forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Echo_6 group

That incredibly depressing moment when you come home after being away the entire day, and your cat that has always come out to greet you not matter what kind of weather, isn't there to greet you, and never will be there again…..

@GameMaster group

Quotes from the seven year olds I've been watching:

Camper: So I'm kind of obsessed with raw pasta and yesterday in my backyard I stabbed a bee to death with raw pasta.

Camper: Do you know about the global economic crash of 2008?
Me: Yes
Camper: Looks at me in shock
Me: I mean you weren't even alive
Camper: Well, I was born in 2011
Me: Yes, that's after 2008

Me: Are you guys excited for archery?
Camper: Yeah, I can't wait to shoot people!
Me: Well, you're going to be shooting at targets, not people
Camper: Awwww. Do you guys have bb guns?
Me: Absolutely not

Camper: Did you know that you can teleport to 11,22,33 with a command?
Me: In minecraft? Why would you?
Camper: Because then you could teleport
Me: Is that useful?
Camper: Well if we could teleport right now we wouldn't have to hike
Me: Fair enough

Camper: Are you a Russian spy?
Me: What? Why?
Camper: I read about the cold war. There were Russian spies. So are you?
Me: …no
Camper: That's what a Russian Spy would say

I can't make this shit up

@HighPockets group

I may or may not have thought that I clicked into the Incorrect Quotes chat when I saw that-
And I may or may not have started changing the names to suit my characters before realizing my mistake-

@GameMaster group

I may or may not have thought that I clicked into the Incorrect Quotes chat when I saw that-
And I may or may not have started changing the names to suit my characters before realizing my mistake-

No, please bring all those to the incorrect quote chat. I wanna see that

@saor_illust school

fucken hell
my frens are fighting again
i hate this
i hate this so much
why do they always hafta fight
they're basically calling each other toxic
i'm on the verge on leaving the server
i cannot
no i'm not back
i think i'm gonna be leaving nb for good tbh
just gonna come back occasionally to vent


Hello, beautiful people~
Please do not read the following if your struggle with self-image issues. This was written in a moment of despair just now.


Apparently at some point I cut my big toe nail way too short (which I do not remember doing ??) and now it's at the point where it's digging into my skin and throbbing constantly.

That is called an ingrown Toe Nail, I used to get them a lot, I had a bad habit of chewing my toe nails when I was 7 (I know gross, but I did) The usual remedy is to take a tooth pick or something and use it to push a peice of a cotton like part of a cotton ball under the corner of the nail that's digging into your skin. Also avoid wearing close toe shoes. The Idea being you want to encourage the nail to grow over the skin instead of through it.


Alright, It's time for Relsey to vent about society.
How stupid is the current usage of the word "Smart" I am quite convinced any individual can be called smart now days even if they are the most daft individual I may ever lay eye's upon.
Smart no longer means intelligent, Smart merely means an ability to memorize, something any fool is capable of doing. I don't think doing math extremely quickly is a show of being smart, In the same way I don't think reading quickly is a show of being smart. I think I just have issues with the way the word smart is defined, You can be smart and not be creative by current uses of the word. Being smart is just knowing things, if we go by popular definition, But it is not the knowing that makes an individual intelligent, it is what they do with that information that shows their mental capacity. Any way those are my thoughts on the matter of being smart, I have even more still on the Idea of what normal is. 
Normal is a horrendous word, I find it extremely contradictory, because really there is nothing Normal. There is a standard that we all seem to think is normal and yet in all my acquaintances I have never found a Normal individual. There is something so horrendous and gross about the word Normal as we use it, I'm sure I quite despise it. Being normal is to conform, and you know how I feel about conformity. Normal is a fine word if used to refure to things such as plant growth, the height of an individual or the shape of a house. But to call anything that does not have many exact copies "Normal" is a complete misuse of the term. So as it pertains to an individual, there is no such thing as normal. Think, what is the "Normal" shade of the color purple, In your mind you have one shade, and in mine another, therefore it can not be normal, there are simply too many shades of that single color to point at any one and call normal compared to the rest, especially when one considers that no two shades are exactly the same. By this logic to be Normal is to be a stereotype, but as we well know, Stereotypes, while occasionally founded in truth, are never complete definitions of a single individual. A character whose traits can all be found in a single stereotype Is not a good character. A character can have all the traits of one stereotype, yes, but they also contain aspects of another. If they don't, they don't feel like a real individual therefore they are a bad character, or at least a very shallow one. 

@Pickles group

Apparently at some point I cut my big toe nail way too short (which I do not remember doing ??) and now it's at the point where it's digging into my skin and throbbing constantly.

That is called an ingrown Toe Nail, I used to get them a lot, I had a bad habit of chewing my toe nails when I was 7 (I know gross, but I did) The usual remedy is to take a tooth pick or something and use it to push a peice of a cotton like part of a cotton ball under the corner of the nail that's digging into your skin. Also avoid wearing close toe shoes. The Idea being you want to encourage the nail to grow over the skin instead of through it.

i know what an ingrown toenail is and anyway it's not long enough for that but go off if


i know what an ingrown toenail is and anyway it's not long enough for that but go off if

Oh, Sorry, from the earlier post it seemed like you were confused

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I may or may not have thought that I clicked into the Incorrect Quotes chat when I saw that-
And I may or may not have started changing the names to suit my characters before realizing my mistake-

Now I have to do this.


I have a 10 page writing final, where I have to write about the Constitutional Convention due in less than 6 hours and I started cleaning my bedroom and bathroom. I need to get it done, but I don't feel prepared

@Pickles group

Why can I never remember what I need to get when it's time to actually get it?? I know there are things that I wanted to buy but now that I actually can, I don't remember any of them and I'm upset
I definitely won't be able to live on my own

@HighPockets group

Why can I never remember what I need to get when it's time to actually get it?? I know there are things that I wanted to buy but now that I actually can, I don't remember any of them and I'm upset
I definitely won't be able to live on my own

As basic as it sounds, I'd recommend just writing it down. I usually keep a google doc of books I plan to buy or check out so that I have it on hand if I get money or something.
Oh hey, that's a mood-

@Pickles group

Why can I never remember what I need to get when it's time to actually get it?? I know there are things that I wanted to buy but now that I actually can, I don't remember any of them and I'm upset
I definitely won't be able to live on my own

As basic as it sounds, I'd recommend just writing it down. I usually keep a google doc of books I plan to buy or check out so that I have it on hand if I get money or something.
Oh hey, that's a mood-

Bold of you to assume I can remember it that long

@Katastrophic group

So I just washed $200 down the drain. My happy birthday/you survived this long present to myself was doing something stupid and unreasonable, in this case it was "opal hair". I thought it would be fun and crazy for a few weeks and then it would fade out to a nice white/silver that was my second choice. So I put off moving back to uni so I could get my hair colored. 4 hours of hair tugging and back pain from sitting in a washer chair and my hair looks exactly the same. It might be a shade lighter blonde then usual, but there's not a single color in it. It's not even close to silver, let alone white with rainbow streaks. idk what to do but everyone's disappointed and I kinda want to cry cause its technically my fault for not saying anything

Deleted user

I’m not sure how many of you have heard of what happened in my country recently but in case you are not informed:

I live in Beirut, I am not close to the port but I was still able to hear the explosion and see the shockwave in the clouds. And feel it. Almost looked like a nuclear bomb, but it wasn’t (there is a lot of proof that it wasn’t a nuke). I wasn’t injured greatly or permanently, but the windows in my house did get blown out and there was some more damage to my house. I do have a place to live, but I cannot say that some of my other friends in Beirut were so lucky. I take friends into my house as they do not have anywhere to go, but with Covid19 it’s really bad timing.

To add on we also have a food shortage and I think our government could have prevented this. Unfortunately Lebanon government is not good, and most of the donations will probably be stolen by our government. And thanks to hyperinflation in Lebanon, our economic state is not good either, and this explosion has destroyed a lot of jobs for people.

I have not known anyone who died from the explosion yet but I do know people who do.
I try to be positive but things are getting hard and Lebanon is really a messed up place sometimes. And with how hard things have been in 2020, it is hard to keep that mind of positivity. Our grain silo in Beirut was completely destroyed by the explosion, you can see pictures online. Less than a months left of grain reserves left. I really wish the Lebanon government would hear us, but I think change is yet to come. I know someone who lost their dog (missing) and is currently looking for her and it all makes me very sad.
I am feeling very down right now but it sometimes helps to write out your thoughts. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.


I'm so sorry dude. I heard about how all the windows in Beirut got blown out, that's crazy. I have family in Syria and they said they could see smoke all the way from there. I hope you guys get the help you need.


Bro I'm so sorry. When I saw the explosion, I was devastated. It sucks that you've been affected by this. I can hear things are really tough in Lebanon right now. Take it day by day my friend <3

@GameMaster group

Today on Shit my Campers Say-

Camper after arriving at a reservoir: WOOOOAAAHHH
Me: See? Wasn't it worth the hike up?
Camp: not really.

Camper: I bet I can beat you crossing the creek.
Me: Hey, we aren't racing across the creek, it's not safe.
Camper: That's why we want to do it.
Another Camper: WE WANNA DIE

Me: Wow, my tie-dye looks great
Camper: Yeah it's really good
Me: I like yours too
Camper: Yeah mine is better, I lied about yours being good

Camper: lying on the ground in the middle of the trail
Me: C'mon, the faster you go, the faster you get lunch and ice cream
Camper: Go away and let me die here

Camper: You look different without a mask on.
Me: Do I look worse?
Camper: Nods
Me: Aww, that hurt
Camper: You look really good but worse

@ccb group