forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@ccb group

that… could explain a lot

i think technically ssri withdrawal isn’t classed as “withdrawal” per se since ssris aren’t addictive, but i feel like nobody knows what ssri discontinuation syndrome is since most people in a non-medical setting just refer to it as withdrawal

@ccb group

yeah maybe i should stop purposefully skipping my meds twice a week…

yes you should stop :( i used to do that a lot when i was on prozac and since it stays in your system for a long time 1 day skipping it isn’t a super big deal but once i went like 2 or 3 days it got bad

@Pickles group

Honestly I can't write more than like half a page without burning myself out. I also can't write until my brain actually shows me a scene with the words to explain it, which is pretty rare lately. And it's hardly ever the next scene in the story, it's usually just some random thing that doesn't fit anywhere

@Pickles group

You know that tumblr post about adhd and memory that's like "sometimes you can't remember what you had for breakfast and sometimes you're just like 'I can recite every opening sentence to every magic treehouse book'" or whatever? I'd like to add. Sometimes my memory is both, like oh boy I remember ever silly songs with larry song and now I'm simultaneously singing five but I do not remember what I just said. And it's really weird and makes people think that I just don't care about what they're saying. Which is kind of hypocritical because most of them fully admit to not listening to me half the time and oh pumpkins I should just not talk tomorrow

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

You know that tumblr post about adhd and memory that's like "sometimes you can't remember what you had for breakfast and sometimes you're just like 'I can recite every opening sentence to every magic treehouse book'" or whatever? I'd like to add. Sometimes my memory is both, like oh boy I remember ever silly songs with larry song and now I'm simultaneously singing five but I do not remember what I just said.

Then wouldn't you be forgetting the songs as you sang them? Rhetorical of course. It reminds me of time; ever flowing but always freezing.

@Pickles group

Also there's a silly sing w/ larry that's some other crusty looking veggie singing about cheeseburgers and even though it's not Larry, it's pretty great. Also the cebu one is super underrated. That and if it doesn't have a tail it's not a monkey are probably my favorites

@Pickles group

You know that tumblr post about adhd and memory that's like "sometimes you can't remember what you had for breakfast and sometimes you're just like 'I can recite every opening sentence to every magic treehouse book'" or whatever? I'd like to add. Sometimes my memory is both, like oh boy I remember ever silly songs with larry song and now I'm simultaneously singing five but I do not remember what I just said.

Then wouldn't you be forgetting the songs as you sang them? Rhetorical of course. It reminds me of time; ever flowing but always freezing.

I meant in my head lmao


So you guys remember my post earlier about my friend who ran away? She was found. The strange thing is that she was headed for MY city. She lives about an hour and a half away, and she was headed for MY city. I don't know why. I'm just glad she's been found


just gonna mini rant once again about my mom-

please dear gosh stop posting pictures of me to your instagram, i’ve got enough self esteem issues as it is I don’t need to see daily pictures of myself that I didn’t even know were being taken from the middle of conversations with just the right angle that I look full-on obese, and I definitely don’t need 100+ people including my friends and complete strangers seeing them, especially when you tag my supposed-to-be-somewhat-professional art account in the description so everyone thinks that’s what I look like

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So you guys remember my post earlier about my friend who ran away? She was found. The strange thing is that she was headed for MY city. She lives about an hour and a half away, and she was headed for MY city. I don't know why. I'm just glad she's been found

Wonderful news!


So you guys remember my post earlier about my friend who ran away? She was found. The strange thing is that she was headed for MY city. She lives about an hour and a half away, and she was headed for MY city. I don't know why. I'm just glad she's been found

Wonderful news!

Yeah! But apparently she's feeling the urge to self harm or commit suicide and that's part of why she ran off and like…my heart is breaking for her, I don't know what to do. I really really don't. I've never had to go through feeling like that (something I am so glad about) and I don't know what to say or how to help or anything

@ccb group