forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I have to clean multiple dead spiders out of my closet. My heart is racing and I’m not looking forward to this. wish me luck and pray that they’re all indeed dead because if they aren’t I might just die on the spot


it was only one spider, just in multiple pieces and stuck to a lint roller, which after 3 whole minutes of talking to myself I finally got the bravery to pick up with my glove and bring to my mom to deal with cause there was not a chance in hell i’m touching that thing
it is now gone, I did it, I was brave, now I hope I never have to see another one of those demonic creatures ever again in my life
it was another recluse-

@GameMaster group

My immediate thought was 'keep him in the basement, use lots of duct tape, don't let him call for help' and idk what that says about me as a person but it's not good

He’s a foot and a half taller that me. If I tried to tie him up in the basement he would simply pick me up and yeet me out the window

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(I love how Dom refers to everyone by their current usernames yet still called me Nutella-)

Well I called Ice Ice so Idk. But also even though I didn’t consider it, there is no way I’m calling you by your user.


Ice. I wanna see! And I’m sort of proud of you too.
That sucks, Nutella.
My condolences, Owen.

Maybe eloquent is the wrong word choice? Either way I'm pretty proud of how the review ended up:

Oh my god you guys this book is SO important. So so so so so damn important. I don't know how to express it. If you haven't read it, you NEED to. Please trust me on this. The prose is amazing, the story is important, and the ideas are priceless. PRICELESS, especially in today's day and age, where both Left and Right try to censor things they don't agree with, try to destroy the things that they think are wrong, try to suppress the stories and truths that make them uncomfortable. And yes, I say both Left and Right do this, because they DO. Don't come at me with whining about how they don't, because they do. Both sides do.
Which is why you need to read this book. Even if you don't agree with some of the things it says, that's exactly why you need to read it. Ideas shouldn't ever be suppressed. Books shouldn't be burned or censored for fear of upsetting people. You SHOULD be upset by ideas. Because it makes you think. And if you aren't thinking, what are you doing? Books should make you think, and my god does this book make you think. It doesn't matter your political leaning, it doesn't matter where you're from, it doesn't matter who you are or what you've done. THIS. BOOK. IS. IMPORTANT.
This book might make you uncomfortable. It might make you squirm. It might make you wince and shake your head. It might make you growl. It might make you smile. It might make you nod your head in agreement. But no matter what this book makes you do, it will make you think. It will make you really stop and consider this world we live in, with our constant bombardment of media and television and music and movies and news and politics and censorship and freedom and fascism and detainment centers. It will make you think about so damn much, and you need to let it. You can't just shut your mind off and refuse to think, because if you refuse to think, what are you?
"I think, therefore I am".
Read this book and let it make you think. And just maybe, it will make you change.


(I love how Dom refers to everyone by their current usernames yet still called me Nutella-)

Well I called Ice Ice so Idk. But also even though I didn’t consider it, there is no way I’m calling you by your user.


@GameMaster group

Stupid boy on a ft call with me and some friends not wearing a shirt knowing full well he’s distracting me.

It’s fine tho he’s lovely and he put a shirt on once I asked him privately

@GameMaster group

guys this is very urgent, although they've discontinued the life-sized Furret plushies, people are selling them on Ebay and I want one

Get it. I bought a strawberry dress. Get it.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

guys this is very urgent, although they've discontinued the life-sized Furret plushies, people are selling them on Ebay and I want one

Get it. I bought a strawberry dress. Get it.

unfortunately, I'm short about $1,200