forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Pickles group

Hi I end up hating myself and everyone else after marching band and unironically the only thing that fixes it Starkid, thanks bye 😐✌️


I haven’t been remembering to log my food intake lately and it scares me
how am I supposed to know if I’m overeating?

Your stomach will hurt.


Ok, you might be amazed by what I am about to say,
If you're hungry, eat
if you're not hungry, don't eat.
listen to your body, unless you have an eating disorder.
Much simple.


but it’s not that simple
sometimes you think you’re hungry but you’re actually bored, stressed, tired, or all at once
and if I keep eating more than I should, I’ll gain weight again, which will make me dislike myself, causing me to eat more
besides, a bit of hunger is good for me, it means I’m doing better
I just need to get back in the habit of tracking things before I regain those 20 pounds

@ccb group

hi i return from my temporary hiatus to complain

Deleted user

So why is it seeming my junior year is better than my last 2 years of high school?

@Pickles group

but it’s not that simple
sometimes you think you’re hungry but you’re actually bored, stressed, tired, or all at once

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So the class starts like…this week, right? Right. Which means there should be information online about what time, where, etc, right? Wrong, apparently. The motherfucking class starts fucking TOMORROW, but apparently I have a lazy-ass teacher who doesn't give a shit, because he hasn't put motherfucking A N Y T H I N G on the school website about how to access the fucking class, nor has he sent out any emails

I am fucking PISSED

@Pickles group

I need a haircut because my end are getting kinda gross but my hair is just starting to get long and I like it. I also need to go to an actual hairdresser so my ends don't get split just from cutting them and something needs to be done about the top layer of my hair but my mom won't let me because she got "professional" scissors and it's cheaper

Deleted user

cutting your own hair isn't hard
just put it into two low pigtails and cut off as much as you want