forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

I love nighttime more than daytime but I always get so suicidal when it's late

@saor_illust school

Alright… here let me write a little something:

I know, it's hard. It's hard to keep going when Life tries its hardest to keep you from moving forward. It's tough when Life digs a pit and drops you in it, and then keeps digging. But even when it seems as if all is lost, there's no point in trying anymore, and everything and everyone is against you… that just means you've hit rock bottom. That might not seem like a good thing at the moment, and in a way, it really isn't. It means that things are absolutely terrible. Maybe battling your mental health issues is getting harder and harder… and I get that. I really do. Mental health issues can't be fixed, they can't be cured immediately. They only get better over time. Now let's go back to that rock bottom thing. In a way, yes, it's negative. But it also means that there's only one way to go – up. Which means that things will only continue to get better – but over time. And remember – we're here, and we love you so much, and the fact that you're still living means that you can make it through this tough period of time. Sometimes Life is in a good mood, and sends all sorts of happy things towards you. Sometimes… Life is in a crappy mood and sends its very worst at you, at everyone and it seems all is lost. But… if you just tell yourself that you can and you will get through this, before you know it, it'll be over and you'll have gotten through it.

Thanks for reading my (probably terrible) attempt at an inspirational speech. (The ending is absolute crap but… I can't come up with a better one. I've rewritten it like five times now.)


I understand, I very very much understand but you know what, what do you do to things you hate, you keep gong to spite them. I wake up every morning just tell life, What was that? you wanted me dead? well guess who's back.


I am finally happy

Yessssss I love your cat!!!
(P.s. Mir is right, you are absolutely adorable)

Hecc nooo qwq the kitten is precious though. The other one keeps attacking her and idk how to get her to stop.

Deleted user

MY (overcrowded) school just had a tornado drill and im having a slight panic attack, my class went to the girl's bathroom which is small as it is but then 2 more classes showed up so we were even more crowded.then these 7 dudes were being very loud and obnoxious yelling and turning the lights on and off

i hate this school so much,

Deleted user

Sometimes I feel like people are only friends with me at school because I'm from a foreign country and that's 'cool' and 'interesting' but if I weren't then it would be a lot different for me

@Pickles group

bruh i hate school too lmao i only go here for the vibes

Pretty sure you go there because it's the law and your parents make you but whatever

@Mojack group

I have a virus and there’s nothing I can do about it because they don’t give antibiotics for that

So now I just feel like I need to cough 90% of the time


okay fair it is the law and yes my parents greatly encourage me to go but they physically cannot stop me if i just pretend to go out to the bus stop and actually bike to mia's house to have a ditch day instead

@Moxie group

My vent is that I can't vent about some rping people on here because they're on notebook. But aaaaaahhhh. afhkjahfdkahfkjdahfdsh holy frick tnh they're not really on the general forums so I could, but I don't want to risk that

But dahjkfhdshgjdkshkjghdjkghdsfucckkkjgdskhgkjs

Deleted user

Oof I know that feel–but like about everything.
Because what I say is x-rayed to the point where anything and everything is an insult.