forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Welcome to Focusing/Studying 101, I am your Instructor Relsey

Today's lesson will be short, I have work to get done.

When studying the main goal (Other then learning) Is to keep your mind from wandering to far from the task at hand.

  1. Mind set - In order to effectively study you first have to be in the proper mindset, or you must have a reason to do it. So think of your reason what is the drive to complete this. If you can't think of one that exists then make one up. For example, I have a test on Friday, I need to know the material for the test. Have an end goal in mind. I need to write 2 pages of my book, why? Because I'm not allowed to have In-In-Out until I do. Think of something to work for, Or a reward to give yourself if there is not already one. Incentive is a powerful tool. Bribery may be wrong but no one ever said you can't bribe yourself.

  2. Surroundings - Find a place where you are unlikely to be disturbed by siblings and parents. Clear off your work space, If your an Artist, move your sketchbook and other art supplies out of sight. If you're phone is a distraction, Turn all notifications on silent. If you know it will distract you then get it out of sight.

  3. Music- Now there's a lot of debate when it comes to studying wit music, some say it helps some say it hurts. I think it's useful to block out the world around you, if you can't handle music try white noise or Nature ambience, something for your ears to focus on while your mind is otherwise engaged. There are several Lord of The Rings Ambiance Video's on Youtube that I use. What ever it is make sure you wont have to touch it again once it starts playing, whether it be a playlist or a video make it long.

  4. GO- Seriously just start, like I know everything above makes it sound like a big deal but honestly just start working on it. The sooner you start the sooner it will be over with. Get into the flow of the work and just get it done.

This has been Focusing/Studying 101 with Relsey. I hope it has been somewhat useful.

@Pickles group

Lie to yourself and tell yourself you're super interested in it. Just go "wow I really love this subject" until your brain goes into slorp the knowledge mode


I can't Lie to my self so I have to make things complicated. but " slorp the knowledge mode" Is possible the best phrase I have read all week .


slvksavn t h a n k you guys. I'm gonna try, I have a lot of homework that I just never got done because trying to force myself to focus got so hard and now it's piling up and if I don't get it done then I won't have anything to look forward to which you'd think would be incentive enough but apparently n o

So I'm gonna make this deal with myself: if I get enough stuff done tonight(four assignments? That sounds reasonable, I have practice late tomorrow so I can't stay up super late) then I'm gonna pack myself a Good LunchTM so I can sit with my cold-lunch friends tomorrow(our school lunch is divided between hot lunchers and cold lunchers bc social distancing). Only thing I have to figure out now is how to get constant music going, our internet's shitty and stuff won't load right ;-;

@Moxie group

There’s a playlist on Spotify I found called Focus and Get Your Shit Done and it literally helped me through highschool. It’s good to help you stay awake and focused when you’re tired and it’s also just generally good for focus


Ah yes but the problem is that any Non Musical Noise is very distracting apparently?? At one point my mom took me to this place that I don't really remember a lot about, I think it was supposed to be a learning help place? We went there once and never again and all I remember is that they had white noise in the background and it just made concentrating harder. And my fan makes this really high buzzing noise that just kdsavnv n o


If you're tying to focus, listen to instrumentals or songs in a language you don't understand. that way your brain isn't trying to make sense of what it's saying and you can pay more attention to the important stuff


is anyone else really sensetive to touch? Like my brother will poke my arm lightly and it'll kinda hurt and i'll still feel it for a while later.

@ClownB*tch eco

TW: self harm

ok so idk if anyone will see/answer this but im in a super bad place at the moment, i mean i always am but especially now and im trying super hard not to cut but like if someone could just try to like talk to me and steer me away from that and help me not that would be great thank you


I don't know what's going on
I don't know what the problem is
But I do know a few things
You are worth so much, every drop of your blood is valuable.
You are a magnificent wonder of nature, you have complex thoughts communicate with others of your kind through symbols. That is amazing.
Pain is not the answer to your problems. Pain does not fix things, and it will never fix things.
You are not alone
There are people who understand what you are feeling and going through
And there are people who are more then willing to be a crutch if needed.
PM me if you need anything ok.


i’m failing again
maybe it was the meds…
I can feel my thoughts vanishing each day, and while I guess most people would consider this getting better I know it’s not right, I’m changing and I’m scared because as time goes on i seem to get less and less terrified of this change and I almost don’t understand myself at this point
if I were strong I’d do something about it, leave some physical issues that could never let me change, but my strength is vanishing too
i don’t even know what’s happening anymore-


It'll be ok
You're going to be ok, I know you are strong, you may not be able to feel it now. But I know you can make it through, maybe not alone, you shouldn't have to do it alone and you don't have to, you have people around you ok. And there are people who are willing to listen.
Right now I think you should go to bed and see how you feel in the morning.
Your emotions are valid
You are valid
But you also need to sleep.

@Starfast group

Really sick of having people not listening to me and talking over me all the time.
When you hear me trying to speak that is not a fucking cue for you to start talking louder.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

The sibling dynamic nobody ever talks about:
Me, having been awake for a solid 45 minutes: His hair?
My brother, who just got dressed and is clearly tired, in a monotone voice: Wack.
Me: His gear?
My brother: Wack.
Me: His jewelry?
My brother: Wack.
Me: His foot stance?
My brother: Wack.
Me: The way that he talks?
My brother: Wack.
Me: The way he doesn't even like to smile?
My brother: Wack.
Me: But me? I'M TIGHT AS FU-

@saor_illust school

i hate
every single. one. of. my. bodymaking things currently residing in my body.
i hate laying awake at night for several hours bc of p a i n
and then morning comes again and i'm still in pain :)))))
everything hurts
am tired
idk i just
feel bad
and i still hafta go to school


i have a race today and we're racing this school that has pretty good runners and I know a lot of kids on that team but im really bad and im probably gonna embaress myself udhfidpsfnsn im so anxious

@Echo_6 group

No, you're going to do fine. You're racing against yourself. Not the other school. It doesn't matter what they think. You're going to do great. I believe in you.
Also good luck.
I'm glad at least some places still get to do sports. My school has canceled sports so… I'll cheer on the people that still have them. You're going to do great.