forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

One day. One day I'll move out and have a pretty girlfriend and we'll take cute pictures and I'll make brownie batter and eat it all right out of the bowl and I'll have three cats and life will be good

@GameMaster group

did I just buy a dupe strawberry dress? Yes, yes I did

We need pictures when you get it

If I ever figure out how to send photos on notebook I will gladly oblige

Deleted user

One day. One day I'll move out and have a pretty girlfriend and we'll take cute pictures and I'll make brownie batter and eat it all right out of the bowl and I'll have three cats and life will be good

I like this very much

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

One day. One day I'll move out and have a pretty girlfriend and we'll take cute pictures and I'll make brownie batter and eat it all right out of the bowl and I'll have three cats and life will be good

I like this very much


@Pickles group

One day. One day I'll move out and have a pretty girlfriend and we'll take cute pictures and I'll make brownie batter and eat it all right out of the bowl and I'll have three cats and life will be good

I like this very much


Someone tell me why Dom saying this is so funny to me

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

One day. One day I'll move out and have a pretty girlfriend and we'll take cute pictures and I'll make brownie batter and eat it all right out of the bowl and I'll have three cats and life will be good

I like this very much


Someone tell me why Dom saying this is so funny to me

I don’t know why.

@Pickles group

One day. One day I'll move out and have a pretty girlfriend and we'll take cute pictures and I'll make brownie batter and eat it all right out of the bowl and I'll have three cats and life will be good

I like this very much


Someone tell me why Dom saying this is so funny to me

I don’t know why.

We're all being gay and you're just out here being extremely straight and it cracks me up


So, I was bored and was playing a random dress up game. Well in the game, there were two leather jackets, a fitted one and and an over sized one, so I ended up making up a whole story where she was dating someone and that person died and that is the only thing left of him (Clique, I know, sue me) but I ended up getting attached to these characters that I almost cried

@GameMaster group

I put an assumptions thing on my story and the first reply I got was from my (male) crush saying “I assume you have a preference for women?” AND ITS TRUE BUT LIKE NOT AT THE MOMENT


Rant about my WIP

My story just got, like 4 books longer and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
It was very sudden, I was filling out character backstories and I realized, "Hey I can make this character's back story a book, that's actually a good Idea because some very important plot stuff happens that foreshadows this plot stuff and explains this characters motivations." And then that happened again and I was like "Well I guess the sibling trio are each getting their own books now, that will make it hurt ten times more when I kill two of them." and the more I thought about it the more I realized that if I didn't write them as books I would end up info dumping the content of two books onto readers in order for the event's of the original book to make sense. That was the first two.
Then I was planning out and mapping out the War book when I realized that this war was really long and kinda had three stages, also there was way to much content for one book, and each of the stages had a very clear beginning middle and end. Also I realized that it would work perfectly with the entire theme of the war book and help it mirror the real world. First book is the reason for the war and people saying "Heck yeah let's go kill some bad guy's and defend our Ideals! Woo yeah swords are cool.", Second book is the realization that people are dying and this war needs to end as soon as possible to prevent further loss of life it's, "Man It's a good thing we are fighting for a good cause and the other guy's are totally evil or I would feel really bad about killing hundreds of them". The Third book is needing to end the war and not thinking it's even worth it any more, it contains the biggest losses and the largest wins, morality becomes really grey, It's "Why are we fighting again? My Best friend died an hour ago fighting for some stupid Ideology. The people we're fighting are no different from us, they're tired and have families at home. Thank heavens it's over, win or loose, I just want to go home." And that kids is how the War book turned into the War trilogy. Because wars are very long and time consuming and a lot of death happens, in order to properly convey just how terrible war is I need three books.
The War trilogy is really just a big "Curse You" , to writers/Film makers/people who don't take war seriously and write in huge death tolls with out showing the repercussions. If a trilogy is going to do that better then a single book, so be it.


Me, feeling max anxiety, the worst I've felt in several months: Wow, why do I feel like I'm on the edge of a nervous breakdown for no reason?

Also me, looking at my pillbox and seeing I forgot to take my meds for three days straight: Oh.