forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

nah that’s just conditioning lmao

get through it [person of any gender]


Ok so, my drama teacher tried to say I was watching YouTube on iPad during school today. She said I was watching some Minecraft video, when in reality, After she took the iPad me and this one kid were talking about a video like that. And my mother believes her cuz she will take anything to use against me. Cuz’ I guess I forgot to mention, when my mother not treating me like a 12 y/o, she’s treating me like shit. she’ll yell at me like crazy. She blows everything out of proportion. Now she says woult get any of my stuff back till’ Way Way After Christmas. Which includes my computer and my phone the only ways I can get to the internet and actually do stuff. The good news is I have a old phone that can connect to the internet (it doesn’t have data tho). Bad new is I don’t know where it is cuz’ she took it cuz’ she ‘needed an back up phone’ (it can’t do calls or text), so I don’t know where it is. Also she says from tomorrow on she will make me sit so she can see the iPad at all times. Which means after school I can’t rant to you guys. And I’ve already gotten in trouble by being on this website at school. And the reason why I need the internet is if I’m on it more, I’m not downstairs that much, thus not getting yelled at as much. And I told her that before and she acted like she believed me, but she was really lying.


What even is the point of a phone if you can't call or text??

It’s my old phone and the phone number was moved over to my new phone. Except my phone broke and I haven’t gotten a replacement back from my uncle.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

OMG, parents suck..

Yeah well she decides to yell at me for every little thing. Honestly I’m starting to not feel safe with her

If you're not feeling safe with her you need to talk to someone about it, (Not just here) ASAP

Deleted user

I am finally happy

And the cat is nice too :)

Deleted user

i've had the worst week ever…

What happened?

so many things…


OMG, parents suck..

Yeah well she decides to yell at me for every little thing. Honestly I’m starting to not feel safe with her

If you're not feeling safe with her you need to talk to someone about it, (Not just here) ASAP

Well I can’t talk to school councilors about it cuz’ they’ll just go to her. And andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) (her boyfriend) says that’s not how it works.
I’m really considering trying to graduate a year early so I can got to collage quicker.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Why would they go to her when she's the problem???
Do you have access to anything else? A teacher you trust? A social worker maybe? Friend's parent?


Ok so actually practice wasn't that bad but conditioning sucked and I really hope I can convince my mom to let me not go to school tomorrow because I know I won't be able to even walk and if I go to school tomorrow all of my friends will push me around and hit me and it will just get worse.

Deleted user

Language warning

Some fucking bitches, honestly. And mental health is honestly too hard to keep up with, like, do you know the energy it takes to even smile?? I'm supposed to be okay. I'm supposed to be happy now, and sometimes I am, but I'm not alright, and nobody even notices.
There's another situation but I don't know how to describe the main point without giving away too much about my personal life