forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Thanks ella!
I'm okay. it's been a good day.
what are you doodling?

and who was the person above me? I know I accidentally blocked someone the other day at like 3 am, is it Lizzie?

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Today we remember your emergence from your biological parent's birth canal, so congrats on doing that👍

hey owen lmao


what are you doodling?

nothing specific, a few flowers here, some splatters there, then erasing and making another
mainly just warming up to work on actual drawing stuff


Apparently my sister has been whistled at/catcalled at least three times by strangers in her neighborhood this past week
except instead of them making gross comments on her looks
they just shout "DAMN what a good dog you have" and continue going on their way

@HighPockets group

Apparently my sister has been whistled at/catcalled at least three times by strangers in her neighborhood this past week
except instead of them making gross comments on her looks
they just shout "DAMN what a good dog you have" and continue going on their way

Oh no this activated a memory I forgot I had-
So I was at book club with my at-the-time crush and we were discussing catcalling and its presence in the book, and she told me about this time that she was walking with her friend and some guy drove by and catcalled their dog
And so we started brainstorming for a comedy book called "Catcalling My Neighbor's Dog" (which we never again worked on, RIP)

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thanks for the birthday wishes y'all
a friend knocked on my door and whisked me away into the woods before i could respond to anyone

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Apparently my sister has been whistled at/catcalled at least three times by strangers in her neighborhood this past week
except instead of them making gross comments on her looks
they just shout "DAMN what a good dog you have" and continue going on their way


Deleted user

Today we remember your emergence from your biological parent's birth canal, so congrats on doing that👍

Agreed. Happy birthday, Mir.

Thanks Dommy.

@Starfast group

( feel weird posting this now because I feel like I'm interrupting something, but since this is the venting thread this is probably the best place to say what I'm going to say)

I really do love it when I give people constructive criticism and am met with a paragraph littered with passive aggressive smileys about how the story wasn't my taste :) and I should be more open minded :) Feedback isn't always positive, but I don't say negative things in my reviews because I'm trying to be petty :) If you can't handle some constructive criticism then why are you putting yourself in a situation where it's expected? :) :) :)

I don't know if this needs to be said, but this isn't about anyone here just in case you were worried

@HighPockets group

Ohhhh my God, do those people not realize that "the story isn't your taste" isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card? You can love a genre and hate some books in it, or hate a genre but love a handful of books in it.

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back from dinner, but my mom asked how y'all are doing.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

omfg so I'm in the computer room drawing, and it has a window in the door. So I hear my brother say "behind you", and I turn around and see him duck down, then there's a thump and I look out the window, and he's on the ground, cackling because he hit his head on the door

@Starfast group

Ohhhh my God, do those people not realize that "the story isn't your taste" isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card?

Right? And the thing is, this story actually sounded like something that could very much be my taste. But apparently this person knows my taste better than I do apparently. And I've had to review a lot of wattpad stories that weren't my taste and no one until now has ever said that to me. I try to be fair, but sorry your info dump wasn't my taste? And while it's kind of on topic, "But this is just my writing style" is not the correct response to "There's too much info dumping here."

Like I fully get that sometimes we don't like to hear constructive criticism but I didn't get to where I was with my writing by having everyone shower me with compliments and telling me my story was perfect. If this person just wants to make excuses instead of fixing their story that's on them.

@Pickles group

Apparently at some point I cut my big toe nail way too short (which I do not remember doing ??) and now it's at the point where it's digging into my skin and throbbing constantly. And I have a blister on the bottom of my other foot, no idea what happened but I'm 90% sure it wasn't there when I went to sleep last night. Also waking up is really hard. Still not really having a lot of fun at marching band, tomorrow is section day and I got us colored sunscreen to wear and be kool