forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@ccb group

You seen that thing about being selected to mourn for someone who no one remembers?

i've never seen that but hmm… it's a really nice concept

@Pickles group

Me: I have marching band from 1-4 tomorrow so I don't have to get up super earlier but I need to eat lunch
Monkey brain: we're gonna wake up at 6, go back to sleep until 9:30, eat breakfast, almost vomit, then lay in bed until 12, when we'll finally get up and dressed and eat lunch, all while panicking because we have to leave in half an hour. We won't have time to make anything, so we'll have a peanut butter sandwich and suddenly remember everything we didn't do last night and were supposed to do this morning :D
Me: ok cool but do we have to do this every time, or


I feel like my friend hates me. Whenever we text, she's all like 'we should hang out i miss u' but whenever we do hang out she acts like she's bored and doesn't wanna be there.


haha don't you love it when your friends temporarily ban you from the voice chat as a joke but you're so much of a weakling that you actually feel really horrible about it even though they added you back 30 seconds later and meant no harm

@GameMaster group

Yeah my friends made this new groupchat and when I get home from camp I have like 200 messages but when I text they all ignore me. So that hurts.


I also love being so constantly scared that, after feeling uncomfortably warm for a while, I’ve decided I’m absolutely taking my last breaths and will never wake up tomorrow after passing away in my sleep via nail polish poisoning. there is no other possible explanation for this slight discomfort, I’m clearly going to die, which is why I spent nearly five minutes hugging a pillow while crying softly thinking this was the end before snapping out of it and realizing how dramatic I was

man I really should get more sleep, clearly 7-9 hours isn’t enough if this is how I’m going to react to everything, dear gosh


Oh Ella Love,
have you heard of heat flashes, they happen, more commonly than you might think for more reasons then you might think, they don't just happen to old ladies. They can happen if you are extra stressed or anxious, they can happen if you are really embarrassed. They happen for a lot of reasons. But also
I relate, being dramatic, is kinda my trade mark when I'm tired, If you catch me on this site being over dramatic, I'm sleep deprived. Also get more sleep, and drink water, and take care of your self garsh darn it.


Y’all this dude on my discord server keeps trying to mock me by saying my name in a really nasally voice, but it makes me happy because he’s using my name and not my dead name

@Pickles group

I feel like my friend hates me. Whenever we text, she's all like 'we should hang out i miss u' but whenever we do hang out she acts like she's bored and doesn't wanna be there.

I relate way too strongly to both sides She's might just bad at talking, or feels tired or overstimulated, or is having a bad day, or just kind of wants to be alone that day, which doesn't mean she doesn't like you. When you make plans, you can't tell if you're going to feel like talking that day and it kinda takes a lot of effort to bring yourself to more than a few sentences. Pay attention to her eyes. Does she look panicky or like she's going to cry? Stick to yes or no questions so she can nod or shake her head. Ask if she wants to talk over text. A lot of times it's easier than opening your mouth. Try not to give her the impression that you're annoyed with her Sorry if I sound condescending at all, it's just that last week I went to a thing where I had one friend and I'm pretty sure I gave her the impression that I didn't want to talk to her and then I got really sad when she left me


I'm having some of the worst cramps right now.
Like. Why. I want to be able to do stuff, but instead I'm just writhing around in pain with a heating pad. I can't focus. It sucks when the pain goes down your legs. My hips and back were already hurting in the first place. Now this. Sad boi hours.

Deleted user

So me and my bestfriend ( who is also my current girl crush) Got Supernatural necklaces. Mine is Bitch and hers is Jerk and I LOVE IT. also may or may not have confessed and they like me back as well…

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm having some of the worst cramps right now.
Like. Why. I want to be able to do stuff, but instead I'm just writhing around in pain with a heating pad. I can't focus. It sucks when the pain goes down your legs. My hips and back were already hurting in the first place. Now this. Sad boi hours.