forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

you WHAT

I honestly can't tell if this is in response to a) taking 6 melatonin, b) chewing it up like a sweet tart, or c) taking melatonin when I was 7




i bet sweet tarts were ruined for you forever

Nah, I'm still nomming my leftover sweet tarts from Halloween.
It wasn't that bad, just chalky

Deleted user

T'sup Mir?

the sky, why lol

And taxes. How're you holding up?

my mental health is in shambles

I thought so. Remember what I said. Hang in there.

We'll see how things go.

@saor_illust school

Wow, I was spot on. I literally spent a half hour writing this. I'm really glad I dedicated this time to write the letter to ruby. as i said earlier in my pm to ruby, i'll be posting the letter here because i really want to make sure she gets this. if i'm being honest, i couldn't bear it if… if anyone of you took your own lives… sorry about that… just needed to get that out in the open
but here it is, the letter

Dear Ruby,

Rachel tells me she’s worried about you. I’m not going to go into detail about anything she said, but… just like I did for Shuri, I’m going to write a nice long letter to you. A serious one. Let’s touch on a couple of things briefly for a bit, one of which I want to say is that we will miss you if you go. That’s right, you heard me right. Actually, you read that correctly, but whatever. In addition, I’d like you to know that absolutely none of this letter is drafted or edited. Everything in this letter comes straight from the heart, and… I’m writing this letter to tell you to please don’t leave this world, please don’t end your life. I’m really glad you confessed to me over PMs today. Thank you for that courage. And thanks for opening up to Rachel about your feelings. That’s good, now I can write you a nice big letter about why you shouldn’t end your life.

You’re important, you’re very special . You’re a very special person, Ruby. It’s important that you know that. And I’m not writing this out of pity, or because I’m simply trying to cheer you up. No, I want to make sure that you hang on, and remain a part of this world as long as possible, to not give up, to keep pushing through. And though things may seem bleak, rough, like everything and everyone in life is against you, you’re at the very bottom of the hole. That might not seem like a good thing, but in one way, and one way only it is a good thing. It means you can’t fall any further. The only direction to go is up. And you can make it, you can crawl out of the hole that you’ve fallen into. You can get back up and dust yourself off, ready to face life again. And let me remind you of one thing – life isn’t always fair. Sometimes it’s mean, sometimes it’s nice. But.. no matter how mean or evil or terrible or intolerable life is being, don’t give up. Instead, fight back. Let me pull one of the few things I know about history and use it as an example to show you.

The American Revolution. Really, there were only two different sides in this revolt. The British, and the American Colonists. Nevermind the reasons behind why Britain was heavily taxing the colonists and passing all sorts of laws, pretend that the whole side of Britain represents life. And you, are the colonists, silently taking the beating life is giving you. No. Eventually you want to give up. But take a lesson from the colonist – if someone is being unfair, fight back. Take control of your life again, tell life to back off. It’s your life, you get to control how it goes. It doesn’t mean you should suffer like this. You’re an amazing person, and in your own way, you are like a miracle for me. A bright bubble full of hope, and understanding. And when you leave this world, that bubble pops, and the darkness floods over me again, leaving me alone, with my small light to guide me through this harsh world we’re all forced to live in.

Now, I don’t want to make you feel bad or anything, but lets focus on the positive aspects of your character. You’re a wonderful person, and you bring understanding into my life, you help me figure out, bit by bit how to comfort a friend. And it’s because I write these inspiring words to you guys, in an attempt to keep you from leaving this world, to stay with us for a little while longer. God, that sounds so selfish now. That I wish to keep you on this world so I can be with you guys, and talk with you guys a little while longer. I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. I’d hate if you left this world. My world would shatter. It would become chaotic, full of discord.

I know you ‘ve been through a lot, and that really sucks. But the past is the past. There’s not much we can do about it. You’re an amazing, awesome, and special, and a unique person and … that makes you human. Yeah, not only that but mistakes, small mishaps, they shape your life. They make you who you are. To put it simply, it’s what makes you you. And there’s nothing, absolutely nothing about you that I’d like to change about you specifically. Except, for your home life, your family situation. Of course I want you out of there, into a place where you’re loved, comforted, and given the proper attention that you need. Because I can’t go over there to Australia to give you a hug, although I wish I could I really do. And you’re not always going to be on Notebook, and that’s fine. That just means I won’t always be able to reach you. And that doesn’t always work out, but that’s okay. You have your life, I have mine. I just want this to reach you in time… I want to let you know that you’re a very special person. We’re very lucky to have you in our lives, and we hope that you can continue to stay in our lives.

Sorry, I should probably close this letter up now. I probably delved too deep didn’t I? Sorry again. If you leave this letter with one thing, let it be that you’re an amazing person and you need to fight back against everything that Life suddenly decides to throw your way. God, I don’t even know how much time has passed while writing this. Maybe a half hour? I don’t really know, but whatever it was, it was definitely worth it. Anything for you, for Mir, for Shuri. You guys are my online family, and I’m determined to protect you guys, to give you strength when times get hard, to lift you up when you need it. Please stay in this world, for us. We care about you. Just let it sink in…


@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Dear Ruby,

Rachel tells me she’s worried about you. I’m not going to go into detail about anything she said, but… just like I did for Shuri, I’m going to write a nice long letter to you. A serious one. Let’s touch on a couple of things briefly for a bit, one of which I want to say is that we will miss you if you go. That’s right, you heard me right. Actually, you read that correctly, but whatever. In addition, I’d like you to know that absolutely none of this letter is drafted or edited. Everything in this letter comes straight from the heart, and… I’m writing this letter to tell you to please don’t leave this world, please don’t end your life. I’m really glad you confessed to me over PMs today. Thank you for that courage. And thanks for opening up to Rachel about your feelings. That’s good, now I can write you a nice big letter about why you shouldn’t end your life.

You’re important, you’re very special . You’re a very special person, Ruby. It’s important that you know that. And I’m not writing this out of pity, or because I’m simply trying to cheer you up. No, I want to make sure that you hang on, and remain a part of this world as long as possible, to not give up, to keep pushing through. And though things may seem bleak, rough, like everything and everyone in life is against you, you’re at the very bottom of the hole. That might not seem like a good thing, but in one way, and one way only it is a good thing. It means you can’t fall any further. The only direction to go is up. And you can make it, you can crawl out of the hole that you’ve fallen into. You can get back up and dust yourself off, ready to face life again. And let me remind you of one thing – life isn’t always fair. Sometimes it’s mean, sometimes it’s nice. But.. no matter how mean or evil or terrible or intolerable life is being, don’t give up. Instead, fight back. Let me pull one of the few things I know about history and use it as an example to show you.

The American Revolution. Really, there were only two different sides in this revolt. The British, and the American Colonists. Nevermind the reasons behind why Britain was heavily taxing the colonists and passing all sorts of laws, pretend that the whole side of Britain represents life. And you, are the colonists, silently taking the beating life is giving you. No. Eventually you want to give up. But take a lesson from the colonist – if someone is being unfair, fight back. Take control of your life again, tell life to back off. It’s your life, you get to control how it goes. It doesn’t mean you should suffer like this. You’re an amazing person, and in your own way, you are like a miracle for me. A bright bubble full of hope, and understanding. And when you leave this world, that bubble pops, and the darkness floods over me again, leaving me alone, with my small light to guide me through this harsh world we’re all forced to live in.

Now, I don’t want to make you feel bad or anything, but lets focus on the positive aspects of your character. You’re a wonderful person, and you bring understanding into my life, you help me figure out, bit by bit how to comfort a friend. And it’s because I write these inspiring words to you guys, in an attempt to keep you from leaving this world, to stay with us for a little while longer. God, that sounds so selfish now. That I wish to keep you on this world so I can be with you guys, and talk with you guys a little while longer. I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. I’d hate if you left this world. My world would shatter. It would become chaotic, full of discord.

I know you ‘ve been through a lot, and that really sucks. But the past is the past. There’s not much we can do about it. You’re an amazing, awesome, and special, and a unique person and … that makes you human. Yeah, not only that but mistakes, small mishaps, they shape your life. They make you who you are. To put it simply, it’s what makes you you. And there’s nothing, absolutely nothing about you that I’d like to change about you specifically. Except, for your home life, your family situation. Of course I want you out of there, into a place where you’re loved, comforted, and given the proper attention that you need. Because I can’t go over there to Australia to give you a hug, although I wish I could I really do. And you’re not always going to be on Notebook, and that’s fine. That just means I won’t always be able to reach you. And that doesn’t always work out, but that’s okay. You have your life, I have mine. I just want this to reach you in time… I want to let you know that you’re a very special person. We’re very lucky to have you in our lives, and we hope that you can continue to stay in our lives.

Sorry, I should probably close this letter up now. I probably delved too deep didn’t I? Sorry again. If you leave this letter with one thing, let it be that you’re an amazing person and you need to fight back against everything that Life suddenly decides to throw your way. God, I don’t even know how much time has passed while writing this. Maybe a half hour? I don’t really know, but whatever it was, it was definitely worth it. Anything for you, for Mir, for Shuri. You guys are my online family, and I’m determined to protect you guys, to give you strength when times get hard, to lift you up when you need it. Please stay in this world, for us. We care about you. Just let it sink in…



@Pickles group

We have a playing assessment in band that's due tomorrow and I haven't even practiced that part yet ahhhhhhhh
I really don't want to go down

@Mojack group

I feel like im getting pneumonia for the 7th(8th?) time and me no like it
I'm just hoping it'll be like the last time where I've gotten it so many times it gets less worse compared to the previous experience (the first time i got it was the worst, when i was in SK or something and I just couldnt breathe and had to take medication but since then i havent really needed anything)

but I'm gonna wait a few days and I'll be going in for my annual checkup at the doctor's soon anyways

I just cant tell whats going on because I can't tell if the feeling is in my throat or lungs