forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


1 Stop hurting yourself, emotionally/physically.

That's right.
We aren't ready for you up here.

Don't worry, I still have more years ahead of me.
Just get a little down sometimes.

That's right. Many years, last time I checked. Enjoy them, little one.


1 Stop hurting yourself, emotionally/physically.

That's right.
We aren't ready for you up here.

Don't worry, I still have more years ahead of me.
Just get a little down sometimes.

That's right. Many years, last time I checked. Enjoy them, little one.

I don't know who you are but thank you. That actually somehow boosted my mood so much. <3

@HighPockets group

And my phone's gonna die I have no friends here (not notebook) I wanna leave but I can't
So I guess I just have to cry in the bathroom

Oof, big mood.
Can you find either a charger or a book?

@Pickles group

I have a charger in my car but no block thingy. I've also resorted to looking at tumblr posts on pinterest and I am still sad but I'm not crying so there's that. And oh crap I hear them doing stuff guess I gotta go out


Good vent: My friend gave me this cool candle and even though I can't even light it because my mom hates candles and I'm 13 almost 14 but just smelling it makes me feel better when I'm sad
Bad vent: My friend gave it to me as an early Christmas and now I'm stressed because I still need to get him something and I'm very awkward and stressed and anxiety

@HighPockets group

I have a charger in my car but no block thingy. I've also resorted to looking at tumblr posts on pinterest and I am still sad but I'm not crying so there's that. And oh crap I hear them doing stuff guess I gotta go out

Can you connect it to a wall plugin?


Tiny, tiny tiny vent. It's miniscule. Ignore if you want. Seriously.

I got stabbed with a insulin needle today at work, and then had to stab a dog with said insulin needle and I feel bad, even though I know it's to help her :(