forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Drink water and eat fruit

If you have a heating pad use it


So, in my math class, I don't even know what we are doing, but one of the questions was "The Beatles were a German Band" and everybody's answers were like "No, they were British, so they weren't German" and I put "Although they got their start in German, they were all British and considered to be part of the British Invasion" and my teacher was like "This person know their obscure rock history"

There was another question that was "Getting period cramps is not as bad as getting kick in the privates" and me and the 4 other girls in my class were mad and in the Explain your reasoning section I almost put No Uterus, No Opinion.


then the possibly good but also maybe not good news: my second therapy session is today, I am very extremely scared and I wanna stay home but it’s apparently too late for that-

@Mojack group

ive been craving salt for the past few days

and oh
i had cramps yesterday the kind that I get before I start bleeding so I put on a pad
Nothing happened
wish I could get rid of my period forever..I don’t even want to have kids
I’ve also been feeling irritated lately so I think it’s gonna start soon but it’s having trouble making up its mind. Like bruh I’m getting the symptoms but nothing is happening.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Today's Oddly Specific Life Lesson with Ash:
Never assume that your second grade teacher moved out of the house down the street from the store, and run by her house to avoid awkward interactions just in case her and the other 5 occupants of her house are just leaving to go on a walk, and be sure to remember what she looks like even if she grew her hair long.

@GameMaster group

ive been craving salt for the past few days

and oh
i had cramps yesterday the kind that I get before I start bleeding so I put on a pad
Nothing happened
wish I could get rid of my period forever..I don’t even want to have kids
I’ve also been feeling irritated lately so I think it’s gonna start soon but it’s having trouble making up its mind. Like bruh I’m getting the symptoms but nothing is happening.

Yeah, that happens to me sometimes. I haven’t tried it but I’ve heard that birth control can stop your cycle or at least lessen the symptoms.


UGH. The university I'm taking a few classes at (early college; I'm still in high school, just taking some college classes) is so fucked up. It's a Christian university, which means e v e r y o n e there is Christian. My Panromantic, potentially demi-sexual ass does not fit in there lmao. But i'm taking a research class, and they just said that if your source is not supported by a biblical worldview, then it is not a valid source, no matter how much research has gone into it, no matter how many scientists have backed it up, and i am pissed, because it's such a slippery fucking slope. Think about it. What's to stop them from taking it a step further? From "not a valid source" to "not valid at all". And I just….I cannot express my hatred. It's censorship at it's finest

Deleted user

I rode my bike to the post office. I expected about two pieces of mail. You know like usual. I guess no one's gone to the post office in a few weeks because there was at least ten envelopes, two newspapers, and two packages just sitting there waiting for me. I had to pile it all on the seat of my bike and walk home.
Got home and realized I'd left the mail keys at the post office.


Outside is just walls of dark white all around. No mountains, no sky. You can only see so far. It smells like burnt plastic. It's smoke. Apparently the ozone in my county is "very unhealthy".

Better than 2017, when the sky was red and it rained ash for weeks.


Huh. They just talked about how, due to the pollutants and our elevation, you may feel pressure on your lungs. Definitely feel that. Feels yucky. Made my heart palpilate this morning pretty bad. They said not to go outside if you have a heart or lungs condition.
Whoops :)

@Moxie group

Are you in California?????

Nah, Utah. It's from their fires tho. Are u there?

I am indeed :))
I'm not in danger but its so fucking smokey


Are you in California?????

Nah, Utah. It's from their fires tho. Are u there?

I am indeed :))
I'm not in danger but its so fucking smokey

Oof. August is always bad.

@GameMaster group

Are you in California?????

Nah, Utah. It's from their fires tho. Are u there?

I am indeed :))
I'm not in danger but its so fucking smokey

Oof. August is always bad.

I've had a few friends and teachers evacuate

Deleted user

Are you in California?????

Nah, Utah. It's from their fires tho. Are u there?

hot willy wonka state