forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Fun fact my school is against gay. Another fun fact jack that my best friend at this school is bi. Another fun fact is that her ex at this school is also Bi. Another fun fact is that I feel like I’m hiding Jews from nazis. Another fun fact is that my bi friend taped the bi flag to her locker and nobody noticed. Another fun fact is that we have a group chat called the secret Covenant Gay Society.

@Pickles group

on a similar note, my school has a "gay straight alliance club" and they have posters and it says "inclusion" on it and the letters are different pride flags and the "U" I think is supposed to be the asexual flag but if it is, it's wrong and I don't want to fully say it is because im not sure if that's what it's supposed to be but…


  1. My first volleyball practice for the season was today and this season we're doing 30 min of physical training after practice so my legs are officially noodles.
  2. I have a feeling that my friend isn't quite alright rn but he's not really responding either because he's busy or he's trying not to talk to me because he knows he'll have to talk about something that happened in gym and also maybe after-school because we made a deal.

Deleted user

  1. I have a feeling that my friend isn't quite alright rn but he's not really responding either because he's busy or he's trying not to talk to me because he knows he'll have to talk about something that happened in gym and also maybe after-school because we made a deal.

It be like that sometimes
Give him time <3

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Fun fact my school is against gay. Another fun fact jack that my best friend at this school is bi. Another fun fact is that her ex at this school is also Bi. Another fun fact is that I feel like I’m hiding Jews from nazis. Another fun fact is that my bi friend taped the bi flag to her locker and nobody noticed. Another fun fact is that we have a group chat called the secret Covenant Gay Society.

Just gonna be that asshole and say it isn't even comparable.

@GameMaster group

The LGBT club at my school is a joke. For one, I'm the only LGBT student in it and I'm only an honorary member because I chose D&D over it. They also don't seem to understand that nobody at our school gets bullied for being LBGT. The students really need to be educated because most of them don't even know what it means to be pansexual but the teachers guiding the club don't seem to get it.

Deleted user

Fun fact my school is against gay. Another fun fact jack that my best friend at this school is bi. Another fun fact is that her ex at this school is also Bi. Another fun fact is that I feel like I’m hiding Jews from nazis. Another fun fact is that my bi friend taped the bi flag to her locker and nobody noticed. Another fun fact is that we have a group chat called the secret Covenant Gay Society.

Just gonna be that asshole and say it isn't even comparable.

yeah i’m gonna have to agree there ^

Deleted user

Fun fact my school is against gay. Another fun fact jack that my best friend at this school is bi. Another fun fact is that her ex at this school is also Bi. Another fun fact is that I feel like I’m hiding Jews from nazis. Another fun fact is that my bi friend taped the bi flag to her locker and nobody noticed. Another fun fact is that we have a group chat called the secret Covenant Gay Society.

Just gonna be that asshole and say it isn't even comparable.

yeah i’m gonna have to agree there ^

Same here ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Deleted user

nudges Jyn woho there’s some tension hanging out between these two

Deleted user


not what the gif was for. I can be frustrated about things other than what you say miriam.


Hey guy's, Just a reminder that we would like to stay tolerant of each other in this chat. The previous one was pulled partly because of insensitive and unkind remarks and we would like to keep this one from having the same problem. If you have an argument to fight out please consider taking it to PM's. This Chat is supposed to be a safe place for people to get their vent's rants and emotions out, feel support and get advise. We can't keep up that safe place if we have negativity. (If I have completely misread this situation I very much apologize)

Deleted user


not what the gif was for. I can be frustrated about things other than what you say miriam.

What was it for then?

Deleted user

There was no situation. Miriam just misunderstood what my gif was for.

Deleted user


not what the gif was for. I can be frustrated about things other than what you say miriam.

What was it for then?

at that moment I was frustrated about the fact that my computer was wigging out. Idk why but it kept disconnecting from the wifi.

Deleted user

I have a vent and y'all are gonna listen to it
My mental health has honestly been shit lately. I use all my energy trying to generate more energy. I only want to be alone, but when I am alone I only get worse. I can't do anything right and I have lost all ability to feel joy. I'm taking my meds but they're not helping. I'm just fucking dying and nobody is noticing.


Ever since I decided to actually take a step towards getting better by talking to others about my problems, it’s like half the people I care about and look up do have stopped taking me seriously

They’ll tell me all these kind things as if they really care and then proceed to tear me down even further-
I know they aren’t trying to, they really do just want the best for me, but at the same time, if you really want the best for me then why won’t you listen? Can you not at least try to understand?
I don’t need to “just grow up” —well, yeah I do- but that’s not going to change these things
There’s something wrong with my brain, I don’t know what exactly, but it’s not something that just goes away in an instant and you most definitely aren’t helping

And while not a lot of people at all have been reacting this way towards the depression itself, they most definitely have been towards my sudden fear

I think I might have genophobia/whatever it’s called I don’t know ok

And while I know it’s common for younger humans to be uncomfortable with such a topic, this is more than just discomfort, this is full on panic, headaches, nightmares, and tears.
I’ve told you that before, and you always react so sympathetic as if you actually believe me, like you really do care-
But if you really care then why didn’t you prove it?
Stop making jokes you know I’m not okay with, stop telling me I’ll change my mind when I’m older, stop trying to put me in uncomfortable situations, and please, please just try to take me seriously…

I‘m so sick of this…

I was hoping by talking to people I’d at least find someone who would understand, even one person, but now I just feel so alone-

is there anyone out there? anyone?

…And so that complete block of nonsense text and contradicting statements that changes tenses like 1000 times and written by someone with no sleep is why I hate humans today.