forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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damn it…
why am I so worthless???
I took the fucking meds.
I was so scared mom would find out that I wasn’t thinking…
I knew I should’ve just gone to bed but I didn’t and now I’ve failed
couldn’t even make it four days…

at this point, if I’m gonna keep giving up so easily, I might as well be trying to get myself killed


I know you feel worthless, I know you feel like everything is going wrong, I understand that, I understand , to an extent, How that feels, and you are valid, you are having those emotions you are feeling this way and it is terrible.
Half of the battle is believing you can get up again, is putting faith in yourself, and saying "Well maybe I can just maybe get better, just maybe" And then you try, because it is worth it to fight for what must seem like such a small chance of success. So next time you fall down you can look back and say "Well, I think I can get better, there is a possibility." And then try. so then the next time you can know that "I can get better, I know it, I've done it, and I can do it again."
I know you are capable of so much , I just hope one day you can see just how amazing you are.
In the mean time, Go to sleep. Sleep heals the mind, it heals the brain. It's an all around good thing. Sleep is the best medicine, for a lot of things.

@Starfast group

I found out yesterday that my horse has a small fracture in her leg so now I can't ride her for the next three months. I already haven't been riding her because she's been off obviously, but we had the vet out a couple weeks ago and based on that visit, I was under the impression that whatever was going on wasn't really a big deal. I always feel bad talking about my horse problems because that's like the epitome of first world problems, and at the end of the day I know I'm still lucky to even own a horse. But I'm still really upset that all this is happening, and I don't know why but I feel like its somehow my fault. I just hope that 3 months of stall rest will help because I don't know what it's going to mean for either of us if it doesn't :(

@Pickles group

I can feel a breakdown coming for me and I don't know how to stop it and I don't like it

Did it?

It been comin for a few days now. Not yet. Soon. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe tonight. Can't tell


Can someone explain why black lives matter is bad? My parents, grandparents, and even most of my friends are against it, but they aren’t racist in the slightest (at least that I know of)
Mom says it’s cause they don’t actually care about black lives, but I don’t remember how or why she thinks that…?
Even if the reason’s stupid as all heck please someone inform me what it is cause this is confusing me a lot

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I haven’t looked beyond the actual meaning, but I think it’s ‘cause blm is also being used as a promote the Gays. Don’t take my word though.

no?????? it's definitely not


So, for my online school, everything is supposed to be assigned on Monday, by 8 am and should be due by the following Monday at 7 am. Well, I had already been given a bunch of work for this week, but today, my teacher changed the due date for a test to make it due this morning at 7, when I was going to take it this afternoon but I didn't get the chance and the same teacher assigned like 10 (not exaggerating) new things to be due on Monday. If I didn't need this class to graduate I would have dropped it and I can't change teachers because he is the only teacher and I am mad because I wanted a nice weekend but now I have to write an SOP and do like 30 pages of notes along with a lot of my school work in two days.

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so at the moment

  • My chest and upper back hurt
  • I'm kind of dizzy and my head feels fuzzy
  • lowkey feel like I'm going to v o m i t
  • chills

anyone know what's going on????