forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Small rant. No need to read it just, getting it out of my system.
I and never going to be enough am I. I've done nothing but disappoint my entire life. How miserable of a person am I, I'll never live up to my own expectations. I can't even remember to feed myself for goodness sake. There is no thing I can do that another can not acomplish in my stead, is there.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Small rant. No need to read it just, getting it out of my system.
I and never going to be enough am I. I've done nothing but disappoint my entire life. How miserable of a person am I, I'll never live up to my own expectations. I can't even remember to feed myself for goodness sake. There is no thing I can do that another can not acomplish in my stead, is there.

You’ve just begun your walk. Are you surprised that a baby can’t run? All will come in it’s time if you work towards it.
And I disagree. You are here in your place of the universe for a reason.

@Pickles group

At this point my emotions are basically meaningless and less than useful so why the fuck am I still having them? On a slightly related note, why can I only recognize possible danger after the fact? Why does my brain invent danger when it's not there?? Just. Be normal. Wow. Stop.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I have a dilemma
A new episode of One Piece came out last night, and I haven't been able to watch it
But I'm in the middle of a MFM episode and I only have time to finish 1 before I go to my grandparents' house

@GameMaster group

Holy crap, if any of you live in California that storm last night was certainly something. The wind woke me up around 3am and apparently it woke up my mom and my sister too.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

At this point my emotions are basically meaningless and less than useful so why the fuck am I still having them? On a slightly related note, why can I only recognize possible danger after the fact? Why does my brain invent danger when it's not there?? Just. Be normal. Wow. Stop.


@Pickles group

I keep forgetting that people live in California and it's not just entirely movie studios and influencers

I’ve been there. It’s real.
