forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

hm i think Blurry has been trumped with the need to find the song i am referencing

so now i’m the stan queen lmao

Or I'm trying to go through all my chat notifications? XD

If you weren't referencing My Name Is, was it supposed to be My Mom?

Deleted user

hm i think Blurry has been trumped with the need to find the song i am referencing

so now i’m the stan queen lmao

Or I'm trying to go through all my chat notifications? XD

If you weren't referencing My Name Is, was it supposed to be My Mom?



Here to vent yeeAYYYY

This is gonna get long and rambly.

So I have this job thing, and while I feel genuinely grateful that I have the fortune of being able to bring in money, I also am supposed to be working only 10-15 hours a week, sine it's my first ever job. Guess how many hours I worked this week, weekend to weekend. 43 Sure, whatever, full time and a bit I get it, cry a river. But I wasn't supposed to work that, and they never let me know they needed my until the morning of, and I'd have to scrap all of my day's plans and just run because I knew they genuinely needed me, and I'm just ticked off also because I missed out on the annual family Thanksgiving get together which is literally my favorite day of the year, and I'm on my period, and that sucks for gender reasons, plus pain, plus uncomfy and I didn't get to see my counsellor this week, and one of the few adults I trusted seems like he might have sort of betrayed me (and every other teen he knows), and also I have SO MANY problems with my dad, I can't even, that's an essay on itself, but long story short, he's not home right now (hardly ever is, missed my birthday actually), and he's texting me about being careful when driving bc of the weather, yada yada and I just want him to leave me alone but no I haven't been out to ride my horses in about two weeks, and the mare I'm training won't be back until spring, and it seems like everything good in life isn't happening til next year, and I just had a long talk with an irl friend, and I feel like crying now, but i also feel like all my emotions are invalid, and man, I'm a coward for not being able to cut myself, but my knife is with that dude who might have betrayed me, and I'm a mess and I need so many things that aren't there, but above all I'm fucking FRUSTRATED. Everything makes me mad, and I don't even need to self-harm, bc I keep getting hurt on accident, my hands keep getting shut in doors, or split open, or cut on thins, or I hit my head, which is actually a trigger for my depression, and I have the shortest fuse ever, like if someone talks to me, feel like blowing up if they say even one word wrong But dad's coming home soon, (for my sisters birthday) and I'm not looking forward to having him in the house again, because I know it's just going to kick off my anger again, and God, I'm so scared for my future, sometimes I lay awake at night just in paralyzing fear thinking about everything I want to do, and how if I don't achieve this stuff, it'll literally be the end of me, but it's all so big, how can I possibly do it all? But at the same time, I am SO EXCITED for it, and those two emotions wreck my stomach up, like actual pain because of how much it's twisting I'm scared, and angry, and tired, and feel like crying and there's no one here and nothing there.


Here to vent yeeAYYYY

This is gonna get long and rambly.

So I have this job thing, and while I feel genuinely grateful that I have the fortune of being able to bring in money, I also am supposed to be working only 10-15 hours a week, sine it's my first ever job. Guess how many hours I worked this week, weekend to weekend. 43 Sure, whatever, full time and a bit I get it, cry a river. But I wasn't supposed to work that, and they never let me know they needed my until the morning of, and I'd have to scrap all of my day's plans and just run because I knew they genuinely needed me, and I'm just ticked off also because I missed out on the annual family Thanksgiving get together which is literally my favorite day of the year, and I'm on my period, and that sucks for gender reasons, plus pain, plus uncomfy and I didn't get to see my counsellor this week, and one of the few adults I trusted seems like he might have sort of betrayed me (and every other teen he knows), and also I have SO MANY problems with my dad, I can't even, that's an essay on itself, but long story short, he's not home right now (hardly ever is, missed my birthday actually), and he's texting me about being careful when driving bc of the weather, yada yada and I just want him to leave me alone but no I haven't been out to ride my horses in about two weeks, and the mare I'm training won't be back until spring, and it seems like everything good in life isn't happening til next year, and I just had a long talk with an irl friend, and I feel like crying now, but i also feel like all my emotions are invalid, and man, I'm a coward for not being able to cut myself, but my knife is with that dude who might have betrayed me, and I'm a mess and I need so many things that aren't there, but above all I'm fucking FRUSTRATED. Everything makes me mad, and I don't even need to self-harm, bc I keep getting hurt on accident, my hands keep getting shut in doors, or split open, or cut on thins, or I hit my head, which is actually a trigger for my depression, and I have the shortest fuse ever, like if someone talks to me, feel like blowing up if they say even one word wrong But dad's coming home soon, (for my sisters birthday) and I'm not looking forward to having him in the house again, because I know it's just going to kick off my anger again, and God, I'm so scared for my future, sometimes I lay awake at night just in paralyzing fear thinking about everything I want to do, and how if I don't achieve this stuff, it'll literally be the end of me, but it's all so big, how can I possibly do it all? But at the same time, I am SO EXCITED for it, and those two emotions wreck my stomach up, like actual pain because of how much it's twisting I'm scared, and angry, and tired, and feel like crying and there's no one here and nothing there.

I feel like killing/hurting myself all the time. I can relate.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Here to vent yeeAYYYY

This is gonna get long and rambly.

So I have this job thing, and while I feel genuinely grateful that I have the fortune of being able to bring in money, I also am supposed to be working only 10-15 hours a week, sine it's my first ever job. Guess how many hours I worked this week, weekend to weekend. 43 Sure, whatever, full time and a bit I get it, cry a river. But I wasn't supposed to work that, and they never let me know they needed my until the morning of, and I'd have to scrap all of my day's plans and just run because I knew they genuinely needed me, and I'm just ticked off also because I missed out on the annual family Thanksgiving get together which is literally my favorite day of the year, and I'm on my period, and that sucks for gender reasons, plus pain, plus uncomfy and I didn't get to see my counsellor this week, and one of the few adults I trusted seems like he might have sort of betrayed me (and every other teen he knows), and also I have SO MANY problems with my dad, I can't even, that's an essay on itself, but long story short, he's not home right now (hardly ever is, missed my birthday actually), and he's texting me about being careful when driving bc of the weather, yada yada and I just want him to leave me alone but no I haven't been out to ride my horses in about two weeks, and the mare I'm training won't be back until spring, and it seems like everything good in life isn't happening til next year, and I just had a long talk with an irl friend, and I feel like crying now, but i also feel like all my emotions are invalid, and man, I'm a coward for not being able to cut myself, but my knife is with that dude who might have betrayed me, and I'm a mess and I need so many things that aren't there, but above all I'm fucking FRUSTRATED. Everything makes me mad, and I don't even need to self-harm, bc I keep getting hurt on accident, my hands keep getting shut in doors, or split open, or cut on thins, or I hit my head, which is actually a trigger for my depression, and I have the shortest fuse ever, like if someone talks to me, feel like blowing up if they say even one word wrong But dad's coming home soon, (for my sisters birthday) and I'm not looking forward to having him in the house again, because I know it's just going to kick off my anger again, and God, I'm so scared for my future, sometimes I lay awake at night just in paralyzing fear thinking about everything I want to do, and how if I don't achieve this stuff, it'll literally be the end of me, but it's all so big, how can I possibly do it all? But at the same time, I am SO EXCITED for it, and those two emotions wreck my stomach up, like actual pain because of how much it's twisting I'm scared, and angry, and tired, and feel like crying and there's no one here and nothing there.

I can't give you a lot of advise. But hang in there. And not just because you have to. Do it because you know that one day you can live in a good future.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also, has anyone here ever met someone who liked the same thing or person as them but they weren't obsessed enough?

I've been the guy that found someone even more obsessed and loved it but also wanted to be as cool as said dude.


Also, has anyone here ever met someone who liked the same thing or person as them but they weren't obsessed enough?

I've been the guy that found someone even more obsessed and loved it but also wanted to be as cool as said dude.

Never had that happen

@saor_illust school

(Well first of all, thanks Dom for giving me the inspiration for this)

This isn't going to help, but that really sucks. But, like Dom said, hang in there. You're a strong person. You're brave, and you can get through this. Sometimes, it seems as if everything in life is against you (I've been there, so I feel you) but if you just hang in there, and keep going, you'll make it. Just don't give up. You've already gotten so far, and accomplished so much. And you probably already know this, but I'm going to take this moment to remind you again that we'll be here for you. We'll be waiting in the shadows to pop out and lift you up when you're down, and support you and be there when you need us.


Thank-you, so much, all of you <3

Anyone know quick tips for disassociation? I'm kinda new to it.

I have disassociation, and my main tip, though I'm not sure it'll really help you, is to find one thing to ground on. It can be really tiny, like for me, I walk barefoot a lot, and it was just the feeling of the cement under my feet. Just focus on that and nothing else. Touch is the best one for me, but whatever works for you.
My counselor says sometimes disassociation isn't bad, and you can just let it run its course. I can at least, I don't know if everyone can do that

@GameMaster group

Thank-you, so much, all of you <3

Anyone know quick tips for disassociation? I'm kinda new to it.

I have disassociation, and my main tip, though I'm not sure it'll really help you, is to find one thing to ground on. It can be really tiny, like for me, I walk barefoot a lot, and it was just the feeling of the cement under my feet. Just focus on that and nothing else. Touch is the best one for me, but whatever works for you.
My counselor says sometimes disassociation isn't bad, and you can just let it run its course. I can at least, I don't know if everyone can do that

I don't hate it as much as straight up depression but it's very distracting to be questioning my existence during science tests. My counselor gave me some tricks that kinda work but they take a while.


Here to vent yeeAYYYY

This is gonna get long and rambly.

So I have this job thing, and while I feel genuinely grateful that I have the fortune of being able to bring in money, I also am supposed to be working only 10-15 hours a week, sine it's my first ever job. Guess how many hours I worked this week, weekend to weekend. 43 Sure, whatever, full time and a bit I get it, cry a river. But I wasn't supposed to work that, and they never let me know they needed my until the morning of, and I'd have to scrap all of my day's plans and just run because I knew they genuinely needed me, and I'm just ticked off also because I missed out on the annual family Thanksgiving get together which is literally my favorite day of the year, and I'm on my period, and that sucks for gender reasons, plus pain, plus uncomfy and I didn't get to see my counsellor this week, and one of the few adults I trusted seems like he might have sort of betrayed me (and every other teen he knows), and also I have SO MANY problems with my dad, I can't even, that's an essay on itself, but long story short, he's not home right now (hardly ever is, missed my birthday actually), and he's texting me about being careful when driving bc of the weather, yada yada and I just want him to leave me alone but no I haven't been out to ride my horses in about two weeks, and the mare I'm training won't be back until spring, and it seems like everything good in life isn't happening til next year, and I just had a long talk with an irl friend, and I feel like crying now, but i also feel like all my emotions are invalid, and man, I'm a coward for not being able to cut myself, but my knife is with that dude who might have betrayed me, and I'm a mess and I need so many things that aren't there, but above all I'm fucking FRUSTRATED. Everything makes me mad, and I don't even need to self-harm, bc I keep getting hurt on accident, my hands keep getting shut in doors, or split open, or cut on thins, or I hit my head, which is actually a trigger for my depression, and I have the shortest fuse ever, like if someone talks to me, feel like blowing up if they say even one word wrong But dad's coming home soon, (for my sisters birthday) and I'm not looking forward to having him in the house again, because I know it's just going to kick off my anger again, and God, I'm so scared for my future, sometimes I lay awake at night just in paralyzing fear thinking about everything I want to do, and how if I don't achieve this stuff, it'll literally be the end of me, but it's all so big, how can I possibly do it all? But at the same time, I am SO EXCITED for it, and those two emotions wreck my stomach up, like actual pain because of how much it's twisting I'm scared, and angry, and tired, and feel like crying and there's no one here and nothing there.

I can offer three things, one ,my understanding. I can very very much understand where you're coming from Long day's fallowed up by stressful home life and happiness that seems just out of reach. Felling useless, hopeless, and empty all while being angry at everything, especially your self, I've been there and it's a really dark place to be. I completely understand how that feels.
Two, words of advise. When I was in that spot I know the things that helped me get out of bed in the morning were the simplest of things. I have to get up so I can take care of my cat, I have to get up so my sister doesn't have to stress out over me, I have to stay alive because I don't want my Mom to have to plan a funeral for another kid. Find your "I have to get up" There is always one if you look for it. Find a reason to be alive and keep moving forward and cling to it, keep going.
Three, My support and my ears, I'll listen if you ever need to just let it all out.


Here to vent yeeAYYYY

This is gonna get long and rambly.

So I have this job thing, and while I feel genuinely grateful that I have the fortune of being able to bring in money, I also am supposed to be working only 10-15 hours a week, sine it's my first ever job. Guess how many hours I worked this week, weekend to weekend. 43 Sure, whatever, full time and a bit I get it, cry a river. But I wasn't supposed to work that, and they never let me know they needed my until the morning of, and I'd have to scrap all of my day's plans and just run because I knew they genuinely needed me, and I'm just ticked off also because I missed out on the annual family Thanksgiving get together which is literally my favorite day of the year, and I'm on my period, and that sucks for gender reasons, plus pain, plus uncomfy and I didn't get to see my counsellor this week, and one of the few adults I trusted seems like he might have sort of betrayed me (and every other teen he knows), and also I have SO MANY problems with my dad, I can't even, that's an essay on itself, but long story short, he's not home right now (hardly ever is, missed my birthday actually), and he's texting me about being careful when driving bc of the weather, yada yada and I just want him to leave me alone but no I haven't been out to ride my horses in about two weeks, and the mare I'm training won't be back until spring, and it seems like everything good in life isn't happening til next year, and I just had a long talk with an irl friend, and I feel like crying now, but i also feel like all my emotions are invalid, and man, I'm a coward for not being able to cut myself, but my knife is with that dude who might have betrayed me, and I'm a mess and I need so many things that aren't there, but above all I'm fucking FRUSTRATED. Everything makes me mad, and I don't even need to self-harm, bc I keep getting hurt on accident, my hands keep getting shut in doors, or split open, or cut on thins, or I hit my head, which is actually a trigger for my depression, and I have the shortest fuse ever, like if someone talks to me, feel like blowing up if they say even one word wrong But dad's coming home soon, (for my sisters birthday) and I'm not looking forward to having him in the house again, because I know it's just going to kick off my anger again, and God, I'm so scared for my future, sometimes I lay awake at night just in paralyzing fear thinking about everything I want to do, and how if I don't achieve this stuff, it'll literally be the end of me, but it's all so big, how can I possibly do it all? But at the same time, I am SO EXCITED for it, and those two emotions wreck my stomach up, like actual pain because of how much it's twisting I'm scared, and angry, and tired, and feel like crying and there's no one here and nothing there.

I can offer three things, one ,my understanding. I can very very much understand where you're coming from Long day's fallowed up by stressful home life and happiness that seems just out of reach. Felling useless, hopeless, and empty all while being angry at everything, especially your self, I've been there and it's a really dark place to be. I completely understand how that feels.
Two, words of advise. When I was in that spot I know the things that helped me get out of bed in the morning were the simplest of things. I have to get up so I can take care of my cat, I have to get up so my sister doesn't have to stress out over me, I have to stay alive because I don't want my Mom to have to plan a funeral for another kid. Find your "I have to get up" There is always one if you look for it. Find a reason to be alive and keep moving forward and cling to it, keep going.
Three, My support and my ears, I'll listen if you ever need to just let it all out.

Thanks, that means a lot to me

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Petty vent here.
I have a 3DS. I have had it since 2014, it's served me well, I've played it a ton, I have a good collection of games for it. I love playing with it! I have taken it to granparent's houses, to libraries, out and about everywhere, to friend's places, ect.
In short, I was beginning to think it was indestructable, (Because, no, I haven't exactly been gentle..)
So, this weekend, hoping to play a ton and y'know, do stuff, I find out that the hinge side of it is cracked, and every time I close it there is a cracked peice that comes out. Like, it's not broken yet, but the way the cracks are forming, it will break, and there's nothing I can do about it, and it makes me SAD.

@Mojack group

I've felt like shit these past few weeks, I've tried taking breaks over and over but nothing works anymore. I've wanted to kill myself at least 5 times these past few weeks but don't worry about little old me, I don't have the resources or guts to try anything. It's just made me feel like shit is all, and I'm going to keep getting up, but I'm not sure how much more I can take because it's been going on for a few months now and this is the first time I'm making a vent for it. I've had a hunch of having some sort of depression, but I really hate self-diagnosis so I'm not gonna officially say I have anything. i dont have the guts to admit anything either. i dont know how to ask for help anymore. this is just affecting my personal life at this point. its affecting how i sleep. maybe lack of sleep might have to do it, but god- i dont really know. just a few more weeks until christmas break and maybe i can recover. but i dont know. i jus really dont know.

@Pickles group

I've felt like shit these past few weeks, I've tried taking breaks over and over but nothing works anymore. I've wanted to kill myself at least 5 times these past few weeks but don't worry about little old me, I don't have the resources or guts to try anything. It's just made me feel like shit is all, and I'm going to keep getting up, but I'm not sure how much more I can take because it's been going on for a few months now and this is the first time I'm making a vent for it. I've had a hunch of having some sort of depression, but I really hate self-diagnosis so I'm not gonna officially say I have anything. i dont have the guts to admit anything either. i dont know how to ask for help anymore. this is just affecting my personal life at this point. its affecting how i sleep. maybe lack of sleep might have to do it, but god- i dont really know. just a few more weeks until christmas break and maybe i can recover. but i dont know. i jus really dont know.

buddy I know it's hard, but you have to tell someone

@Pickles group

I don't understand why girls put their hair in a messy bun so high that it flops onto their forehead?? Like?? What? Do you think that's cute because it's not??? You look fucking stupid