forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I feel like my friend hates me. Whenever we text, she's all like 'we should hang out i miss u' but whenever we do hang out she acts like she's bored and doesn't wanna be there.

I relate way too strongly to both sides She's might just bad at talking, or feels tired or overstimulated, or is having a bad day, or just kind of wants to be alone that day, which doesn't mean she doesn't like you. When you make plans, you can't tell if you're going to feel like talking that day and it kinda takes a lot of effort to bring yourself to more than a few sentences. Pay attention to her eyes. Does she look panicky or like she's going to cry? Stick to yes or no questions so she can nod or shake her head. Ask if she wants to talk over text. A lot of times it's easier than opening your mouth. Try not to give her the impression that you're annoyed with her Sorry if I sound condescending at all, it's just that last week I went to a thing where I had one friend and I'm pretty sure I gave her the impression that I didn't want to talk to her and then I got really sad when she left me

Thanks for the advice but the thing is, we're neighbors and we kind of have a little friend group with these other neighbors and we used to hang out a lot but she's kinda stopped coming to hang out even though her little sister always hangs out with us. Also, we're really close friends and I feel like we're past that awkward phase and we used to talk all the time idk

@GameMaster group

I'm too tired to write out what the kids said today but two separate kids fell into two separate ponds today and I don't even know why I try to keep these kids alive.


alright kids it's 11 at night and welcome to yet another scheduled episode of "wondering if i have any friends or if everyone's just plotting against me behind my back", where i spend way too long questioning every aspect of my life and wishing i was never born to see it

come back in about 24 hours to see the exact same thing, but at another time


191 words down 1,209 to go in this ridiculous essay.
Ok it's not ridiculous I actually like analyzing books if I like the book, and I liked the book. I'm just struggling to get to the point of this essay, there is so much context to be explained at this point I'm going to have to write out a short summery as my first paragraph. which wouldn't be a big deal if it wasn't very hard to write a summer about becasue there's so much of "He likes her but the she moves away and also he was engaged to this other girl for like four years and she's kinda a jerk. He doesn't like the girl he's engaged to he was stupid and 19 when they began their engagement, but he's still going along with it because Reasons and the girl he likes is like PoOOooR Sensible Boyyy stuck with a Stupid, bitter petty girl, but in the end he breaks off his engage ment and the two that want to be together are, Every body gets married the end."

@HighPockets group

alright kids it's 11 at night and welcome to yet another scheduled episode of "wondering if i have any friends or if everyone's just plotting against me behind my back", where i spend way too long questioning every aspect of my life and wishing i was never born to see it

come back in about 24 hours to see the exact same thing, but at another time

If it's worth anything, I'm not plotting behind your back.

@GameMaster group

I feel really stupid and petty because I made a tiktok about my WIP (since I have a decent following) and it kinda flopped but I figured it was fine until I came across another person talking about their WIP. I don’t want to drag a fellow writer but her plot but pretty unoriginal (year 3000, world is divided into factions, teens are trying to overthrow a tyrannical government.) and she had over 11k likes and it made me feel really angry and bad about myself so I did what I do when I’m upset and hurt myself because I have nowhere to channel negative emotions and I feel like a bad person for feeling that I deserve more recognition for having an original plot.


(I know this isn't the point of that vent but, For once why can't the teen's be over throwing a perfectly good functional government that's doing a pretty good job, I would read that. A bunch of misguided heros are manipulated into taking down their government by the bad guy's but they accomplish it half way through the book and realize that it was a goof and the rest of the book is them scrambling to undo the mess they did so the world doesn't fall into chaos)
Just know when your book get's excepted by publishers and her's doesn't we'll see who the one with 11K copies sold is.
It's not bad to want to feel Validated, I'm not really sure what to say beyond that. It's a perfectly acceptable reason to be upset, you are Valid.


I made an alt on Discord and kinda pretended I was a different person, and one my closest friends on that server believed me and said quote “I trusted Sebastian” and now I’m stressed cuz I think she’s mad at me

@GameMaster group

(I know this isn't the point of that vent but, For once why can't the teen's be over throwing a perfectly good functional government that's doing a pretty good job, I would read that. A bunch of misguided heros are manipulated into taking down their government by the bad guy's but they accomplish it half way through the book and realize that it was a goof and the rest of the book is them scrambling to undo the mess they did so the world doesn't fall into chaos)
Just know when your book get's excepted by publishers and her's doesn't we'll see who the one with 11K copies sold is.
It's not bad to want to feel Validated, I'm not really sure what to say beyond that. It's a perfectly acceptable reason to be upset, you are Valid.

Thanks, that made me feel a little better. I know life isn’t fair and all but it hurt a lot


today i found out that my mom's been making her own hand sanitizer for us since covid started.
not a bad thing, it's good to be thrifty, but uh…
I'll just paste the conversation

Me: "so how much alcohol do you put in it?"
Mom: "Just a splash. You don't want too much or it'll dry out your hands."
Me: "mom that's not enough to kill anything, there's a certain percentage needed for it to actually work as a sanitizer-"
Mom: "Oh, that just means what concentration of alcohol you have to buy to put in, not the amount. Even then there's still at least 35% of it."
"Plus the thieves oil of course, which helps."

the minimum requirement is 60% alcohol.
our hand sanitizer doesn't work.

@Pickles group

…. there's a certain amount of actual alcohol to the rest ratio, it's not the "concentration" of alcohol you just splash in some of the things she does, i-


on another note my friends were calling over discord as usual and i hopped on, ready to join in conversations and laugh at stuff, as we do every night
but turns out they were doing a roleplay of some sort, and since i was there, they kept asking me to join even though they were in the middle of a story i wasn't part of
and so i gave in and tried to play but without explaining much about the situation they put me on the spot, said "as they were conversing, this girl with blue hair approached them excitedly" and tried to get me to act in character
however the character i chose is very socially anxious and would never approach anyone like that unless it had something to do with her, but because i don't know what they were doing or saying or anything going on i couldn't tell if it had anything to do with her, and so we were already out of character yet i had to come up with a in-character response on the spot and say it out loud without overthinking
but then my brain stopped working and i physically couldn't think of anything other than how everyone would think I'm a terrible roleplayer and never want to speak to me again if i opened my mouth, so i just sat there breathing heavily on the microphone for a solid minute before they asked me if i was okay, to which i panicked and said this already doesn't fit her character, i have no idea what's going on, is it too late to back out, I've never done this before, what is happening, someone help I'm so confused
they tried to explain but somehow it just got worse and all the words mushed together into nonsense so i just deleted my character description and sat there in silent panic until one of them said "you know what, maybe we should just play minecraft" and they sounded disappointed and now i feel terrible cause they were probably having fun and i ruined it and now they think I'm a terrible roleplayer and will never invite me to their dnd sessions and will probably laugh at me if i ever bring up writing and i kind of want to bury myself alive now

sorry for the rant I just had to get it off my mind before the awkward internal extreme panic kills me