forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@saor_illust school

spoilered for potential tw

@HighPockets group

Mmm I hate it when others ship me with my best friend, especially if it's implied instead of just outright said
Yes, I talk about her a lot because she means a lot to me, not because I want to fuck her
Yes, I love her to my core, but that love is the farthest thing from romance and the closest thing to family
Yes, I plan to move into an apartment with her once I transfer because I know I can rely on her–she has my back and I have hers
Don't fucking start bullshit conversations with "So, did you actually travel 12 hours to see 'just a friend'?" Like no bitch, I travelled 12 hours to hang out with my best friend and give her a reprieve from her overly-strict parents
Why is it so hard to believe I'd go so far for someone I don't wish to bone? For someone that I genuinely care about and want nothing more than to just be by her side?

Bruh I totally get where you’re coming from. People are so focused on the love of lovers that they forget that intimacy is found elsewhere also. It is the mind of fools.

Yes, this
This is why that scene in Loveless made me tear up, because it's so rare to see friendship celebrated as the love story in your life

@HighPockets group

It's the new Alice Oseman book, and it ends with

Deleted user

It's the new Alice Oseman book, and it ends with


@HighPockets group

Y'all know how rare it is for me to cry over books, and I was tearing up because I want that. I want that so badly. I couldn't care less if I have some love story with roses and chocolate or whatever, I just want to have that.


It's the new Alice Oseman book, and it ends with

I'd love to read that, though I also think it may be a bit of an uncanny valley compared to my friendship with my best friend. We dated on and off throughout middle and high school because we couldn't figure out if we liked each other or if we like-liked each other. It finally clicked Senior year, and we've been self-proclaimed "platonic soulmates" ever since. We are each other's number one. I'm so lucky to have her.

@HighPockets group

It's the new Alice Oseman book, and it ends with

I'd love to read that, though I also think it may be a bit of an uncanny valley compared to my friendship with my best friend. We dated on and off throughout middle and high school because we couldn't figure out if we liked each other or if we like-liked each other. It finally clicked Senior year, and we've been self-proclaimed "platonic soulmates" ever since. We are each other's number one. I'm so lucky to have her.

That's so wholesome ;-;

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

spoilered for potential tw

I’d try sunlight and hydration, as much contact with people you love as possible, and attempt to make your hours of nothing count; read or draw or find something that gives a spark of meaning.


I signed up for cross country but i have no experience running umm i think im gonna die why did i do this

cross country isn't too bad
just breathe correctly when you run and you'll be alright

I would like to add by saying, Breath right and don't live in a dessert. then you'll be alright.

How do i breath right???

Deleted user

I signed up for cross country but i have no experience running umm i think im gonna die why did i do this

cross country isn't too bad
just breathe correctly when you run and you'll be alright

I would like to add by saying, Breath right and don't live in a dessert. then you'll be alright.

How do i breath right???

avoid panting, just try to breathe steadily and evenly.


I signed up for cross country but i have no experience running umm i think im gonna die why did i do this

cross country isn't too bad
just breathe correctly when you run and you'll be alright

I would like to add by saying, Breath right and don't live in a dessert. then you'll be alright.

How do i breath right???

In through the nose, out through the mouth.
Time your breaths with your footfalls.
Slow down if you start to hyperventilate or if you start to get tunnel-vision.

Also for the running part of cross country, you're going to have to develop a run with a spring (aka, bounce with every step). Why? Because the trails are usually on uneven terrain and if you misstep you can quickly recover. If you run flat-footed, like in track, you run the risk of tripping and wiping out on the trail.

Pro tips: When you're running downhill, spread your arms out for balance, and if it's across unstable rocks, run sideways (more likely to slide instead of trip that way). When going uphill, powerwalk. It may slow you down, but it's better than wearing yourself out trying to run up steep and/or long stretches of uphill trail.

(This is advice based off my experience in cross country. I did the sport 5 years ago, so be prepared for your experience to be different than mine)

@Mojack group

I’ve decided that I’m going to be doing online courses for school this semester (unsure about next one)
There’s still back to school plans for my province, but I heard some stuff and I’m not gonna take that sort of as someone who has a four month niece who visits occasionally and older family members that also visit I’m just…taking that into account.

Plus I heard online courses are going to be like…

Semester one, two classes for September-November then two classes for the rest of the semester
And semester two I think is the same way

Decision just makes me feel overall more comfortable. I don’t think this pandemic is going to go away anytime soon (I think numbers may rise again during September) so doing online seems like a better choice overall, for me at least.

@HighPockets group

Mine's doing mandatory online school for the first quarter, and I think it's also limiting classes to four a quarter or something as opposed to eight? Idk I was a bit confused by that bit.


Tw suicidal stuff


I signed up for cross country but i have no experience running umm i think im gonna die why did i do this

cross country isn't too bad
just breathe correctly when you run and you'll be alright

I would like to add by saying, Breath right and don't live in a dessert. then you'll be alright.

How do i breath right???

In through the nose, out through the mouth.
Time your breaths with your footfalls.
Slow down if you start to hyperventilate or if you start to get tunnel-vision.

Also for the running part of cross country, you're going to have to develop a run with a spring (aka, bounce with every step). Why? Because the trails are usually on uneven terrain and if you misstep you can quickly recover. If you run flat-footed, like in track, you run the risk of tripping and wiping out on the trail.

Pro tips: When you're running downhill, spread your arms out for balance, and if it's across unstable rocks, run sideways (more likely to slide instead of trip that way). When going uphill, powerwalk. It may slow you down, but it's better than wearing yourself out trying to run up steep and/or long stretches of uphill trail.

(This is advice based off my experience in cross country. I did the sport 5 years ago, so be prepared for your experience to be different than mine)

Tyson!! That’s so helpful. I’m currently in the car going to practice ahhh I’m so nervous.