forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

Update: The ones she printed out is apparently probably people that asked her to. So that's good. Still haven't met with her yet. Another day of panic. I forgot to tell my friend, so I told her at lunch today the period before, and in a freak out, she unshared it with our teacher sooo… yeah. Doing great

On another note, I'm researching immigration and new immigration laws, and I don't really even know anything about it but I have to make a website for my project
I don't even know where to start


Update: The ones she printed out is apparently probably people that asked her to. So that's good. Still haven't met with her yet. Another day of panic. I forgot to tell my friend, so I told her at lunch today the period before, and in a freak out, she unshared it with our teacher sooo… yeah. Doing great

On another note, I'm researching immigration and new immigration laws, and I don't really even know anything about it but I have to make a website for my project
I don't even know where to start

are you in the us? if you're in canada i can help, im an immigrant

@Pickles group

I feel like im getting pneumonia for the 7th(8th?) time and me no like it
I'm just hoping it'll be like the last time where I've gotten it so many times it gets less worse compared to the previous experience (the first time i got it was the worst, when i was in SK or something and I just couldnt breathe and had to take medication but since then i havent really needed anything)

but I'm gonna wait a few days and I'll be going in for my annual checkup at the doctor's soon anyways

I just cant tell whats going on because I can't tell if the feeling is in my throat or lungs

Oof. I got pneumonia once. For three days. And then we thought I got it again a few days later, but I went to the doctor and it was just a cold


Not a vent, but…

Spoiler for The Tyrant’s Tomb below

Yeah…last night I was crying so hard my mom had to come into my room and lay down in bed with me until I calmed down.
And today I was reading during school and

I had to stop reading so I didn’t cry


Ya'll real quick I want to vent about how my mom is 5 foot 9, my dad is 5 foot 8, my brother is 6 foot 4, and I'm somehow 5 foot 4 for life.
(actually my mom read my allergy meds one time and it said may stunt growth so I'm short because I have allergies and take medication for them.)

@Pickles group

hey, I am also done growing and am very short. twinsies ew i hate myself

Playing assessment recorded and it's the best it's gonna get

@GameMaster group

Also small hands jokes. I have really small hands. Like insanely small hands.
People like to call me baby hands.

I can relate. My feet are super tiny too


My right index finger bends slightly different because my then baby brother cut it open with a pair of scissors 7 years ago and I had to get stitches

And my ring/pinkie fingers are both naturally bent inwards to the point where they practically rest on top of each other
I think the term for it is clinodactyly or something but don’t quote me on that
My pinkie finger is so crooked in fact that it actually does this small popping thing when I bend it

@Pickles group

Yesterday at guard practice we were sharing our worst injuries and I forgot th,at last year I got tendonitis and it didn't quite heal so I had to say once I got a scab on my nose when I was little and I kept picking at it and now I have a scar
I also forgot that once when I was really little I was crawling and I slipped and had to get stitches and knocked two of my teeth loose
And also that for some reason my toes crack every time I move them

@Mojack group

My worst injury was last November I think
Fell down some stairs, broke my phone on the inside (the screen wasn’t cracked somehow, but it wouldn’t turn on) but that was the least of my worries
I somewhat broke my top two adult teeth, I broke my right arm and I hurt my knees for a few months
Every now and then I get arm pain on my right arm and my two adult teeth are sensitive, my knees are fine now though luckily

Deleted user


the worst thing i have with my hands is my really bad hitchhiker's thumb (i might give a picture eventually) but it's almost a 90 degree angle and I can bend it farther without pain and it really freaks out my friends lmao

I think most of it is obviously from genetics, but also how I've been holding my flute. You're supposed to curve your thumb along the body of the flute, but apparently my stupid ass doesn't trust that, so my thumb tenses up on the body and bends it back

and because of that i have to specifically crack my thumbs at least twice a day

@saor_illust school

Ya'll real quick I want to vent about how my mom is 5 foot 9, my dad is 5 foot 8, my brother is 6 foot 4, and I'm somehow 5 foot 4 for life.
(actually my mom read my allergy meds one time and it said may stunt growth so I'm short because I have allergies and take medication for them.)

Welp, also small person here. I'm 4 foot 8.5 lol


Ya'll real quick I want to vent about how my mom is 5 foot 9, my dad is 5 foot 8, my brother is 6 foot 4, and I'm somehow 5 foot 4 for life.
(actually my mom read my allergy meds one time and it said may stunt growth so I'm short because I have allergies and take medication for them.)

Welp, also small person here. I'm 4 foot 8.5 lol

ohmygod someone smoller than me!! i'm 4' 10" at 15


Ya'll real quick I want to vent about how my mom is 5 foot 9, my dad is 5 foot 8, my brother is 6 foot 4, and I'm somehow 5 foot 4 for life.
(actually my mom read my allergy meds one time and it said may stunt growth so I'm short because I have allergies and take medication for them.)

Welp, also small person here. I'm 4 foot 8.5 lol

ohmygod someone smoller than me!! i'm 4' 10" at 15

4’ 11” I’m actually taller than someone for once