forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Moxie group

I start college in 11 hours and 25 minutes and I'm freaking out a little bit.

Bro who let me into college. Who gave me a scholarship??? I feel like I barely made it through highschool and now I have to do this? I'm gonna fail. Well. That's not really an option. But I really feel like I'm gonna fail and not keep up with all of my work on top of the job I just got. Why did I do that? Apparently there's all this math I have to do to figure out how many hours I should be studying?? I really do not feel prepared. And I won't even have time to do fun, distracting theings because I'll either be working, studying, or eating at this point!!


Go to sleep
Wake up in the morning
Go to your classes
then see how you feel.
Right now you don't know what your professors expect. Your work load is still an unknown. Breathe, all of that math you're talking about for how long you need to be studying, you can't even do it right now, there are too many unknowns. Just get through the first day, the first week really, then you can figure out how you need to manage your time.
It'll be alright, Breathe.


Also, my friend is writing a song and I'm taking her melodies and putting in actual music form and it took me a solid 15 minutes to remember that A# is just Bb so it was in the Key of F…
15 whole minutes, I was really trying to write this song in A Major for a full 15 minutes, when it's in F Major, no wonder there were so many accidentals. Ughhhhh why music brain why. A Major, yeah more like A Major Idiot. any way's back to this thing.


I'm so fucking pissed at myself. I borrowed "Felix Ever After" from the library and I was super excited to read it, and then my mom caught me reading it, and while I managed to cover my ass so that I didn't get in trouble for reading an LGBTQ book, now I won't get to finish it. Because my mom took it. And I'm not going to get in trouble because I spun a lie about how I must have mistakenly borrowed it, and I didn't wanna read it anyway, but…of all the books I got from the library yesterday, that was the one I was most excited about. And now I don't get to read it

@Katastrophic group

I'm so fucking pissed at myself. I borrowed "Felix Ever After" from the library and I was super excited to read it, and then my mom caught me reading it, and while I managed to cover my ass so that I didn't get in trouble for reading an LGBTQ book, now I won't get to finish it. Because my mom took it. And I'm not going to get in trouble because I spun a lie about how I must have mistakenly borrowed it, and I didn't wanna read it anyway, but…of all the books I got from the library yesterday, that was the one I was most excited about. And now I don't get to read it

Might not be the best suggestion, but my friend was in a similar environment. She kept a book jacket of a reputable book (summer catholic school reading list, yay) that was the general book size so she just put that on the lgbt books she borrowed. Her parents thought she was really into the one book though, and it prob wouldn't stand if they actually picked it up and read a page but she got away with it. If you have a friendly library you can ask if they have extra book jackets, sometimes they take them off because they can get ruined so easily. You could always read it at the library if your parents don't come with, excuses about studying are very useful.


I'm so fucking pissed at myself. I borrowed "Felix Ever After" from the library and I was super excited to read it, and then my mom caught me reading it, and while I managed to cover my ass so that I didn't get in trouble for reading an LGBTQ book, now I won't get to finish it. Because my mom took it. And I'm not going to get in trouble because I spun a lie about how I must have mistakenly borrowed it, and I didn't wanna read it anyway, but…of all the books I got from the library yesterday, that was the one I was most excited about. And now I don't get to read it

Might not be the best suggestion, but my friend was in a similar environment. She kept a book jacket of a reputable book (summer catholic school reading list, yay) that was the general book size so she just put that on the lgbt books she borrowed. Her parents thought she was really into the one book though, and it prob wouldn't stand if they actually picked it up and read a page but she got away with it. If you have a friendly library you can ask if they have extra book jackets, sometimes they take them off because they can get ruined so easily. You could always read it at the library if your parents don't come with, excuses about studying are very useful.

I don't think that would work for me :/ I'm a super fast reader, so it would be really suspicious for me to read the same book for more than a day or two. In addition, I don't get to stay at the library long enough to read. I'm homeschooled, so I study at home. Thanks for the idea, tho

Deleted user

Sometimes I try to convince myself that I don't need a mortar and pestle, but then I start trying to grind eggshells in a glass bowl with a spoon and I start to think otherwise.


Shoutout to my anxiety meds, I wouldn't have been able to sit comfortably here in this bank for this long
In other news, why must the money system be like this

Deleted user

uhh the people I like most have my email address
thanks for raising me
and helping me through so much
this isn't home anymore
but I'll never forget y'all
I love you guys so much
fuck you

Deleted user

I start college in 11 hours and 25 minutes and I'm freaking out a little bit.

Bro who let me into college. Who gave me a scholarship??? I feel like I barely made it through highschool and now I have to do this? I'm gonna fail. Well. That's not really an option. But I really feel like I'm gonna fail and not keep up with all of my work on top of the job I just got. Why did I do that? Apparently there's all this math I have to do to figure out how many hours I should be studying?? I really do not feel prepared. And I won't even have time to do fun, distracting theings because I'll either be working, studying, or eating at this point!!

One is never prepared for college, not matter what they might do or think, but the great thing is that's the point. It's literally the time to not know what the hell is going on so you can find your way. College is all about getting lost, feeling insane, and doing things you never thought you would. And somehow–it always works out how it is supposed to.

So the fact that you feel like the world is tilting away from under your feet?

I would say you're on the right track.
