forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@GameMaster group

Les Miz is life. Also do you have a Pinterest, Ice? ‘Cause I gotta send you my favorite Les Miz thing to make me laugh.

D: I do not, my apologies

we’re doing Les Mis as our musical this year. it’s very exciting

@Pickles group

I have senior pictures tomorrow and then senior pictures for band on Thursday and I don't really wanna do it. My skin is very much declining because I forgot to wash my face for a few days. Also don't really know what I'm going to wear yet (sorry Mom). But we're going to a really pretty place for my secondary location. It's also supposed to be in the 90s tomorrow so…fuuun


Les Miz is life. Also do you have a Pinterest, Ice? ‘Cause I gotta send you my favorite Les Miz thing to make me laugh.

D: I do not, my apologies

…i mean yeah lol

It should be longer, My Boy Victor would never go on a tangent that short. Interesting man he was.


Les Miz is life. Also do you have a Pinterest, Ice? ‘Cause I gotta send you my favorite Les Miz thing to make me laugh.

D: I do not, my apologies

…i mean yeah lol

It should be longer, My Boy Victor would never go on a tangent that short. Interesting man he was.

Ooh did you realize/hear that he regularly compares Enjolras and Grantaire to classic gay couples? He also uses (in the original French) words that carry double meanings that are sometimes love, to talk about Enjolras and Grantaire. Thus, he establishes a homoerotic subtext. Therefore, you could say that Enjolras x Grantaire is canon


I think I fell down the rabbit hole too fast


Les Miz is life. Also do you have a Pinterest, Ice? ‘Cause I gotta send you my favorite Les Miz thing to make me laugh.

D: I do not, my apologies

…i mean yeah lol

It should be longer, My Boy Victor would never go on a tangent that short. Interesting man he was.

Ooh did you realize/hear that he regularly compares Enjolras and Grantaire to classic gay couples? He also uses (in the original French) words that carry double meanings that are sometimes love, to talk about Enjolras and Grantaire. Thus, he establishes a homoerotic subtext. Therefore, you could say that Enjolras x Grantaire is canon


I think I fell down the rabbit hole too fast

There were 2 million people at his funeral, 2 million, it was so crowded, you couldn't even get a good view.


Les Miz is life. Also do you have a Pinterest, Ice? ‘Cause I gotta send you my favorite Les Miz thing to make me laugh.

D: I do not, my apologies

…i mean yeah lol

It should be longer, My Boy Victor would never go on a tangent that short. Interesting man he was.

Ooh did you realize/hear that he regularly compares Enjolras and Grantaire to classic gay couples? He also uses (in the original French) words that carry double meanings that are sometimes love, to talk about Enjolras and Grantaire. Thus, he establishes a homoerotic subtext. Therefore, you could say that Enjolras x Grantaire is canon


I think I fell down the rabbit hole too fast

There were 2 million people at his funeral, 2 million, it was so crowded, you couldn't even get a good view.

That's…a lot of people


My sister is two years old and a fucking savage
She also got me sick

my sister is almost 2. her second full sentence was "go away sissy." she also loves to hit, push, yell, headbutt, and sometimes bite. idk where she got the headbutting from

@Pickles group

Unfortunately I got ready too early and I've been in bed for a while and there's still over an hour until I need to leave for pictures. But there's also still stuff I need to do before band today. I don't wanna do ittt

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ooh did you realize/hear that he regularly compares Enjolras and Grantaire to classic gay couples? He also uses (in the original French) words that carry double meanings that are sometimes love, to talk about Enjolras and Grantaire. Thus, he establishes a homoerotic subtext. Therefore, you could say that Enjolras x Grantaire is canon

More like Grantaire x oh great Enjolras still doesn’t notice me.


Ooh did you realize/hear that he regularly compares Enjolras and Grantaire to classic gay couples? He also uses (in the original French) words that carry double meanings that are sometimes love, to talk about Enjolras and Grantaire. Thus, he establishes a homoerotic subtext. Therefore, you could say that Enjolras x Grantaire is canon

More like Grantaire x oh great Enjolras still doesn’t notice me.

I choked, but you're right lmao

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also unrelated but do other people just take criticism? Bc someone can correct me but if they use any voice that isn’t perfectly calm I will carry it around in my stomach for like an hour sometimes. And I have to talk myself through it half the time even though I know they’re just telling me something. It’s really stupid bc I know all this. But sometimes it just hits me so hard. And it’s stupid and I don’t like it.


YES. Of course then Enjolras would be like "shut up i was talking about REVOLUTION"

Grantaire and Eponine sitting together and talking about how they both are in love with someone who barely even notices them


Also unrelated but do other people just take criticism? Bc someone can correct me but if they use any voice that isn’t perfectly calm I will carry it around in my stomach for like an hour sometimes. And I have to talk myself through it half the time even though I know they’re just telling me something. It’s really stupid bc I know all this. But sometimes it just hits me so hard. And it’s stupid and I don’t like it.

oh my god big same. If someone sounds grumpy when criticizing me I melt (and not the good kind of melt)

@Pickles group

Also unrelated but do other people just take criticism? Bc someone can correct me but if they use any voice that isn’t perfectly calm I will carry it around in my stomach for like an hour sometimes. And I have to talk myself through it half the time even though I know they’re just telling me something. It’s really stupid bc I know all this. But sometimes it just hits me so hard. And it’s stupid and I don’t like it.

Rejection sensitivity gang ✌️✌️