forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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My friend was like “Jelly Bean? Why are you such an overachiever?” And I was like no I’m not. And they just hold up my Latin project essay. And the back up copy and the copy for the teacher. And the copy I made with certain highlighted areas so I could read it easily. And THAT back up copy. And now I’m laying on my bedroom floor eating candy and wondering how much paper I waste on a day to day basis.


I have to vent, I'm so damned stressed!!!!

So my first final is on saturday ad all my freaking notes are on my laptop right? My laptop screen has been going dark and basically flickering. Its pissing me off because theres nothing wrong with the laptop itself, the screen just dims to the point where I can sense that things are moving but I cant see them clearly. I'm so stressed I could cry, any advice??

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

1 Can you print off all your notes?
2 Why do you have a final on SATURDAY?????
3 Is there anything you can do to access your notes on another device?
4 Can you get it repaired?
5 WHY the fuCK do you HAVE A inAL On freAKing SATURdAY??


1 maybe not because I HAD TO USE MCFREAKING WORD
2 I'm in uni and bish dont care if Saturday is supposed to be a break day
3 probably not
4 not sure, but if I send it in, I'll get my laptop back after Christmas
5 cuz school sucks

Deleted user

shiiiit that sucks

did you have to use Microsoft?

Do you think there's any way you can sign into Microsoft on your phone then get the notes to print them out?

Deleted user

You definitely–100%– should be able to print something that you used word for. Even without saving it. :)

Or I would save all your documents onto a thumb drive and use that to transfer them to a new device.

Or save them onto google drive like others have suggested.

Deleted user

Yall I think my laptop doesnt want me to pass my classes this term

It be like that sometimes

Deleted user

Hello friends we have broken the no-cutting streak


Yeah, I'd gone six weeks but life is hell so now we're back to square one

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Eh not really. You experienced a relapse. That doesn't mean you failed, it means you had a setback. And if you get back on track it might be seven weeks until you do it again. And after that eight. Until one day you forget that you used to have a problem with it.

@Pickles group

The earbuds I just got half an hour ago and just opened are already half broken and on top of that my sister lost some of my parents money and is blaming it on me but like?? She had the bag?? How is this my fault???

Deleted user

I'm listening to a song that makes me hella homesick but I don't wanna stop

Someone tell me to stop

I'm not going home for a few years anyway

Deleted user

Remember that toxic ex-friend of mine

This bitch is telling everyone I'm faking my diagnosed knee injury

that I had surgery for