
for being alive???

please please don't ever forget that each and every one of you have at least one person to come to if you need anything, okay?
and also don't ever feel like sacrificing your own mental health for the sake of others is a good idea- trust me, it's not.

as always, stay safe, try not to die, and remember to eat and hydrate !! <3

@Mojack group

guess who messed up their sleep schedule :)

Partially my own fault, but also because I got my braces tightened and it’s some of the worst pain I’ve had in a while. It’s been hard to sleep. Orajel is a life saver. Mojack tip, if you ever have any gum or tooth pain try some numbing gel like Orajel, it usually works like a charm as long as it’s okay to use. there’s the rare occasion that it doesn’t, but there’s solutions for those problems.
I’ve only gotten 8 hours in the past two days, more if you count naps during the day, but those naps are messing me up too. I’ve gotta force myself to stay awake during the day now. I can do this, I’ve done it before on the time that I pulled an all-nighter and felt like I was in a different reality it just wont be easy forcing myself to do that. I’ll just have to keep myself busy for the day lol.


Okay this is a stupid thing to vent about but I fucking hate wearing glasses with a mask. It's not either of them individually I mind, if I'm not wearing my glasses the mask doesn't bother me at all. But these fuckers fog up like a damn swamp in a horror movie and can't grip on my face because of the mask, meaning they are constantly falling off of my face dkslavlnsv

I understand that they're important and I'm not gonna be like "I'm NoT gOnNa WeAr My MaSk BeCaUsE iT's InCoNvEnIeNt!1!1!"but goddamn I do not like it.


So, here I am in photo class again, trying to meet a deadline that is at the end of the day and my teacher, who is also the cheerleading coach brought in all his cheerleaders before they had to do anything. Now, this is around 30 giggly and screaming girls who have no personal space. Now, I know that I shouldn't be so mean to them, but my day had been horrible and it's only going to get worse. Anyways, there is this group of 6 who keep staring at my screen and watching me edit (Which makes me super uncomfortable), then they start screaming and jumping over one of their SnapChats (IDK, this is the extent of my social media), so I put on my headphones to focus and one of them asks if I could turn down my music because they couldn't hear themselves think. I almost went "… No" because, a) I know for a fact you can't hear my music because I had a friend put the volume all the way up to Welcome to the Jungle and i couldn't hear a thing, and b) I don't think my music could be heard over all of your screaming, and c) (the most uncalled for one, but I was in a mood) I don't think it matters because you don't think that much anyways.

That is my vent. Goodbye

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I just punched to every beat in the entirety of Rhythm Heaven Fever
The video that has every minigame takes an hour and a half to watch
My arms are so sore
And I'm hungry

Probably shouldn't have done that on nothing but a few spoonfuls of rice, some apple slices and like, 3 or 4 celery sticks

Deleted user

So I'm watching Hunter x Hunter and I just-

Why do people like Hisoka that much

I really don't get the appeal. Like sure, his character design is really impressive, but that's really the only good thing about him. Everything else about him sucks.

One, he's a p*dophile. Two, he isn't even that hot. Three, I just- something about him is sooo repetitive to me.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I just punched to every beat in the entirety of Rhythm Heaven Fever
The video that has every minigame takes an hour and a half to watch
My arms are so sore
And I'm hungry

Probably shouldn't have done that on nothing but a few spoonfuls of rice, some apple slices and like, 3 or 4 celery sticks

Gonna do it again lmao


Guys I'm so fucking over this essay that I have to write. I missed a performance in Band(I had a hockey tournament and we have like thirteen girls, if one of us is gone it's a disaster) and I have to make it up with this essay. I'm not even past the introduction paragraph dklasvn here it is:

"Latin American music has been a staple of American culture for many years now. We learn the dances, learn the lyrics, learn the instrumentals. It’s kind of crazy how almost everyone knows the rhythm to Despacito, yet very few Americans actually know what the lyrics mean. We know dances, be it a salsa or a tango or even just the Macarena. Whether we’re taught them or just learned them at literally every school dance we’ve ever been to, they’re still a large part of our culture. Why is this music so popular outside of its home countries? Probably just because it sounds good, but this is an essay and I have to fill three pages with explanation, so let’s just over-analyze the heck out of it!"

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I just punched to every beat in the entirety of Rhythm Heaven Fever
The video that has every minigame takes an hour and a half to watch
My arms are so sore
And I'm hungry

Probably shouldn't have done that on nothing but a few spoonfuls of rice, some apple slices and like, 3 or 4 celery sticks

Gonna do it again lmao

Update: Only on remix 1 and I'm already sweating

@furetakunai ac_unit

Oof. I get you, Cloudy. I bullshit almost everything I have to do. And I really wish I could write this for you, but really all I can say is do your best. You've got a good basis on your introduction paragraph. All it needs is cleaning up.

And the most essential part of bullshitting, stretch all sentences as much as possible and repeated a few things with different wording. I won't say to not actually do that cause like, your essay. Do whatcha want. Good luck!


Oh yeah I know that, we have to have quotes from five different sources(what the fuck, Mr. J???) and I have like. Half a page worth of a quote from Wikipedia and I don't CARE if it's "unreliable" he didn't specify that I couldn't use it and it was there so it's goin in


I'm not even gunna lie living in a commune sounds much more preferable to participating in capitalism,,,, but like I also wanna live in a city and most communes are religious sooo.


I should add I know there are city communes where the ppl all share money, but that means they still have income and work jobs. I'm talking abt the communes where everyone grows their own food and stuff.