forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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you do community service for like a year and then the bishop tells you that you have to stay in the catholic church forever and you say you will and it's a sin if you break that promise

to put it simply

can you tell I have a lot of anger towards the catholic church? :)))))

@HighPockets group

han solo whatever GIF

It's basically when you become an adult in the church. It's the final piece of the baptism-first communion-confirmation puzzle. Usually you do some service work and some classes prior, and you choose a saint or two to take as a patron and a namesake. I chose Joan of Arc (duh) and Chiara Luce Badano. The bishop is there and gives a speech, and then you get anoited with the chrism oils (oils blessed once a year in a big fancy mass) and you let the Holy Spirit enter you. I guess it's sort of the Catholic equivalent of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah?

@HighPockets group

Yeah, that's why I said "equivalent" and not "is". From my understanding, it serves the purpose to Catholics that a Bar or Bat Mitzvah serves to Jewish people.

Deleted user

it appears your church teaches better than my family's church

@HighPockets group

It was a joint combo between my church and the other church in my city, and both are pretty chill. One is pretty progressive as far as I know (aka I have to deal with my mom complaining about it lol)
I know I did some community service for it because I did some religious education classes to prep and we made a bunch of cakes for this local food pantry that serves weekly meals, idk how much else. Honestly my memory's not great, especially of that time period.

@HighPockets group

Also thank you, COVID, for leading to all of the church fairs I like to go to getting cancelled :))) if any of the late fall/early winter ones are, I'll actually have to spend sizable chunks of money on Christmas gifts as opposed to far less, ew.


you choose a saint or two to take as a patron and a namesake.

wHat dOes tHiS mEan? sorry I know next to nothing abt being Catholic


Also if I ever have kids and they wanna be baptized we are so putting together a messianic bar/bat mitzvah to go along with it.

@HighPockets group

you choose a saint or two to take as a patron and a namesake.

wHat dOes tHiS mEan? sorry I know next to nothing abt being Catholic

Basically you're supposed to look into various saints that interest you, and choose to take their name. When the bishop calls you up, they would say (using myself as an example) "Evelyn Chiara-Joan [Redacted]", since I chose Joan of Arc and Chiara Luce Badano (who's technically not a saint but I got special permission since I really vibed with her). I believe you can also just choose a character from the Bible and not a saint, but it's usually saints. And then basically those saints will be your guides/protectors.

Personally I've always been really connected to Joan of Arc both in a religious and historical sense, so that was a no-brainer for me. I then learned about Chiara Badano during religious ed and really connected with her too, and so that's why I chose those two. Although that was before I learned about St. Edith Stein, who I also really connect to. Sorry if this is boring lol I really love learning about the saints-

Deleted user

I would use [M-name] [M-name]
(it's a biblical name)

"Um…. [M-name] [M-name] [Last name]??"

@HighPockets group

I consumed like a dozen books on saints instead of paying attention in church as a child
Still do tbh, I used to sit in the choir loft and sneak out into the church library since big congregations of loud people is a big anxiety thing for me. I'd sneak back in for communion though.

@HighPockets group

I would use [M-name] [M-name]
(it's a biblical name)

"Um…. [M-name] [M-name] [Last name]??"

"Are you sure you want both to be the same?"
"Yeah, yeah, let's just get it over with. I don't have all day."

@HighPockets group

Fun game to play during your brother's confirmation: take a sip of water every time there's a Mary, John, Anne, Francis, or Elizabeth. You'll stay very hydrated.

@GameMaster group

Do you guys get randomly happy when you go to a stationary store or a bookstore? I went to Mai Do today and being surrounded by brush pens and pretty notebooks gave me so much dopamine.

@HighPockets group

Unironically, 75% of my dopamine and serotonin in the past year and a half has been from going to book stores. I went to one this morning and I felt happier than I had all week. They just instantly raise my spirits, there's something so powerful in being surrounded by books.

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it appears it's time for another ✨uncomfortable✨ discussion with my mother


So, when I'm giving a presentation for my class and my dad with his door opens decides to yell loudly to his class while slamming his hands on his desk is totally fine and gets mad at me when I ask him to quiet down while I give this presentation. But when I re-make an ugly cry sound so my teacher can show what wailing sounds like when both my dad and my doors are closed, he finds in acceptable to storm up the stares and yell at me about how his whole class of 2 people who I have met can hear me and how he could get points docked off his score and nothing bad will happen ti him. It just annoys me