forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

guys, we have to kill one of rubys guys friends.

one of the persecutors switched out and was really distraught and went to him for help. when ruby switched back out, this friend was really fucking rude to them and basically said that they we’re really angry at what the persecutor had said and that he needed time to process it. ruby was terrified and they kept getting yelled at by this friend. i’m currently trying to cool the situation down but honestly, fuck it! he shouldn’t say shit like what he didn’t to ruby and he will pay for it! - nina

Deleted user

Honestly I just had such a good night

When Miriam gets hyper she gets hyper

My face literally hurts from smiling so much

And I've honestly laughed so much over the past few hours

"Still chunky but funky"


I'm sure she'll be okay. We think she might have pneumonia, but we know she at least has a respiratory infection, ear infections, and eye infections. We took her to the vet yesterday where they gave her a shot for the respiratory stuff and flushed her ears, and we've been doing eye drops at home. The quacking was new today and we already had an appointment scheduled for the other kitten tomorrow, so we're taking her too

@TeamMezzo group

guys, we have to kill one of rubys guys friends.

one of the persecutors switched out and was really distraught and went to him for help. when ruby switched back out, this friend was really fucking rude to them and basically said that they we’re really angry at what the persecutor had said and that he needed time to process it. ruby was terrified and they kept getting yelled at by this friend. i’m currently trying to cool the situation down but honestly, fuck it! he shouldn’t say shit like what he didn’t to ruby and he will pay for it! - nina

pming you with ideas on how to deal with this bitch

Deleted user

Remind me not to do workouts like the one I did yesterday ever again because I can barely move I'm so sore

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Guys, I just broke a deal with my friend and he doesn't know yet but I feel really bad what do I do

If you ask me (which isn't the best idea) I say just tell him you broke the deal. I'm sure he'd appreciate the honesty rather than you holding onto it and making him believe you never broke it. I think that the best option is to tell the truth, apologise, and try your best to move on from it.

But, idk. That's just me.

@Pickles group

Guys, I just broke a deal with my friend and he doesn't know yet but I feel really bad what do I do

If you ask me (which isn't the best idea) I say just tell him you broke the deal. I'm sure he'd appreciate the honesty rather than you holding onto it and making him believe you never broke it. I think that the best option is to tell the truth, apologise, and try your best to move on from it.

But, idk. That's just me.



OK but if I tell him that a lot of questioning will follow because the deal was to not lie when the other asks if they're ok and I'm a little down right now but I didn't want to worry him so I said I was fine but it really wasn't a big deal and if I tell him now he'll be extra worried.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

OK but if I tell him that a lot of questioning will follow because the deal was to not lie when the other asks if they're ok and I'm a little down right now but I didn't want to worry him so I said I was fine but it really wasn't a big deal and if I tell him now he'll be extra worried.

Then just tell him that. Just tell him that you are feeling slightly out of it, tell him what's wrong even. It might make you feel better and help him worry less. I'm sure that he wouldn't mind worrying if it meant he could help out a friend in need. I don't think that someone would be all like "sO yOu WerEn'T okAY? YoU lIEd? wE cAn'T bE frIEnDS anYmORe!" I think that they would just be concerned for you. Besides, as my school psychologist once said, "If you are not worried or stressed at all, you're probably dead." Let someone stress over you, it'll be alright. Also, if you ever (for any reason) feel like you don't have anyone that you can trust, I'm always here. (Feel free to PM me) ;)


Guys, I just broke a deal with my friend and he doesn't know yet but I feel really bad what do I do

So, i'm a little late to the party, but my friend and I have a code word for when we're not doing great but we can't/don't want to talk about it for whatever reason. Then we tell why we'll be okay, and hopefully follow up later after we're feeling better with what had us down. It's helped us a lot, and I thought you might be interested in it?

Deleted user


Deleted user