forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

I've heard of people consuming over 100 mg a day and being fine
but please don't

jesus christ this is a lot more difficult than it should be

That's the point
but seriously love ya I would cry if anything happened to any of ya'll

thanks jay
but your girl ain't doin too well

I'm sorry and I get it but is there anything I could do to help?

Now my family is home anyway
So I couldn't get away with anything

@saor_illust school

Why did I not just kill myself when I had the chance

Because we all love you too much and you should call/text a suicide hotline


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well the real reason is that you were scared. The proper reason is because just because you have these thoughts and feelings doesn't mean you should act on them. You have a disease that wants to control you and turn you into itself, like cancer. But cancer will literally kill you. Depression doesn't have to. Listen Mir. I've been on that edge. I still wish I had every blue moon. But just about every day I get up, I look around. And y'know what? It does kind of suck. But leaving it there lacks perspective. You could have a whole amazing life ahead of you. It's like that dumb story about the dude that stopped digging a foot from treasure. Your life can be a treasure. To all those around you but especially to you. Don't let a stupid brain sickness steal that from you. Maybe your right now really is that bad. (Though I doubt it is. You're probably being forced to see things through dark glasses.) But even so, you can't see your future. You can't even see the next minute. So don't give up. For all you know the beginning to an amazing life is just beneath your feet.

Deleted user



hi loves, its me, loops, back from the dead,,,
do ya'll remember mia? and how im dating her? yeah thats pretty cool but guess what
so she recently told me she feels uncomfortable with her chest even though she knows she's a cis female. i love that and support her and im smuggling her a chest binder for christmas. problem? i have zero knowledge about chest binders. some assistance please?


I don't know much about them either, sorry.
I did have one friend who used them because he was a trans male but he moved recently and he made the transition only shortly before he left.
The only thing he really said about them was he was complaining one time that his binder wasn't… binding very well? I guess just make sure it's high-quality then.

Deleted user

how much melatonin does it take to kill you

I will say this once more.

You cannot OD on melatoin.

@HighPockets group

how much melatonin does it take to kill you

I will say this once more.

You cannot OD on melatoin.

Yeah, I took 6 melatonin and I was fine
It wasn't intentional, I just forgot that I had taken it already and took more

@HighPockets group

you WHAT

I honestly can't tell if this is in response to a) taking 6 melatonin, b) chewing it up like a sweet tart, or c) taking melatonin when I was 7

Deleted user

T'sup Mir?

the sky, why lol

And taxes. How're you holding up?

my mental health is in shambles

@GameMaster group

Same actually

But I was thirteen

To be fair I checked the container like eight times and it didn't say anything about it and they were powdery so I just chewed it.

Deleted user

you WHAT

I honestly can't tell if this is in response to a) taking 6 melatonin, b) chewing it up like a sweet tart, or c) taking melatonin when I was 7




i bet sweet tarts were ruined for you forever