forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Deleted user

i don't know

probably not

i also fear that one of my once closest friends might be dead

they've deleted all social media and won't answer texts


Can you call their parents, or the cops or something?

don't know their parents, don't like the police.

Deleted user

stopping by here again is driving me insane
so that's all you fuckers get of this handsome human
listen to stay wide awake by eminem


can someone, anyone, give me one example, one possible hope for a scenario where everything will turn out okay???
i can’t pretend anymore, i’m so miserable-

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

We fly to your house, break you out in the middle of the night, and we all fly off into the distance with your chinchildren, leaving a trail of rainbow glitter behind us

I'm sorry I'm not good at comforting

@Pickles group

If we're doing recommendations, read Smoke Gets In Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty.

Everything by her honestly. I love her

@Mojack group

uh oh guys…they’ve announced elementary and some high school students to be returning to school this September in my province…let’s see how this goes

Deleted user

I'm so unbelievably apathetic today that I could barely make myself food for lunch. Important stuff happened and I barely pushed to learn about it. I really want to jump into a large pool of water and float there forever. I don't want this day to count, I don't want anything to happen. No one talk to me please, it's agonizing to see a phone call or even begin to try and text someone. I talked to one person this morning and I barely felt as if I were there, I was just outside looking in on the silence


So…I just heard the one of my best friends has run away from home. Last night. Last time I saw her, she said she had an appointment with a therapist to talk about voices she's hearing in her head. And…I'm really really really really worried for her. She doesn't have a cell phone. She has no way to contact anyone if she's in trouble. I sent her an email but I have no idea if she will respond. I'm terrified that the next news I get is going to be that she's dead, or that there's not going to be any news at all. So. Yeah.

@GameMaster group

So…I just heard the one of my best friends has run away from home. Last night. Last time I saw her, she said she had an appointment with a therapist to talk about voices she's hearing in her head. And…I'm really really really really worried for her. She doesn't have a cell phone. She has no way to contact anyone if she's in trouble. I sent her an email but I have no idea if she will respond. I'm terrified that the next news I get is going to be that she's dead, or that there's not going to be any news at all. So. Yeah.

That must be awful, my heart goes out to you. Do you know if she was getting treatment before?


So…I just heard the one of my best friends has run away from home. Last night. Last time I saw her, she said she had an appointment with a therapist to talk about voices she's hearing in her head. And…I'm really really really really worried for her. She doesn't have a cell phone. She has no way to contact anyone if she's in trouble. I sent her an email but I have no idea if she will respond. I'm terrified that the next news I get is going to be that she's dead, or that there's not going to be any news at all. So. Yeah.

That must be awful, my heart goes out to you. Do you know if she was getting treatment before?

Thank you. And…I have no idea. It's hard to keep in contact with her since she's really bad at answering emails and again, has no phone, plus she lives two hours away so it's not like I'm gonna run into her. And last I knew, she had the appointment set up but hadn't gone yet, so I have no idea if she was on treatment or meds or anything

@GameMaster group

I let Tiktok decide which character I should kill off because I couldn’t make up my mind and Amara(one of the two characters) is definitely the favorite and it’s very funny to me

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So…I just heard the one of my best friends has run away from home. Last night. Last time I saw her, she said she had an appointment with a therapist to talk about voices she's hearing in her head. And…I'm really really really really worried for her. She doesn't have a cell phone. She has no way to contact anyone if she's in trouble. I sent her an email but I have no idea if she will respond. I'm terrified that the next news I get is going to be that she's dead, or that there's not going to be any news at all. So. Yeah.

High-key sucks.


I let Tiktok decide which character I should kill off because I couldn’t make up my mind and Amara(one of the two characters) is definitely the favorite and it’s very funny to me


@ccb group

@ccb group

@ccb group

Hey, it'll get better once you get your Zoloft.

you’re probably right. <3 ssri withdrawals are so scary though i feel like nobody mentions it

@GameMaster group

I let Tiktok decide which character I should kill off because I couldn’t make up my mind and Amara(one of the two characters) is definitely the favorite and it’s very funny to me



@GameMaster group

I have the same problem. It always feels like there’s a cloud over my vision. I used to have so many stories but I don’t know any of them anymore. Obviously I have no idea how to fix it but supposedly it comes from trauma or if you have a disaccociative disorder

@Mojack group

covids been fucking my toenails up man
You may ask how it does that, and allow me to introduce you to the wonders of “pincer nails” aka nails that grow inwards, curling into your skin…usually resulting in ingrown toenails. No cure for them except for total nail removal iirc and I’ve looked at the surgery for it and it just looks uncomfortable
Onuxophobia makes it really bad

I usually have appointments to deal with clipping toenails but haven’t been able to bc of the pandemic. The woman who does it is higher risk as she’s older and she also deals with a number of people who are also older so we haven’t been able to do much of that so it’s been up to yours truly to manage

It happens every 3 months where it gets pretty painful and now it’s that month where it gets pretty uncomfortable. I clipped them yesterday but I think the part I really need to get out is actually in the skin so…wish me luck I don’t really want to because I’m worried I’ll screw something up

@GameMaster group

covids been fucking my toenails up man
You may ask how it does that, and allow me to introduce you to the wonders of “pincer nails” aka nails that grow inwards, curling into your skin…usually resulting in ingrown toenails. No cure for them except for total nail removal iirc and I’ve looked at the surgery for it and it just looks uncomfortable
Onuxophobia makes it really bad

I usually have appointments to deal with clipping toenails but haven’t been able to bc of the pandemic. The woman who does it is higher risk as she’s older and she also deals with a number of people who are also older so we haven’t been able to do much of that so it’s been up to yours truly to manage

It happens every 3 months where it gets pretty painful and now it’s that month where it gets pretty uncomfortable. I clipped them yesterday but I think the part I really need to get out is actually in the skin so…wish me luck I don’t really want to because I’m worried I’ll screw something up

Yo, good news! I’ve gotten the ingrown nail removal thing and they don’t have to take off the whole nail. They can just take off the side and then they put this thing on it to stop it from growing again. The numbing shots hurt like a bitch but honestly it’s worth it.

@HighPockets group

Hey, it'll get better once you get your Zoloft.

you’re probably right. <3 ssri withdrawals are so scary though i feel like nobody mentions it

They totally are! I was on an ssri for a bit in 8th grade (iirc, it was Zoloft lol) but it didn't work so they took me off it, and I had to wean off over a month-ish because my doctor was afraid that I would

if they had me quit cold turkey.