forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@HighPockets group

Maybe Heartstopper by Alice Oseman? She's ace and since both Nick and Charlie are in their teens, it's very clean. Also super wholesome.

Okay fuck you, I'm addicted to it now


Also same. But a light same because I'm not very far


@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Maybe Heartstopper by Alice Oseman? She's ace and since both Nick and Charlie are in their teens, it's very clean. Also super wholesome.

Okay fuck you, I'm addicted to it now


Also same. But a light same because I'm not very far


I think I'm losing my voice from squealing
I'm already caught up


I have friends over today that I’ve only ever spoken to on discord or with mutual friends and I feel so awkward
they’re both 16-year-old dudes who only know me for glitter and uwu voices
what is happening

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well I'm bi and agnostic but I call everything a sin. Literally someone's water bottle fell over during camp and I was like sin. Goodness knows I've piled up the sins what with cutting my hair and wearing mixed fabrics

Is that a joke? I can't tell…

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have friends over today that I’ve only ever spoken to on discord or with mutual friends and I feel so awkward
they’re both 16-year-old dudes who only know me for glitter and uwu voices
what is happening

Whoa cool.

@Pickles group

Maybe Heartstopper by Alice Oseman? She's ace and since both Nick and Charlie are in their teens, it's very clean. Also super wholesome.

Okay fuck you, I'm addicted to it now


Also same. But a light same because I'm not very far


I'd like to make a retraction on the light part~

@HighPockets group

Maybe Heartstopper by Alice Oseman? She's ace and since both Nick and Charlie are in their teens, it's very clean. Also super wholesome.

Okay fuck you, I'm addicted to it now


Also same. But a light same because I'm not very far


I'd like to make a retraction on the light part~


@HighPockets group

i haven’t read it yet cause internal me keeps debating whether or not it’s a good idea, but I’ll let you know if I do-

It's so good! Very cute art and super wholesome ;-;

@GameMaster group

Well I'm bi and agnostic but I call everything a sin. Literally someone's water bottle fell over during camp and I was like sin. Goodness knows I've piled up the sins what with cutting my hair and wearing mixed fabrics

Is that a joke? I can't tell…

What part of it?

@GameMaster group

Mixed fabric = sin.

No that's an actual sin. From the bible. Here's the thing from Wikipedia:

The relevant Biblical verses (Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11) prohibit an individual from wearing wool and linen fabrics in one garment, the interbreeding of different species of animals, and the planting together of different kinds of seeds (collectively known as kilayim).


Mmm I hate it when others ship me with my best friend, especially if it's implied instead of just outright said
Yes, I talk about her a lot because she means a lot to me, not because I want to fuck her
Yes, I love her to my core, but that love is the farthest thing from romance and the closest thing to family
Yes, I plan to move into an apartment with her once I transfer because I know I can rely on her–she has my back and I have hers
Don't fucking start bullshit conversations with "So, did you actually travel 12 hours to see 'just a friend'?" Like no bitch, I travelled 12 hours to hang out with my best friend and give her a reprieve from her overly-strict parents
Why is it so hard to believe I'd go so far for someone I don't wish to bone? For someone that I genuinely care about and want nothing more than to just be by her side?


I signed up for cross country but i have no experience running umm i think im gonna die why did i do this

@GameMaster group

Only if you're a Jew. Not a Christian. But of course Christians believe the old law has passed away, replaced by the harder law of Jesus.

Ah, apologies because honestly I can't tell the difference.

Deleted user

I signed up for cross country but i have no experience running umm i think im gonna die why did i do this

cross country isn't too bad
just breathe correctly when you run and you'll be alright


I signed up for cross country but i have no experience running umm i think im gonna die why did i do this

cross country isn't too bad
just breathe correctly when you run and you'll be alright

I would like to add by saying, Breath right and don't live in a dessert. then you'll be alright.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Mmm I hate it when others ship me with my best friend, especially if it's implied instead of just outright said
Yes, I talk about her a lot because she means a lot to me, not because I want to fuck her
Yes, I love her to my core, but that love is the farthest thing from romance and the closest thing to family
Yes, I plan to move into an apartment with her once I transfer because I know I can rely on her–she has my back and I have hers
Don't fucking start bullshit conversations with "So, did you actually travel 12 hours to see 'just a friend'?" Like no bitch, I travelled 12 hours to hang out with my best friend and give her a reprieve from her overly-strict parents
Why is it so hard to believe I'd go so far for someone I don't wish to bone? For someone that I genuinely care about and want nothing more than to just be by her side?

Bruh I totally get where you’re coming from. People are so focused on the love of lovers that they forget that intimacy is found elsewhere also. It is the mind of fools.