forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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I should have my own room but 3 of my sisters moved back in and mom decided that they should have their own rooms so I'm stuck in the play room. She doesn't understand why I get upset when she tells me my room is cluttered. Woman I have one shelf, one, my closest has my other siblings old things in it so I can't store things there, so yes my room will be cluttered.

@Pickles group

Do normal people just not get overstimulated? Like. They gotta. Right?
Also. Can't even share my one piece of knew knowledge without shaking. Fuuun two hours left

@Pickles group

My friend is trying to talk to me and I feel really bad because I can't. Opening my mouth takes so much work and talking takes even more

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also. Can't even share my one piece of knew knowledge without shaking. Fuuun two hours left


My friend is trying to talk to me and I feel really bad because I can't. Opening my mouth takes so much work and talking takes even more

More sucks. I feel you more on this one.

@Pickles group

I'm so fucking dumb. I procrastinated on ordering section shirts and now there's no way they'll come in on time and we probably can't get together and decorate other ones before section day because it's next week and I don't even know what the dress up days are because no one ever tells me anything unless I ask repeatedly and I'm so unprepared and I'm a terrible leader AND person and I just don't wanna be alive anymore and I don't wanna do band or anything else. I just want to be an emotionless puddle


are you fully sure there's no way they'll be there? and also hon i gotta ask how assertive are you being in asking?

also no puddle, because puddles can't eat food and how tragic would that be, to live as something that can't consume food. or put on cool jackets and sunglasses

i'm mostly kidding, i get where you're coming from and sometimes that do be the ultimate mood

@Pickles group

are you fully sure there's no way they'll be there?

Yes that would be why I panicked.

and also hon i gotta ask how assertive are you being in asking?

My guy, I'm not asking anything. It's a fucking website and you have to pay a shit ton for them to even arrive in a week.

@Pickles group

The movie is okay. I feel like I should have payed more attention when I watched it though cause I don't remember a whole lot. Never made it very far through the musical I don't think? I don't remember. I should at least re-listen to the soundtrack

Good news, I'm not a total failure just yet. We're sort of figuring out something else to do and I found the colored sunscreen we used two years ago so I'mma get that ordered when I get home. It's expensive tho. Twenty dollars and then shipping good thing I have gift cards lmao. And if I'm allowed to go to the dollar store I'm gonna raid it for fun glasses and stuff


are you fully sure there's no way they'll be there?

Yes that would be why I panicked.

and also hon i gotta ask how assertive are you being in asking?

My guy, I'm not asking anything. It's a fucking website and you have to pay a shit ton for them to even arrive in a week.

ah I misunderstood then, my b

@ccb group

one of my best friends, probably the person at college who's been my friend the longest, who is like a big brother to me, is graduating this week and moved out yesterday. we had a little going away shindig with our bubble of 5 people that's been hanging out all summer. he crashed on my couch since his bedroom was all packed up in the uhaul, and i held it together until the end of the night because i know he's sad and anxious about moving because he doesn't have a job lined up yet so he doesn't know if he'll ever be back in this city for good again and i didn't want to add to his sadness and anxiety by also being sad and anxious, but i guess i looked a little melancholy and he was like "charlotte, you good?" and i just lost it. luckily at that moment he was too drunk and silly to be sad so he was just like "it's ok buddy" but then this morning when he was heading out and saying goodbye i was givin' him a big hug and he started crying :'(( and then since he was crying i started crying and then i was crying a lot and now i'm crying again because the passage of time is confusing and scary

Deleted user

Okay, I'm not sure if this is the place to do this, and I hope I'm not interrupting anything big, but I just wanna say this somewhere to somebody.

I'm just kinda bummed out rn. Two fansites for my favorite videogame series - and - are kinda…. dying, idk. Starmen's been around for 17 years and Mother Forever just popped up six months ago. But because the "forum" format or whatever is not the most popular social platform, the two sites decided to make Discord servers. I made an account and joined them thinking "there's more activity on here probably, and some cool things going on", right?
I was absolutely wrong. I'm sorry for who uses Discord, but I don't really like it. And now I'm at a total loss as to what to do. Every topic (like general chat, fan works, etc) has one single chat, and it sorta sucks instead of having the topic and then separate threads for your own things.
I want to stay active on those forums and keep releasing my fanfic there, but it's so hard when there's like one post a day, and it's not even something I can talk about (that may be exaggerated in some cases, but also I'm not at the same time.)
It all just really sucks and I don't like where things are going, but I can't control them. I'm just super sad about it, and if it keeps up I'll have to pull my fanfic from the entire internet if no one expresses any kind of motivation or interest to read it, and it's the one thing that makes me super happy. But lately, I don't know anymore. Half the time it's just me saying "hey, it's another chapter, another one is in the works." But other than that? Nothing.
Maybe I should just can it and start with something else. But I don't know. I'm super lost and anxious about what's going to happen right now. It may just be a straight downward spiral to shutting the sites down because of how inactive they're becoming.
I can't believe I'm getting scared over two friccin websites, but here I am.

@GameMaster group


@HighPockets group

Yesterday I saw a man buy a life-sized cardboard cutout of Bill Clinton with his saxophone while I was at a warehouse garage sale.
Sir, I have so many questions and I'm not sure if I want the answers.
Granted I found a chaise, tossed myself onto it, and shouted an Oscar Wilde quote to my sister, so I'm not one to judge.

@HighPockets group

Also I just generally felt like I was about to be yanked behind the warehouse curtains and murdered so there's that. Not a fun sale, very bad vibes the whole time. It felt like the black market but for party supplies, which it claimed to be selling. Personally I don't consider musty chaises and cardboard Clintons party supplies, but you do you I guess.