forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@HighPockets group

^What Leo said
I would wait until you're in a safe/stable place before telling them though, in case anything goes wrong. Your safety should be your number one priority.

@HighPockets group

God, Ella, just make sure you have a good support system in place before you tell her. I don't want to fearmonger, but please make sure you have other supportive friends and a place to go in case she tells your parents. From one queer Catholic to another, your sexuality is not worth risking your safety.

@HighPockets group

But start with Ace. All Christians have nothing against that iirc.

Or use the Nun/Consecrated Single card
Even if those don't end up being your vocations, you can still probably get away with saying "yeah, I don't want to get married. maybe I'll be a nun" and they won't look too deeply into it.

@HighPockets group

God, Ella, just make sure you have a good support system in place before you tell her. I don't want to fearmonger, but please make sure you have other supportive friends and a place to go in case she tells your parents. From one queer Catholic to another, your sexuality is not worth risking your safety.

Especially since as far as I can tell, conversion therapy isn't illegal in Missouri.


she wouldn't tell a soul, i've trusted her with worse.
I'm just worried she might not be too ok with it, she's my only close friend outside of notebook and i don't want her to hate me

Deleted user

i've felt so masculine lately but I want to wear skirts so to make a long story short I will be applying for femboy hooters


you know what? forget everything I said. I’m not coming out to anyone, if they find out, I’m not hiding well enough.
it doesn’t matter if my thoughts have changed, if I give up on this promise, what will stop me from giving up on all the others?
I’m going to stop taking the meds again, unfollow that page, poison myself if it comes to it-
whatever it takes, I’m not going to be that person

Deleted user

I mean, how have the meds been working? I've been gone for a while

Deleted user

why would you do that though?
I mean, your therapist's job is to help you
it's kinda fucked up to be rude to them

@Pickles group

You think your day was bad? I went on to my therapy zoom with the username Fuck Off. Needless to say, I got my ass handed to me for that.

Oh consequences of your actions. Awful


I mean, how have the meds been working? I've been gone for a while

pretty well actually, I really have started to notice improvements
however if being a bit sad is required to keep me strong and safe then I’ll take the sad

@HighPockets group

You think your day was bad? I went on to my therapy zoom with the username Fuck Off. Needless to say, I got my ass handed to me for that.

Wow, so edgy. Being a fuckwad to the person doing their best to help you. Excellent job.

@HighPockets group

Ella, take your meds. I cannot stress enough how awful it is to drop them cold turkey. And listen to me: coming out does not make you a "real queer". There is nothing wrong with staying in the closet if it's keeping you safe. You are not weak for prioritizing your safety over owning a tiny purple flag.

@HighPockets group

If you decide later on that you want to come out, that's fine and great! If you decide you never want to, that's fine and great too! There is no one right way to live

@HighPockets group

I mean, how have the meds been working? I've been gone for a while

pretty well actually, I really have started to notice improvements
however if being a bit sad is required to keep me strong and safe then I’ll take the sad

What about the medications and/or their effects is making you feel unsafe? Were these present before you starting taking the meds? If so, you need to tell your therapist (or find some sort of online therapist…I've heard of them but idk how legit they are) about it, because you shouldn't be feeling like that. If it started with the meds, you need to either get your dosage adjusted or try different meds. Being weaned off of meds is a horrible experience (genuinely one of the worst of my life) but dropping them is worse, do not drop your meds.


I’m not coming out, I changed my mind.
My main reason for coming out as ace was so it’ll be easier on people around me if I ever need to come out as anything else, so if I’m not doing that it’s not worth the stress.
and there wouldn’t be danger, my friends don’t have contact with my parents and even then they aren’t the type of people to kick me out over something like that. I realized that this ties into a much bigger issue in which my safety (or at least my personal idea of safety) would be in danger regardless of who knows or what I identify as, which is what I was referring to, not conversion therapy or anything of the like.

As for the meds, they haven’t caused any of this, most of these problems started months before. however, while they have helped with my sad, the meds are also making other problems go away, which I’m not comfortable with.
I’ve dropped them suddenly for days before, it’s not pleasant but I can deal.

maybe I’ll explain, maybe I won’t, I don’t want anyone trying to change me
but I’ve done research, I know what I’m doing, it’ll all be okay. Don’t worry.


quick crocs advice

you dont owe anyone anything when it comes to sexuality. dont come out because you feel obligated to. if it's safe not to, or if you just dont feel like it, then dont. this isnt about other people. it's about you