forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

@Crunch, @PatienceKills

(Please don’t come at me for tagging you…. I wanted to do this via pming, but decided to make it public since both of you made it very clear that you’d block me if I made that attempt….)

We have all had sufficient time to calm down from this. Yes, I do acknowledge that what I was doing was absolutely wrong on multiple levels, for which I am sincerely sorry. I never intended to offend anyone; groups, religions, etc. My intent was to simply share information that I thought could possibly help other writers. I never claimed that the information was from me directly. From here on out I promise to not only credit the writer(s), but to add disclaimers as well.

Some of you have possibly asked yourselves why I got so angry and defensive…. First and what I feel is foremost, is the fact that I had been doing this for nearly a month. The accusations and criticism only came after hours of typing, copying and pasting, editing for format, and linking had already been done. Any writer or artist would become upset after all that work.

As for why I got defensive, that was because I had asked, on multiple occasions, to be pm'd on the issue. I gave an alternative method in which I was willing to listen to your grievances, yet the group continued to insist that we did it publicly. I became frustrated that the group didn’t want to take things to a pm, which I repeat, I was more likely to listen to your problems in. I wanted to take the situation to pm's because I knew that others that had no prior knowledge of what was happening would come in, interrupting what should be a civil conviction, only to stir up drama and add fuel to the fire. The pm could've been a group pm, especially since I know that a lot of us are uncomfortable with addressing things one-on-one.

Pressuring someone into something that they have made known that they don’t want to do is part of my definition of bullying. Everyone has their own definition on that particular issue, and agrees on the given dictionary definitions of it. For future reference, when someone kindly asks and provides an alternative way to handle things, please try to take it into consideration. The more you try to pressure someone into handling it in a way that they have made clear that they don’t wish to, the less likely it is that they will be willing to listen; why should they when you didn’t listen to them in return?

We all know that bullying is an extremely serious issue and topic. It can be done by anyone of any age, race, gender, and even by groups. People can and do say hurtful things, things that they may not realize were hurtful when they were initially said. Not only can a person’s words do detrimental damage to those on the receiving end, but their actions as well. These words and actions not only affect the receiver on an emotional level, but on mental levels as well.

Emi, I’m sorry that you felt like I was bullying you when I messaged you. I was initially going to put what I said in the venting chat. However, ccb immediately let me know that that was the wrong move and I realized that it was hypocritical of me to publicly do that while I had been asking to be pm’d myself; that is why I pm’d you. That said, I absolutely do not appreciate that you said that I was bullying you, and told you to “shut up.” If you’re going to make an accusation such as this, you had better have evidence to back up your claim. I’m sorry if my calling you out makes you upset, but I don’t appreciate having words put into my mouth (or, in this particular case, at my fingertips).

Before anyone tries to say that this was unfair of me to do in such a public manner, I must remind you that Emi said that she’d block me if I messaged her again. Therefore, I was unfortunately left with no other choice. I realize that I could’ve reported her, but for her sake (and that numerous users respect her) I chose to do this instead. Now, before Emi claims that I made changes to the message, I want to ask ccb to confirm that I didn’t; I’m sorry that I had to bring you into this particular issue ccb. That said, I could’ve also reported those of you that took part in what’s in the screenshots just after the one that documents what I actually said. I know y’all were still angry and upset at that point, but that is no excuse; what you said was still hurtful and a perfect example of bullying.

When I made that post in the venting chat about the rudeness chat, I was, in fact, venting in a thread made for that kind of thing, that literally has the word ”Venting” in the title. Yet I was, in my opinion, attacked for it.

Those of you who I feel were being quite civil about all of this, I just want to say thank you. You somehow managed to remain calm enough to consider both sides of this conflict, which I imagine took a great amount of will-power.

@Pickles group

I'm really sick of not being able to have emotions properly. Even just seeing some people makes me so mad. Today I yelled at one of my only friends for repeating something I had just said and then we had a mini fight in front of the rest of the section that made us both feel awful and then I almost cried in front of them :)
And my parents' "you need to learn to control your emotions" is really getting to me because maybe they're right and it's done discipline thing but maybe they're not because it's just. so hard. and I don't know and I can't talk to them about it because I already know they're going to blame everything on my lack of control
Everything keeps falling apart and I can only gather everything together for maybe a few hours. Who the fuck put me in charge, it was such a mistake I can't do this
So anyway the only thing keeping my last two bits of positive emotion together right now is Twisted

@HighPockets group

😐 just forgot that my cat doesn't speak English

What does it speak?

My cat knows her name and various nicknames

Cool. How old is she?

She's five

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm really sick of not being able to have emotions properly. Even just seeing some people makes me so mad. Today I yelled at one of my only friends for repeating something I had just said and then we had a mini fight in front of the rest of the section that made us both feel awful and then I almost cried in front of them :)
And my parents' "you need to learn to control your emotions" is really getting to me because maybe they're right and it's done discipline thing but maybe they're not because it's just. so hard. and I don't know and I can't talk to them about it because I already know they're going to blame everything on my lack of control
Everything keeps falling apart and I can only gather everything together for maybe a few hours. Who the fuck put me in charge, it was such a mistake I can't do this
So anyway the only thing keeping my last two bits of positive emotion together right now is Twisted

I'm pretty sure you can make it. I used to be pretty bad in those areas. Just try to remember to hold it in, deep breaths or whatever. Just think things though. It's not gonna work. But if you do it, you'll get a "oh schist" message right after that will one day be before you explode.


Toddlers… Glances over at the sleeping toddler to ensure he is asleep, Are terrifying. They wield to much power, such unchecked destruction combined with such adorableness.

@HighPockets group

She's very cute but she also thinks that biting is showing affection.
So she'll be snoozing on my chest and then bite my chin out of love. I love her too but it hurts lol.

@Pickles group

Toddlers… Glances over at the sleeping toddler to ensure he is asleep, Are terrifying. They wield to much power, such unchecked destruction combined with such adorableness.

I can't tell if you're talking about a cat toddler or a human toddler and honestly I don't know which is better

@HighPockets group

Toddlers… Glances over at the sleeping toddler to ensure he is asleep, Are terrifying. They wield to much power, such unchecked destruction combined with such adorableness.

I can't tell if you're talking about a cat toddler or a human toddler and honestly I don't know which is better

Three toddlers of various species stacked in a trench coat.


Toddlers… Glances over at the sleeping toddler to ensure he is asleep, Are terrifying. They wield to much power, such unchecked destruction combined with such adorableness.

I can't tell if you're talking about a cat toddler or a human toddler and honestly I don't know which is better

Three toddlers of various species stacked in a trench coat.

I am speaking of both cat and Human toddlers, or any toddler really.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Toddlers… Glances over at the sleeping toddler to ensure he is asleep, Are terrifying. They wield to much power, such unchecked destruction combined with such adorableness.

Someone who truly understands!


The human todder I will have to wake soon for he should not be sleeping so late or his mother wont get any sleep herself.
Though I do not delight in doing so, I am in for the wrath of a woken toddler. If you never hear from me again, you know why.

@ccb group

sy, please remove that from this thread. like i've told you before (and i know you know i've told you), the venting chat is not a place to resolve your interpersonal conflicts with other users. there are like 2 or 3 entire other places where you can do that right now. yes, it says "venting" in the title, but i would implore you to read the rules, and to follow them to their spirit, not just their letter.