forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Damn, my little brother punches me and I swear he is like the Hulk.

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The only person who was in karate was me when I was like, 5. He only watches transformers and TMNT, BUT STILL. ( I also got kicked out due to punching my bullies in the face at the Dojo)


I listened to a single Les Mis song three days ago, and since then my obsession, which had been hibernating, has returned full-force. I now, for some inexplicable reason, want to read The Brick again, and watch the musical again, and I've been listening to the musical, and the rest of my brain is sitting there like "???" and i have no idea what's going on except for "vive la R E V O L U T I O N"


I already got sucked down the rabbit hole and i dont think i'm coming back out lmao


dude I got sucked down it over a year ago, this is just a…resurgence? Idk

@Pickles group

I can't step 1 foot outside without seeing a cute girl

I saw a cute girl on my way home and I rubbernecked so hard I almost hit a curb-

@Pickles group

I can't step 1 foot outside without seeing a cute girl

I saw a cute girl on my way home and I rubbernecked so hard I almost hit a curb-


When you're driving or maybe just walking I'm not sure and you see a thing so you keep looking at it as you pass it


Les Miz is life. Also do you have a Pinterest, Ice? ‘Cause I gotta send you my favorite Les Miz thing to make me laugh.

D: I do not, my apologies

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I can't step 1 foot outside without seeing a cute girl

I saw a cute girl on my way home and I rubbernecked so hard I almost hit a curb-

My family was walking home and we saw a kid who used to be like, my best friend before I switched schools and she's fucking cute now


I was gonna do homework but then I started drawing and accidentally started a big project. It's been 4 hours someone help me.