forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Anemone eco

Wait what-
Maia's back???
Since when???

Don't know when exactly she came back, but yeah she's here. Don't really know why she left in the first place. Either I missed her farewell or she just disappeared.


I think someone in this fanfic I'm reading is gonna die and I'm big time sad

well i feel you

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Holy cow this is a lot.

We've had a drama filled day. And a drama filled month. So the more aggressive ones are being aggressive.

Yes I am
We've had enough drama this month to fill the entirety of Britain's teacups on a semi-permanent basis

Oh haaaaaiii USA~

I got that reference.

Deleted user

Ugh, I want to yell at someone, but I don't want to yell at anyone here, and there's no one IRL that I can yell at without regretting it… this sucks.

yell at me

Deleted user

I don't have anything to yell at you for either
I'll find things


I'm on Discord. I've been for a while.
I left this server called XemaLand because the actual owner of the server (Xemanos#4402) dmed me.
I literally cannot describe how much of a fuckin simp this guy was. Like- Holy. Shit.
First of all, I'm 16 ½! You're being a pedo!
Second of all, he guilt-tripped me whenever I tried to turn him down. Okay, What the fuck is wrong with you where you think that it's okay to simp for a girl and then make her feel bad when she says no?

So I leave this server. And ever since I have, my little brother- who INVITED ME THERE- has been spreading my DiscordTag around to strangers claiming I tried to "raid the server".
W h a t????
And I've been getting random friend requests and messages from people saying the most disgusting shit I've ever heard.
It's gotten to the point where I might just delete my account, which I really don't want to do.

@saor_illust school

Oh my god I'm so sorry
That's terrible-
biggest of all big and even bigger than any other big hug i've given hugs @ fren

yeah ive got a vent too but i kinda wanna be there for you but idk if i can if i vent so ill just save it for later idk i just feel like now isn't really a good time

@saor_illust school


okay i literally cant hold it back any longer
my okay-ish mood
the best one ive been in since idk
was broken when i remembered i have a heck ton of assignments to do
and its breaking me
because they're hard
and its music theory
and i have no energy
and its all due tomorrow
well actually
only a couple or one of them is due tomorrow
the others are overdue
and ive only managed to complete one
and im legit panicking now
bc i cant do this
and i just need some support
bc frick if i dont do this today im going to have to come up with another excuse tomorrow and idk if i can

@saor_illust school

oh? thank you so much <3
lets see here ive got ear training (maybe ill get energy to move to the piano to make it easier later), intervals and…
rythm training
oh god
i tried that oh lets see here, last week
im so horribly bad at this
i cannot-

@saor_illust school

Well frick, looks like I'm going to sleep bc I simply cannot stay up any longer
G'night yall
Or morning???
I have no hecking clue what to call this

@Anemone eco

Well frick, looks like I'm going to sleep bc I simply cannot stay up any longer
G'night yall
Or morning???
I have no hecking clue what to call this

Sleep well, Izzy. <3