forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@GameMaster group

@ccb group

How soon will you get your Zoloft? Can you hold on until then?

i’m not sure, i was supposed to have it like a week ago now but nobody’s giving me any clear information, not my doctor or the pharmacy

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I don't like being tagged in any rudeness chats. The rudness chats always piss me off, and I don't enjoy being angry. I can understand needing a place to vent, buy if you really, truly, have a problem with me, please just dm me. There's no need to air your grivences with someone (and naming that someone) for all to see.


Loveies, I am very very exhausted and I am so sorry but I can not write out everything that I feel needs to be said. Toddlers, toddlers are a force of nature that can not be reasoned with. I must sleep, but when I wake up…
No one do anything stupid while I'm sleeping.

@Pickles group

Are you allowed or able to blast something in earbuds at all times? It keeps out thoughts for the most part in my experience

@Pickles group

I don't like being tagged in any rudeness chats. The rudness chats always piss me off, and I don't enjoy being angry. I can understand needing a place to vent, buy if you really, truly, have a problem with me, please just dm me. There's no need to air your grivences with someone (and naming that someone) for all to see.

Oh no. Someone called you out for plagiarism and spreading false, offensive, outdated information. Whatever will you do.

Deleted user

I don't like being tagged in any rudeness chats. The rudness chats always piss me off, and I don't enjoy being angry. I can understand needing a place to vent, buy if you really, truly, have a problem with me, please just dm me. There's no need to air your grivences with someone (and naming that someone) for all to see.

Wow excuse us, then, for being pissed off about bad stereotypes about mental illnesses and sexualities that we have.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So you guys remember my post earlier about my friend who ran away? She was found. The strange thing is that she was headed for MY city. She lives about an hour and a half away, and she was headed for MY city. I don't know why. I'm just glad she's been found

Wonderful news!

Yeah! But apparently she's feeling the urge to self harm or commit suicide and that's part of why she ran off and like…my heart is breaking for her, I don't know what to do. I really really don't. I've never had to go through feeling like that (something I am so glad about) and I don't know what to say or how to help or anything

Be there for her as best you can. That's really all you can do.


So you guys remember my post earlier about my friend who ran away? She was found. The strange thing is that she was headed for MY city. She lives about an hour and a half away, and she was headed for MY city. I don't know why. I'm just glad she's been found

Wonderful news!

Yeah! But apparently she's feeling the urge to self harm or commit suicide and that's part of why she ran off and like…my heart is breaking for her, I don't know what to do. I really really don't. I've never had to go through feeling like that (something I am so glad about) and I don't know what to say or how to help or anything

Be there for her as best you can. That's really all you can do.

Hhhhh she lives an hour and a half away and we're both terrible at answering emails (our only way of keeping in contact currently) and I just…hhh. but I'll try

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I don't like being tagged in any rudeness chats. The rudness chats always piss me off, and I don't enjoy being angry. I can understand needing a place to vent, buy if you really, truly, have a problem with me, please just dm me. There's no need to air your grivences with someone (and naming that someone) for all to see.

I'm gonna ask one more time to please just dm me. This is the third time that I have politely and kindly asked this. I really shouldn't have to do it again. I'll read them. I also unfollowed that rudeness chat after asking to be dm'ed; don't bother tagging me in it again, because I'll just unfollow it again.

Deleted user

We’re not going to. This sort of thing must be addressed publicly. I don’t understand the point of you being so stubborn about reading about something that has offended a good portion of the public forums, and you refuse to even touch upon it. Cool, it’s your third time saying that. It’s my third fucking time saying to go read it for yourself.

@ccb group

(syman, it's my understanding that this chat isn't a place to air your grievances with other users. keep that in the rudeness chat, or pm whoever you're frustrated with yourself. don't do that here)


I am visiting my grandmother and she just…the way she talks about people with any sort of mental issues or something makes me angry as hell. She was telling me about this kid last night with mental disabilities, and she kept calling him "retarded" and I winced every single damn time. I actually interrupted her in the middle of her sentence to say "so do you mean autism, down syndrome, what?" And she just went "oh I don't know. He was retarded, is all I know" and then launched back into her story. And I just…ughhhhhh I hate it


I am visiting my grandmother and she just…the way she talks about people with any sort of mental issues or something makes me angry as hell. She was telling me about this kid last night with mental disabilities, and she kept calling him "retarded" and I winced every single damn time. I actually interrupted her in the middle of her sentence to say "so do you mean autism, down syndrome, what?" And she just went "oh I don't know. He was retarded, is all I know" and then launched back into her story. And I just…ughhhhhh I hate it

I can’t go on a proper rant because I’m at a friend’s house, but the teacher lady from Suffer™️ is exactly like that-
her first daughter has downs, and she frequently refers to her as “the retarded one”, saying things like “I have __ children, plus Mary but she doesn’t count” and “It’s ok for me to call her that cause she’s my child, and she is retarded”
she just has so much hatred for the mentally disabled, and it was very visible in her… uh… “teachings”.
Apparently people with autism shouldn’t be allowed to get married, even with other autistic people, cause that would be like two 7-year-olds
plus in her mind everyone who gets married has to at least try for biological children and the last thing we need is more of them.

I hate her guts. I had so much respect for that family before, but knowing that this is what they believe ticks me off so much…


I don't like being tagged in any rudeness chats. The rudeness chats always piss me off, and I don't enjoy being angry. I can understand needing a place to vent, buy if you really, truly, have a problem with me, please just dm me. There's no need to air your grievances with someone (and naming that someone) for all to see.

I'm gonna ask one more time to please just dm me. This is the third time that I have politely and kindly asked this. I really shouldn't have to do it again. I'll read them. I also unfollowed that rudeness chat after asking to be dm'ed; don't bother tagging me in it again, because I'll just unfollow it again.

sy, dude, your posts were public. all of the information we had a problem with was public, therefore making it a public matter. and what would you rather, somebody brought it up in a place where the other people who had issues can see and agree and offer their points, or somebody went through and grabbed every single user who had issues with it and made a pm?

@Pickles group

I am visiting my grandmother and she just…the way she talks about people with any sort of mental issues or something makes me angry as hell. She was telling me about this kid last night with mental disabilities, and she kept calling him "retarded" and I winced every single damn time. I actually interrupted her in the middle of her sentence to say "so do you mean autism, down syndrome, what?" And she just went "oh I don't know. He was retarded, is all I know" and then launched back into her story. And I just…ughhhhhh I hate it

I can’t go on a proper rant because I’m at a friend’s house, but the teacher lady from Suffer™️ is exactly like that-
her first daughter has downs, and she frequently refers to her as “the retarded one”, saying things like “I have __ children, plus Mary but she doesn’t count” and “It’s ok for me to call her that cause she’s my child, and she is retarded”
she just has so much hatred for the mentally disabled, and it was very visible in her… uh… “teachings”.
Apparently people with autism shouldn’t be allowed to get married, even with other autistic people, cause that would be like two 7-year-olds
plus in her mind everyone who gets married has to at least try for biological children and the last thing we need is more of them.

I hate her guts. I had so much respect for that family before, but knowing that this is what they believe ticks me off so much…


@HighPockets group

I am visiting my grandmother and she just…the way she talks about people with any sort of mental issues or something makes me angry as hell. She was telling me about this kid last night with mental disabilities, and she kept calling him "retarded" and I winced every single damn time. I actually interrupted her in the middle of her sentence to say "so do you mean autism, down syndrome, what?" And she just went "oh I don't know. He was retarded, is all I know" and then launched back into her story. And I just…ughhhhhh I hate it

I can’t go on a proper rant because I’m at a friend’s house, but the teacher lady from Suffer™️ is exactly like that-
her first daughter has downs, and she frequently refers to her as “the retarded one”, saying things like “I have __ children, plus Mary but she doesn’t count” and “It’s ok for me to call her that cause she’s my child, and she is retarded”
she just has so much hatred for the mentally disabled, and it was very visible in her… uh… “teachings”.
Apparently people with autism shouldn’t be allowed to get married, even with other autistic people, cause that would be like two 7-year-olds
plus in her mind everyone who gets married has to at least try for biological children and the last thing we need is more of them.

I hate her guts. I had so much respect for that family before, but knowing that this is what they believe ticks me off so much…

Well I guess I have an excuse to never get married now, thanks Mrs. Suffer!


WaOw people are horrible. Saying retarded back then was different in many contexts, since mental retardation was a legitimate umbrella term for diagnostics, much like the word "lame", the physical counterpart. But saying it now is different. Everyone should know that by now. The hate directed towards neurodiverse people and those with disabilities is so apparent throughout history and it's ridiculous people still hold those attitudes.