forum Your Personal Venting Space 3: Tokyo Drift
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also unrelated but do other people just take criticism? Bc someone can correct me but if they use any voice that isn’t perfectly calm I will carry it around in my stomach for like an hour sometimes. And I have to talk myself through it half the time even though I know they’re just telling me something. It’s really stupid bc I know all this. But sometimes it just hits me so hard. And it’s stupid and I don’t like it.

Rejection sensitivity gang ✌️✌️

It bugs me so much because I know all this and why is this still happening when I know the answer and djfjjfjfffjjfirfjfjfjddk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



At the barricade. While Enjolras and Marius are…doing whatever I suppose

Waxing on about the sorrows of death as they shoot the cannon man.

On My Own becoming a duet as they both sing about someone different

@Pickles group

Also unrelated but do other people just take criticism? Bc someone can correct me but if they use any voice that isn’t perfectly calm I will carry it around in my stomach for like an hour sometimes. And I have to talk myself through it half the time even though I know they’re just telling me something. It’s really stupid bc I know all this. But sometimes it just hits me so hard. And it’s stupid and I don’t like it.

Rejection sensitivity gang ✌️✌️

It bugs me so much because I know all this and why is this still happening when I know the answer and djfjjfjfffjjfirfjfjfjddk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently there's meds you can take for it but no one ever prescribes them because they don't know about it and I'm just sitting here like okay well one of the reasons I wanted to tell someone was so I don't melt down when someone tells me to move but here we are



Grantaire staring at Enjolras longingly and Enjolras never noticing. and Grantaire just…openly flirting and Enjolras still not getting it

@Moxie group

Also unrelated but do other people just take criticism? Bc someone can correct me but if they use any voice that isn’t perfectly calm I will carry it around in my stomach for like an hour sometimes. And I have to talk myself through it half the time even though I know they’re just telling me something. It’s really stupid bc I know all this. But sometimes it just hits me so hard. And it’s stupid and I don’t like it.

Rejection sensitivity gang ✌️✌️

We love RSD



Grantaire staring at Enjolras longingly and Enjolras never noticing. and Grantaire just…openly flirting and Enjolras still not getting it

“You’re drunk, Grantaire, go home.”

"Only if you come with me"


Also unrelated but do other people just take criticism? Bc someone can correct me but if they use any voice that isn’t perfectly calm I will carry it around in my stomach for like an hour sometimes. And I have to talk myself through it half the time even though I know they’re just telling me something. It’s really stupid bc I know all this. But sometimes it just hits me so hard. And it’s stupid and I don’t like it.

Rejection sensitivity gang ✌️✌️

It bugs me so much because I know all this and why is this still happening when I know the answer and djfjjfjfffjjfirfjfjfjddk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're probably used to criticisms that aren't valid and are put downs instead of criticisms. so even if you are getting valid arguments it feels like a put down.


Also unrelated but do other people just take criticism? Bc someone can correct me but if they use any voice that isn’t perfectly calm I will carry it around in my stomach for like an hour sometimes. And I have to talk myself through it half the time even though I know they’re just telling me something. It’s really stupid bc I know all this. But sometimes it just hits me so hard. And it’s stupid and I don’t like it.

Rejection sensitivity gang ✌️✌️


Deleted user

Happy Vent!:
So as a few people know, I’ve been working on my writing and spelling. Well, now I’m working with art as well! I’ve been trying it out with Krita. It, Ot bad so far! I’ve been playing around with it and I’ve been working on things. I’m trying out sketches but then again…Still a newbie. On the other hand, I really want Photoshop but it’s expensive so I need to work for it. I also need a Drawing tablet- I’m On PC but it isn’t to hard! I’m starting to get the hang of it!

Annoyed vent: On the other hand… My Laptop broke. Well… It didn’t brake but the charger did. (I think.) If it isn’t the charger and it’s the Laptop…Well, I’m never getting a new one because this would be the second one I broke. According to My parents “You dont need another one! You’ll just brake it again!” So I told them that It’s not that. And If I couldn’t Have a new laptop, How bout an IPad? But they didn’t let…


Vent about frustrating Parents below

I love my Mom, so so much, but some times, sometimes….
So my older sister, we'll call her T, just opened up to my parent's about some of the things she's going through. my mother's reaction
"What do you mean, she doesn't feel supported, You know how much we've done for her? Why does she think she's a bad person I'm not calling her a bad person. She made all of those mistakes because she didn't listen to us, You hear that girls, listen to your parents we know what we are talking about."
Like really Mom? She's literally telling you how she feels that's her perspective and all you're doing is complaining about how she is struggling?
"She did something wrong and she got consequences, she did something wrong and she got consequences. All of those things she did wrong, were things we told her not to do, see, obviously you should listen to us more."
This is why she feels like a bad person, because you are using her as an example of what not to do. You are literally making her the bad person.
"What does she mean by she feels like she's walking on egg shells at home."
You insult everything she does wrong with out looking at how much she's doing? She is working two jobs and trying to raise a toddler, she worked 58 hours last week, of course everything around her is a mess, she doesn't sleep at night because she has a toddler that refuses to sleep. And you are complaining that she's not grateful enough?
"She was stupid and did stupid things so her life collapsed, She needs to stop taking advantage of the help we're giving her and get her life together. No, we're not going to let her take our car to go scout out the neighborhood near the collage she wants to go to, why can't she move some where around here?"
Like this, this is exactly the problem , you don't want her to get her life back on her feet unless it's your way, you don't want her to succeed unless it's your way. Every time she try's to get on her feet in a way you don't like, you knock her back down, so yeah she feel's like she's walking on egg shells, no she doesn't feel supported. Support isn't just providing for someone financially, it's helping them emotionally.
And here is the real kicker. My other sister , H, and I went down to ask her to stop talking trash about T and she went off, about how disrespect full of us it was to say such a thing and it's just really hard for her, because T said she couldn't tell her friend any of this and she just needs validation.
Number one, That's the issue, you're looking to validate your own opinion with out looking at hers, you're running to your friends to confirm your own opinion and yelling at the people inside your family trying to help you better understand the situation.
Number Two. I don't care who you are, what you're issues are, you do not Yell at H when she expresses her opinion respectfully, Yell at me all you want, I can handle it. H can't, that is my sister, that is your daughter and she just did something that takes a lot of effort for her and asked you to stop, and then you yelled at her, and told her she was wrong. I don't care what you do to me, but do not yell at H. I wanted to sock her in the face for that.
This is why you are loosing us, this is why 5 of your kids don't want to talk to you about things, this is why we can't express ourselves. You say that we're making you the villain? You're right, we are, but you sure aren't making it very difficult.

End of Rant about Parent being not nice.


You know, I get her side, I understand what she's saying. I get why she thinks the way she does I just can't help but feel frustrated because If I can see both sides why can't she.
T never listened to anything my parents said, I mean never, she went out of her way to go against them and ended up in trouble. So I get it, because they are right she should have listened.
But that doesn't change how T feels, she is obviously sorry.
In the end I'm a bit of a hypocrite, after all I ran on here to tell ya'll and get it off my chest. Well, I guess I get that part too.

You don't need to be sorry, it's alright. I'll figure it out. Disagreements and arguing are a part of life, because human's are going to be human.

@Moxie group

My only advice would be to make sure you and your siblings who are involved in this stay strong and stay together on this issue. That really, really sucks tho, I'm sorry. I hope your sister is able to move near her college and I wish her luck with her toddler


I really feel that. Just ride it through, day by day, holding on to the truth that they love you very much. And get the hell away when the time is right.

I like the way this is phrased. I second this.



On another note. I just love having no memory or sense of direction. Getting lost while running an errand is fun.

I have a different problem, great sense of direction, no memory when it comes to directions, or street names. To be fair where I live all of the street names are really hard to pronounce and confusing.


The only time I remember directions is if it's the exit on the freeway. I've only forgotten my exit once and it was terrifying
Wanna get to Yuma, Barstow, Salt Lake, Idaho Falls, I got you, those exsits are burrned into my brain.