forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


That makes me think of this one girl who obviously did fake her breaking her foot because she had ten different stories about what happened and how, switched feet, sat on her supposedly injured foot, wore heels, told us she didn't have a boot because the ER was closed, and told us it didn't hurt while she was wearing heels and sitting on it because she was on antibiotics.

Deleted user

The fuck? Why???

I don't know????? Like, do you think I faked the frickin surgery or what???? The only one with enough time on her hands to do that is her

Honestly I just need my girl's sweatshirt and some hugs


Can someone just talk to me for a bit? About anything? I feel so fucking miserable, possibly more than I’ve ever felt in my life, and I’m in desperate need of company, please, someone, anyone-

Deleted user

Can someone just talk to me for a bit? About anything? I feel so fucking miserable, possibly more than I’ve ever felt in my life, and I’m in desperate need of company, please, someone, anyone-

Hey, Ella. I'm here.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Reeee I really need to vent.

So in math, we were learning about some stuff and then our teacher was like, No talking but also here's like five problems, really easy. also don't do this one specific problem unless you have time. now since it's also wednesday, we only had half an hour to do this. now i know what you're thinking, that shouldn't be too hard, right? but no. i didn't really understand half of it, and the teacher kind of just came over to help when i asked, but then after like three seconds, he abandoned me and i got a bit upset because i didn't understand it at all. on top of that, it was also graded. so in total, my grade in math is probably going to drop because of a stupid assignment.

And because of what sounds like an incompetent teacher.

Deleted user

i have an incompetent algebra II teacher and with her help i’m gonna fail the fuckin SAT

whenever someone asks a question she just repeats what she first taught without giving examples or like, any other explanation and it sucks

why do math teachers have to be the annoying ones? Literally math is probably the easiest shit to teach

Deleted user

Math teachers are all secretly cops and you can't change my mind

Deleted user

if they’re all secretly cops we’re all fucking screwed for the safety of our country

my geo teacher dumpster dives and it’s rumored he smokes weed on his planning

@Moxie group

Can someone just talk to me for a bit? About anything? I feel so fucking miserable, possibly more than I’ve ever felt in my life, and I’m in desperate need of company, please, someone, anyone-

I'm a little late but I'm here too
Have you had water kiddo? (if you don't want me to call you that, I won't, its just what I call my sister and she's your age)


Can someone just talk to me for a bit? About anything? I feel so fucking miserable, possibly more than I’ve ever felt in my life, and I’m in desperate need of company, please, someone, anyone-

I'm a little late but I'm here too
Have you had water kiddo? (if you don't want me to call you that, I won't, its just what I call my sister and she's your age)

I haven’t had a lot of water if I’m being honest, like a few sips here and there
I am feeling a bit better though, not great but better.
and you can call me just about anything, I really don’t mind

@Moxie group

Try having like a whole glass of water if you can

Did you eat today?

okay coolio I’m doing that. let me know if you change your mind


Try having like a whole glass of water if you can


Did you eat today?

Unfortunately, yes
Like 5-6 servings worth of food in one day and no I’m not happy about that at all

okay coolio I’m doing that. let me know if you change your mind

will do