forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

The only time I remember directions is if it's the exit on the freeway. I've only forgotten my exit once and it was terrifying


I don't even drive and I got Spinal ShiversTM at that

I panic every time I have to take an exit cause what if I take the wrong one or miss it??? But I always have a gps and so far I've been okay except maybe once

@Moxie group

Everyday I drive to work I just hope its ingrained enough in my brain and that I'll get there and won't have to pull over to use my gps

Solid mood. I had to call my mom yesterday.

Also a solid mood

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have to figure out where it is in relation to something I actually know the location of. If it's not on the way to the college I almost went to, my church, or my school, I don't know where it is, except for a few friends' houses yeah I really don't know where a lot of things are

Same. And this crap is so much harder when your An Adult which makes everything you still struggle with a Big Issue that brings even more dishonor to your family’s cow.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The only time I remember directions is if it's the exit on the freeway. I've only forgotten my exit once and it was terrifying


I don't even drive and I got Spinal ShiversTM at that

I panic every time I have to take an exit cause what if I take the wrong one or miss it??? But I always have a gps and so far I've been okay except maybe once

Dude same. Driving is scary to me. I once missed a crucial exit and put an extra ten miles on my drive. I had to do a miniature breathing exercise and talk to myself to not cry. It was Rough.

@Pickles group

I only just started driving and haven't even been on the highway but it's terrifyingg

It's big and loud and there are lots of people going really fast. It's not so bad when there aren't a lot of cars but when there are..yikes. Makes my head hurt


I've driven both up to and back from Idaho, aka a 12 hour drive on the freeway, I've driven to Arizona a number of times, aka a 4 hour drive on the freeway. I don't mind getting on the freeway, I don't mind driving on the freeway, lane chances, sure I got you, but exiting, exiting freaks me out.


My mom just suggested I start an instagram for my art. What she doesn't know is that I've had an account for the past 2 years. Idk how to tell her.

@GameMaster group

The Sims 4 is making a Star Wars pack
[slams head on table]

I just want better babies. Like is that too much to ask?

Or like any of the other things that we’ve been asking for for years. Screw them, I’m giving my money to the Paralives team instead.

@GameMaster group

I'd get The Sims just for the Star Wars pack tbh

Even if you like Star Wars it'd probably be lame. My friends is a huge Stars Wars fan and she's just as pissed as I am because the story barely fits into the canon of the recent movies.

Deleted user

Star Wars has been my life, I grew up watching it, and seeing my dad act like a goofball, and he Semi looks like Obi-wan Kenobi


i hate myself.
i hate how i talk, i hate how i look, i hate who i've become.
i wish i could be a better person. i wish i was something meaningful, but i'm not. i threw myself away.