forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@HighPockets group

Febreeze might work, be careful not to get the pages too wet. I am definitely not speaking from experience after dropping books in the bathtub.


nothing like the struggle of forgetting to log your food for five days and having to slowly try to remember everything you ate and when you ate it even though you can barely remember your own name

@HighPockets group

Dom I think you posted to the wrong chat-

I don't think so

I mentioned my health teacher in Rudeness so I think that's what he meant? Idk though


I freaking hate my online classes because we have a basic rule of everything is due on Monday at 8am and everything should be posted by Monday at 9am. Most of my teachers have decided to throw that rule out the window and I just got a text from one of my teachers asking why most of my class hadn't done the test due today. I'm just mad that these adults can't follow a basic rule and when they give us crap about following rules, I'm tempted to throw that back at them, but I doubt that they even know I'm there

@Pickles group

Me: well my solo is going okay I guess
Me: listens to a recording Edit: of someone else playing it because apparently I'm not clear enough :)
Me: okay nevermind

Deleted user

me too!! it was my dad's!! and i'm wearing it and it's very nice!!!!

@GameMaster group

Shit, I caught feelings. He's been through what I'm going through and he's been really sweet and then today he said I was hot on accident(??but was it really an accident??) and now I'm just panicking. Also he is so much taller than me that it's funny.


Ok this probably won’t help cause virtual choirs or whatever you’re doing that for likely have requirements or something, but if you only have a phone and are trying to do voice things, there’s an app called Voloco you can download to make it sound better :D
It’s supposed to be for autotune but the autotune sucks so I stick to basic background noise reduction/reverb effects, and my gosh it almost sounds like an actual decent microphone in an actual large room
I can tolerate my voice for once-

Deleted user

I have had little to no energy recently
every single day all I do is yawn
I can't even do things I enjoy, like write Reed a letter back or take Wicca notes
The other day I tried doing a tarot reading and couldn't because I was too unmotivated
I don't know what to do

And school is starting soon, which is no bueno because the beginning of the year takes so much out of me, even if I'm only going for two days a week.

@HighPockets group

Your district's making you go? Mine's going all digital (except for a select few kids who, like, wouldn't be able to function without aides) but granted mine is also way bigger.

@HighPockets group

Oof, best of luck. My sister goes to private school and hers has a physical option, but if anyone in the class gets sick/has a sick family member, that class has to go digital for 2 weeks–plus mandatory masks all day no matter what–and so she's just going digital too.

@Pickles group

We got a choice but I'm going back. We're actually starting at a reasonable time this year and not insanely early. A bunch of schools around us have had to stop because someone tested positive. someone got tested one morning, went to school, and got the results that day. Positive. Seems like the wrong order to do things if you ask me, but.