forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Moxie group

is it really

Yeah. Because of your age you have a fast metabolism and how much you eat isn't gonna affect anything
And food is good for both your brain and your body. Not eating anything doesn't help either one of those

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

is it really

Yeah. Because of your age you have a fast metabolism and how much you eat isn't gonna affect anything
And food is good for both your brain and your body. Not eating anything doesn't help either one of those

I would rather you eat a little more than you should than starve. If you're oing to starve, wait until after puberty when your body has gotten it's shit together.

Deleted user

is it really

Yeah. Because of your age you have a fast metabolism and how much you eat isn't gonna affect anything
And food is good for both your brain and your body. Not eating anything doesn't help either one of those

I would rather you eat a little more than you should than starve. If you're oing to starve, wait until after puberty when your body has gotten it's shit together.

if you’re going to?



It’s really really bad for your body no matter if you’re in puberty or not and it’s horrifyingly awful to your body in ways one might not be able to comprehend.

It makes you drop fifty pounds in two months

fifty pounds


I would drop that much, with my workout routine, in one or two years.

@Moxie group

Just gonna add in a disclaimer in case that sounds appealing: You should not be losing that much weight that quickly. It's really dangerous for your body and your health, and will not help anyone's mental health.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

True, don't actually starve yourself, (Bad wording) I'm just saying that some people actually do better on weird schedules. (My mom once told me that her perfect schedule in college before she had me, was staying up till one Am, sleeping till 11 AM, not eating breakfast, going to class, coming back, playing games, studying, eat dinner, and then go back to playing games. (My mom is weird and still won't eat breakfast) )

Deleted user

i have no idea how that sounds appealing. It’s disgusting and you’d gain it back as soon as you start to eat and hydrate again because that weight loss is so unnatural in a short span of time. Your immune system would also be compromised, your daily energy supply would be fucking gone, and your brain would basically be mush without the glucose and energy derived from the calories and essential vitamins needed in order to survive.

So don’t starve yourself.

@saor_illust school

i have no idea how that sounds appealing. It’s disgusting and you’d gain it back as soon as you start to eat and hydrate again because that weight loss is so unnatural in a short span of time. Your immune system would also be compromised, your daily energy supply would be fucking gone, and your brain would basically be mush without the glucose and energy derived from the calories and essential vitamins needed in order to survive.

So don’t starve yourself.


@Moxie group

i have no idea how that sounds appealing.

I just wanted to add that in because at one point I would have found that idea very appealing, and I wanted to make sure that its not

Deleted user


Food makes your brain make the good good hormone and also raises the lil grumpy assholes in your blood so they're less grumpy and go about their business in keeping you healthy.

Food = good.


Well what if your not starving yourself? I legit dont get hungry for days and idk why or how but I'm fine when I end up eating

Even my doctor doesnt get it but with her advice I stopped doing that

@Mojack group

Alright so my suspicions of a sickness have been raised a little bit more. My phlegm isn’t clear coloured like it should be so that’s a pretty big sign. I have a hunch it’s my sinuses but I’m also not a doctor so I can’t confirm that. But I’m heading to hospital this morning so I should be good with that. I’ve been sick and my throat is hurting and it’s gotten progressively worse over the past few days so hopefully I figure out what’s going on.

And about the hunger thing, it’s not days for me (usually anyways, it happens occasionally but I just ate soup those few days) but I just don’t feel as hungry anymore/when I’m supposed to feel..well, hungry. When I normally feel hungry I mean. Like when I wake up and have breakfast. It’s not a sickness thing because it’s been going on for months, which is way longer than my throat/sinus thing I’ve got going on.
I still try to eat something though at least once or twice per day if I feel that way. But it’s really weird still and I’ll have to look into that too considering it hasn’t passed.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure none of my friends agree with my eating schedule because I don't eat breakfast and I don't normally eat lunch at school unless I actually like what they're serving. I mean, I still eat lunch but just after school.
(also, get better Mojack! That doesn't sound natural or good at all.)


i have no idea how that sounds appealing. It’s disgusting and you’d gain it back as soon as you start to eat and hydrate again because that weight loss is so unnatural in a short span of time. Your immune system would also be compromised, your daily energy supply would be fucking gone, and your brain would basically be mush without the glucose and energy derived from the calories and essential vitamins needed in order to survive.

So don’t starve yourself.


i actually actively fed into an anorexic lyfestyle when i was like 14, because i was tired of not feeling good about myself(it was disphoria, but i didnt know that, so i thought it was my body weight.) i didnt let myself eat more than 1000 calories a day and would go to the gym every two or three days and be there for Hours. i'd throw up sometimes. in two months, i dropped from 125 to 107. doesn't seem like much, right? well, my hair started thinning, my skin was yellow, you could literally count my ribs, and i was dizzy All the fucking time. when i walked to the gym i'd have to sit down after ten minutes and rest or i'd pass out. not to add that i was just as unhappy as i was before. eventually, my friends hosted an intervention and convinced me to stop.

now, see, what most people dont know is that once you've wired your brain to think like that, it never fully goes away. it has been three years and i still have passing intrusive thoughts - about food, about my body. they're easier to make go away but they're still there. it's a nightmare, i promise you.


Remember that toxic ex-friend of mine

This bitch is telling everyone I'm faking my diagnosed knee injury

that I had surgery for

I would strait up punch her. But that’s me not being great at emotions.
(Also tell people some of her secrets if they will tell people yours, then tell people theirs)


So.. I got myself into another mess, yay me. Ok So it's really really stupid but I don't want to back down and I don't know what to do. Basically yesterday my older sisters were giving my Mother a really really hard time so she was a grumpy person. I went a took a shower before doing my chore and when I got out of the shower my mother demanded that I trade with my brother because he can't do his chore until I do my chore yadiyadiyada, And I said no I'm not doing his chore it's his chore when this happened to me you made me do both chores, you're only doing this because he's your special little baby. Anyhow so she snapped and then because she snapped Dad snapped and Dad told me to get out of his house for an hour and I said I'll do you one better and just not come back And he said perfect. So I got up and left the house and I wasn't wearing shoes so I went up the mountain behind our house bare foot and it's been dropping into the low 20 Fahrenheit at night as of late and my hair was wet because I had just showered and it's been raining a lot so the ground was muddy by the time I get to some acceptable shelter my feet are half frozen and caked with cold wet mud. So I stayed out there for a few hours but the temperature keeps dropping two people came out to look for me for a bit but gave up pretty quickly. My sister hiked up and told me I could stay in her trailer in the yard if I wanted to come back but didn't want to go inside, I refused at the time. But a few hours later when I couldn't feel my feet I didn't think being petty and spiteful was a good reason to lose my toes so I climbed back down and stayed in her trailer over night and then My mother found me and forced me to school this morning so now I'm in school exhausted emotionally messed up and really not having a good time. Is it my fault yes, is it really my fault also no. One why the heck was she taking her anger out one me, two I kinda deserved it, three I really don't want to lose honor band but if not getting pushed around means losing Honor band that's what it means. I'm fine losing Water Polo, I can find ways to stay in band and make it work but honor band I can't figure out. That is all, I'm aware it's stupid and I should just let it go but I'm tiered of being pushed around.


OK, so my legs are actually noodles.
Like it takes everything in my power to just walk normally and if you poke or prod my thighs it hurts like hell (to all of my friends who kept kicking me in the thighs for fun, FU!)
Why, you ask? Physical training.
Club volleyball just started up again and I'm on a 6-month team where we do physical training for 30 mins after practice 2 times a week.
I must have done at least 100 squats, 40 supermans, 1 min of planks, 1 min of bridges, and 30 medicine ball tosses on Tuesday.
Guess who has more practice and physical training tonight!
I'm literally going to die. My legs are going to give out and I will need a wheelchair.