forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Yeah, that's why I said "equivalent" and not "is". From my understanding, it serves the purpose to Catholics that a Bar or Bat Mitzvah serves to Jewish people.

I meant to add more but left for the night.
It is “simply” one of the Sacraments, like baptism. It is the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit. It is done at the same time as baptism by some, but the Catholics have it as more of a coming of age deal. This possibly stems from the fact that the bishop is the one to do this, not the priest, and a lot of the time people had to wait for the bishop to come, making it later in life. It isn’t only the Catholics, as far as I am aware, that have you do community service (which seems like earning a sacrament but correct me, Jyn, if I’m wrong).
As for patron saints, Idk a lot about that. Mine is St. Dominic. All my sibling’s are the name of their first or middle name.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Unironically, 75% of my dopamine and serotonin in the past year and a half has been from going to book stores. I went to one this morning and I felt happier than I had all week. They just instantly raise my spirits, there's something so powerful in being surrounded by books.

Dude yesss.

@HighPockets group

Yeah, that's why I said "equivalent" and not "is". From my understanding, it serves the purpose to Catholics that a Bar or Bat Mitzvah serves to Jewish people.

I meant to add more but left for the night.
It is “simply” one of the Sacraments, like baptism. It is the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit. It is done at the same time as baptism by some, but the Catholics have it as more of a coming of age deal. This possibly stems from the fact that the bishop is the one to do this, not the priest, and a lot of the time people had to wait for the bishop to come, making it later in life. It isn’t only the Catholics, as far as I am aware, that have you do community service (which seems like earning a sacrament but correct me, Jyn, if I’m wrong).
As for patron saints, Idk a lot about that. Mine is St. Dominic. All my sibling’s are the name of their first or middle name.

My diocese's bishop died like 4 months before confirmation time, they had to swear in the new one kinda hastily


Unironically, 75% of my dopamine and serotonin in the past year and a half has been from going to book stores. I went to one this morning and I felt happier than I had all week. They just instantly raise my spirits, there's something so powerful in being surrounded by books.

me too me too me too ohmygosh I went to Barnes & Noble yesterday and it made me want to throw myself into multiple fictional worlds and read without realizing time is passing by until I've finished

@HighPockets group

Unironically, 75% of my dopamine and serotonin in the past year and a half has been from going to book stores. I went to one this morning and I felt happier than I had all week. They just instantly raise my spirits, there's something so powerful in being surrounded by books.

me too me too me too ohmygosh I went to Barnes & Noble yesterday and it made me want to throw myself into multiple fictional worlds and read without realizing time is passing by until I've finished

I'm so tempted to just lock myself in my bedroom and read for hours-


yeah mood
I really wanna reread a bunch of books and some new ones that I've been meaning to but I don't really want to stare at a screen the entire time with an ebook but the libraries are closed and books are expensive to buy


going shopping anywhere is like my natural antidepressant
walking through art shops? heck yeah
new clothes? I'm down
dollar store spree? count me in-
heck it, let's take a stroll through price chopper
i don't even have to buy anything, it just brings me a lot of Happy.


I really like running errands or doing window shopping
it's just so much fun
I don't even spend money that often unless it's for someone else or if I'm doing "self care"
me buying a whole pride flag yesterday was indeed self care

@Pickles group

I really like running errands or doing window shopping
it's just so much fun
I don't even spend money that often unless it's for someone else or if I'm doing "self care"
me buying a whole pride flag yesterday was indeed self care

Running errands is fine when I'm by myself or with my sister. My parents make it gross though, ngl

@HighPockets group

Running errands is Fine and Good when I'm doing it on my own terms, but when it's been 45 minutes and we're still at one store and only a quarter of the way through the grocery list, that's not fun.


When my parents first got their Costco membership we'd have to walk through every single isle, and not quickly. Ever. Single. Isle.
Other than that errands aren't that bad.

Deleted user

I can't drive which means that if I want to go to a store I can't bike to, I have to ask my madre to drive me and she always demands a list of every single thing I'm buying

Like….. chill. It's especially annoying when I'm buying witchy stuff because she wants to know why I need everything and it can be very hard to explain

@Pickles group

Running errands is Fine and Good when I'm doing it on my own terms, but when it's been 45 minutes and we're still at one store and only a quarter of the way through the grocery list, that's not fun.



We got a new piano (finally!!!!) but it hasn't been tuned in like…years, so it sounds DISGUSTING when I play it. Chords sound disgusting, melodies sound disgusting, everything sounds disgusting, and we can't get it tuned until monday and it's making me sad :(( I can't play anything without cringing and audibly going "ew"

@GameMaster group

When my parents first got their Costco membership we'd have to walk through every single isle, and not quickly. Ever. Single. Isle.
Other than that errands aren't that bad.

Costco is the only place I don't like going because yk all the people and the noise.

@GameMaster group

Going to the grocery store after it gets dark hits different

Those are the best trips

Trader Joe's at night in the winter when there's like no one there and all the employees say hi to you. And it's raining. And it's always better if it's like an unplanned trip after and my mom is like "we gotta get coffee and you can pick some snacks if you come"
That's the best


When my parents first got their Costco membership we'd have to walk through every single isle, and not quickly. Ever. Single. Isle.
Other than that errands aren't that bad.

Costco is the only place I don't like going because yk all the people and the noise.

I like it because where I live it's the closest thing to a world market and I love hearing foreign languages and being around different people. We also have a big Asian market I used to go to for my birthday. Then I was just starting to learn Chinese.